"The World of Truman": What is real? What is fake?

What is real

? When life becomes a drama, when all the truth becomes a deception, when you find that all your life is a performance, then you can only pursue the real life without hesitation, or let all lies have a perfect curtain call.

"The World of Truman" is a fictional fable about life and self-salvation. This film is thought-provoking, seemingly absurd, but expresses extremely deep meaning, such a clear high The work of the budget studio, but due to the expansion of the director's metaphor and self-reference style, added the label of the author's film to the film.

The whole movie is filled with a breath of nostalgia. Truman’s personal show like a soap opera (when Truman escaped and the two security guards changed the channel without attachment when the show ended), there were also passers-by walking awkwardly, falsely and indifferently, and exaggerated five. The hairstyles and costumes of the 1960s all reflect the nostalgic atmosphere of movies. The scenery on the paradise island that is close to the future also reflects its own nostalgic sentiment from the side.

In addition to nostalgia, depressive atmosphere can be said to be everywhere in the film. Controlling perspectives are used many times in the film. In some important shots, the director uses the countless camera angles around Trumen to emphasize Trumen's state of being observed and imprisoned. At the same time, this kind of frame-like layout with dark shadows around the lens brings a depressive atmosphere to the film and the protagonist. The reason why the director didn't use this method of framing in every shot was probably because he wanted to express the mentality that Truman himself possessed, the kind of life he didn't know about outside surveillance. It also reflects the depressive atmosphere of the entire film, as well as the "daily life" in the play that appears to be natural but completely follows the script. Those pedestrians, businessmen, neighbors, etc., including Truman’s signature language, appear monotonous. This may also be possible. It is understood as the director's dissatisfaction with the boring real life. The director has repeatedly pointed the camera at the audience watching the show, and also compared the regular life in Paradise Island with the active and free ordinary life outside the TV, thus making the film more depressive. One thing that people talk about in the movie

is its ironic potential-criticizing the new media’s manipulation of society, criticizing commercialism and consumerism. At the beginning of the film, through flashbacks, trailers, and interviews with cast and crew members other than Trumen, the interviews with the "Trumen Show" were explained; however, because the live broadcast could not be used for advertising, the "Trumen Show" had to rely on merchandise. Placed in the program to obtain advertising revenue, these make the Chinese audience can clearly feel its irony, because in recent years, the embedded advertising in Chinese films has reached the point of flooding. The producers make profits by selling all the commodities in Paradise Island, and at the same time, they promote the lifestyle of Paradise Island. This is also a critique of the media's control of the mainstream of society (for example, Hollywood movies promote American values ​​in the world).

​​If we study the relationship between Truman and Christo, the producer of "The Truman Show", perhaps we can think of religion. Truman lives on the "Paradise Island" created by Christo. His life is fairly comfortable, but he is essentially controlled by Christo. This relationship is similar to the relationship between God and mankind in the Old Testament of the Bible. The producer Christo symbolizes God (calling the wind and calling the rain, controlling the rising and falling of the sun), while Truman symbolizes the identity of the prophet and the savior (self-saving in the water, which can be equivalent to the Red Sea, escape from the "paradise island", can be equivalent To escape from the Garden of Eden).

The double success of "Trumen's World" in the commercial and critic circles has established director Peter Will's position in Hollywood, and such a deep film is destined to occupy an important position in film history. The director's ingenuity has made such a movie, which may become a Hollywood commercial assembly line work, a work of art worth cherishing.

Finally, I would like to quote a line from the movie to end this article: "We are tired of actors’ performances and false feelings. We are tired of fireworks and fancy stunts. Even though the world he lives in is fake in some ways Yes, but Truman himself is quite true...This is not a masterpiece of Shakespeare, but this is true, this is life itself."