After watching "Iron Man" a dozen times, I found out that Marvel had planned everything.

The legend of the Marvel Cinematic Universe began in 2008 with Jon Feiru's "Iron Man 1", and reached its peak in 2018's "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4", and then "Spider-Man: Heroes Expedition" "Successfully concluded this great chapter.

Although Thanos wiped out half of the population of the universe, the surviving superheroes came up with a plan. They used "time travel" to reverse this unexpected event.

However, disrupting time and space has consequences.

After experiencing the biggest battle to date in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man made the biggest sacrifice.

hit a "snap finger" with a glove studded with infinite gems, ending Thanos' invasion.

Of course, even if Iron Man is wearing a battle armor, he cannot control the power of infinite gems.

Since Robert Downey Jr. announced that "Avengers 4" is his last Marvel movie, I have been preparing for the departure of Iron Man, but I did not expect this genius, billionaire, and playboy. , Philanthropists will sacrifice themselves in order to save the world.

However, after watching the Marvel series more than ten times, I discovered that Marvel has been revealing clues about the sacrifice of Iron Man. The

arc reactor can absorb energy. The

"Iron Man" series shows us the beginning of Tony Stark as a superhero, including the origin of his armor.

When he was captured by terrorists, Ethan, the doctor who was locked up with him, implanted an electromagnet in his chest to prevent shrapnel fragments from entering the chest cavity and injuring the heart.

Later, Tony and Ethan jointly developed the first-generation Iron Man armor "MK1" and a small arc reactor.

was the scene where Tony and Ethan were building an arc reactor that caught my attention.

Ethan pointed out that the energy produced by the arc reactor can make Tony’s heart beat for "50 lifetimes." Tony replied: "Or let some big guy jump for 15 minutes."

After that, Tony has been improving the armor and the arc reactor. , So that the arc reactor can absorb energy and spread it on the armor.

And Doctor Strange also knows that Tony's technique makes him the only one capable of handling the power of unlimited gems.

Iron Man’s previous sacrifices

all superheroes are counted, and it seems that only Tony Stark has a complete growth path.

In these 10 years, he has changed from a billionaire who always takes his self-centeredness to a true hero and leader.

Of course, all of this was not done overnight.

Iron Man is on the verge of death in almost every movie, but his most important moment, which is also a clue to his fate in "Reunion 4", is at the end of "Reunion 1."

At the end of the film, Iron Man intercepted the nuclear missile launched by the "World Security Council" and brought it through the wormhole to Zeitari's space fleet.

then lost energy in the armor, and Iron Man fell from the wormhole, but was fortunately rescued by the Hulk.

This is the first time the audience has seen Iron Man risking his life to save the world, but this incident also produced serious sequelae to him.

Considering that this is only the early stage of the Marvel movie universe, so Marvel is obviously preparing a bigger sacrifice for Iron Man.

's "Final Battle" in "Reunion 2" was revealed when

"Reunion 2" was criticized collectively by the audience when it was released, but it was finally perfectly integrated with "Reunion 3".

Facts have proved that the first mention of "Endgame" was in "Reunion 2".

When discussing Ultron’s attack on the Avengers Tower, Tony told the other Avengers, “We are the Avengers. We can fight arms dealers all day long, but that is the last game.”

He is right, their biggest The threat is not on Earth, but from outer space. It is Thanos and his army.

At the beginning of the film, he also saw the vision given to him by the Scarlet Witch.

is in the illusion, he sees other Avengers die after alien invasion. In the

illusion, there is a line from Captain America that has been haunting Tony, that is, "You could have saved us."

In the end, Tony saved them and the rest of the world, the only oneAn avenger who died in battle.

Iron Man suffered frequent injuries to his left arm.

Iron Man suffered a lot of injuries, but his left arm was injured many times. This is particularly evident in "Spiderman: Homecoming".

You can see him holding his wrist constantly, as if to relieve the pain, and sometimes even shivering. This detail of

makes me believe that Tony will use Infinite Gloves.

Facts have proved that I was right, only with the right hand.

These details are either coincidence, or the screenwriter forgot and challenged right-handers instead. These details are very interesting, whether it is a coincidence or the Russell brothers’ special attention to this movie. In terms of visual narrative,

wraps Tony's story line in a big circle.

The "father problem" in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

It is well known that Tony Stark has a bad relationship with his father, but everything he has is due to Howard Stark.

When Tony returned to 1970 and met his father, he personally thanked his father and ended the chapter of life that had troubled him for decades.

Although Tony also became a father in "Reunion 4", before that, we saw him also play Peter Parker's father.

Until "Reunion 4" was released, Tony did not realize the close connection between the two.

After "Reunion 3", Peter Parker's "death" has been haunting Tony, prompting him to try the "time travel" plan, and finally found a way to realize this plan.

But if the Marvel Cinematic Universe has established something by telling the image of the father, it is that they must die for the growth of their children.

Peter Parker has experienced the death of Uncle Ben, but it was Tony's death that made him grow into a real superhero.

His death was not only part of himself, but also Peter Parker's.

Iron Man became the father of Spider-Man, this clue has a greater influence in Marvel movies than others, because it will continue to influence the development of Peter Parker in future adventures.