Singer Zhang Mi revealed that he has reached the terminal stage of cancer and once sang "I Love You China"

Zhang Mi

reported on November 26 On November 26, singer Zhang Mi posted on Weibo that he had been diagnosed with advanced cancer. From despair to acceptance, he experienced a lot of pain, but the encouragement and companionship of the people around him She becomes stronger. She believed that this was not an ultimatum from the god of death, it was just a small cold. Zhang Mi also said that she has never been as hopeful as now, and she looks forward to standing on the most beloved stage again.

It is reported that Zhang Mi once sang songs such as "Dedication", "I Love You China" and "Friendship Forever". The full text of

Weibo is as follows:

never thought that the four words "late cancer" would be related to me before, and even when I got the diagnosis report, I couldn't believe that the black and white words in front of me were true. The process from despair to acceptance is a bit lengthy. Because it touches the proposition of life and death, I suddenly have a deeper understanding of the concept of "life toward death". The existence of life itself is toward "death", but this does not hinder us. Actively pursue the colorfulness of life. During the non-stop chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I seemed to fall into the abyss of pain. Hair loss, dizziness, vomiting, etc. made me feel painful, but the encouragement and company of doctors, family members, and friends made me see a glimmer of light in the abyss, suffering. The comprehension of life in the joy of life gave me a different experience of life.

Looking back on the past days, it turns out that people's experiences can also be rough and wonderful to the extreme! Every experience may be God’s test of me, to make myself better and stronger! Now I see the sun rising every day and I feel that it is the greatest happiness. If I can challenge death and overcome death, what else can I fear in the future? I don't think this is an ultimatum from the god of death, it is just a small cold in my life.

looks for small lives dancing in the sun through the glass windows, and feels the meaning of family affection every minute of getting along with family members. I have never been so hopeful as I am now. I look forward to touching and feeling the temperature of the sun with my hands, and looking forward to standing on my beloved stage again...

(Editor in charge: Ma Wenjing_NBJS9027)