Husband and wife work together to build "Heshan", talk about the creation of anti-Japanese drama

As early as seven years ago, Wang Xinjun and Qin Hailu collaborated in the anti-Japanese war drama "Independent Column", and the two became married because of this drama. Seven years later, Wang Xinjun was the director of "Heshan" for the first time, and it was also the first time Qin Hailu and her husband acted as a lover on screen. "It's too difficult for my husband to be a director! (laughs). My husband is a director. I am so happy!" Qin Hailu was interviewed by the media on the 17th with happiness and excitement in his words. As the mainstay of the acting school of Chinese actresses, Qin Hailu has no shortage of good scripts and good roles. But filming this anti-Japanese drama with Wang Xinjun, and acting as an actor and a producer, for her, in addition to supporting her husband, it is also the "industry responsibility and social responsibility" that an actor must fulfill until middle age. "The biggest return on investment in filming anti-Japanese war dramas is not how much money you make. We can't just make money and do nothing. This is not what the mainstay should do. I think we should do a good job on this theme and can do our part. Quite satisfied." Qin Hailu said.

When a reporter from Shanxi Evening News interviewed Wang Xinjun, the "anti-war drama professional" said that the self-challenge for this self-directed and self-acted performance was derived from what Li Xuejian said to him when he was filming "The Sky of History": "'At this age, if you want to make a movie, you have to make a movie that can be retained.' In fact, this sentence will have a life-long impact on me, so I am shooting "Heshan" this time, and I also want to make a movie that can be retained. Things coming down." Whether it is Qin Hailu's "industry responsibility" or Wang Xinjun's "professional presence", both husband and wife are riveting to build "Heshan" together. This drama is based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Yang Hucheng’s subordinate Wei Dahe (played by Wang Xinjun) embraces national righteousness. Under the influence of underground worker Jiang Yazhen (Qin Hailu), the Eighth Route Army guerrilla captain Gao Xiaoshan (played by Han Li) and others, The story of becoming an outstanding Communist Party member. At present, more than half of the show has been broadcast. The market share of CSM59 Provincial Satellite TV Golden Theater TV series has reached 5.26, ranking first in the nation's ratings.

15 years ago, Wang Xinjun participated in "The Sky of History" but then missed "Bright Sword". 15 years later, he used "Heshan" to pay tribute to these two classics of the War of Resistance. During this period of time, Qin Hailu made great strides in the film and television drama industry, but Wang Xinjun got into many "pits" of the anti-Japanese "sacred drama". How the couple viewed the "sacred drama" and "thunder drama" in the anti-Japanese war drama has also become our biggest concern.

"Divine Drama" has entered a misunderstanding from the beginning of its creation.

once held the title of "Professional Anti-Japanese Drama Drama" for a long time. Wang Xinjun once again encountered the anti-Japanese drama, and it was self-directed and performed. The pressure can be imagined. Before the broadcast of "Heshan", he himself mentioned the old story on Weibo, which was used by netizens as ghosts, spoofs, and even complained as the originator of the "anti-Japanese drama". "Everyone knows that I once I have participated in a TV series called "Anti-Japanese Strange Man". Because of this drama, everyone gave me the nickname "Lei Script God". I also thank you guys, haha, for giving me such a high honor. Wang Xinjun did not forget to "reveal his scars" in the interview. He then said that only this kind of self-ridicule can "relieve my nervousness as a new director." Yes, Wang Xinjun, who was born in the army and his father and younger brother are also soldiers. It is not that he did not have a good anti-Japanese drama. He also acted in "The Sky of History", "Independent Columns", "Vertical Strike" and "Yellow River Endless Love". Flopped for a long time in the pit of "the drama". The depth of love in the confrontation war drama, and also a more professional view of the "sacred drama".

In Wang Xinjun's view, the so-called "sacred drama" has entered a misunderstanding from the beginning of the creation itself. "Because this subject matter is relatively heavy, so at the beginning of the creation, we should consider whether it should be made faster, the plot should be richer, how can more audiences accept it, etc. Maybe the creation of each drama The original intention is different, but after starting the script creation from these angles, the final result may be the same. They all become "god" and "thunder"."

In addition, Wang Xinjun told the media that years of inertia in the industry has also helped. Pushing the development of the "sacred drama" of the Anti-Japanese War, that is, when the industry mentions the anti-Japanese drama, "the cost should be low, and the plot should be intense and exciting." In the past few years, "anti-war dramas" have emerged in endlessly. In addition to inertia boost, another reason is that dramas of the same type suffer from no good benchmarks. They are only market-oriented and only audience-oriented. "The success of an Anti-Japanese War drama depends solely on whether it has achieved market success.Field share. As long as the ratings are good, everyone will imitate and follow suit. "The inertia of the industry like

has lasted for many years, but there will eventually be a day of "braking and turning". "I think that as creative techniques, cognition, and ideas are gradually unified, it is a matter of time to produce fine works with the theme of the War of Resistance. . "Wang Xinjun is very optimistic. He regards the "anti-war drama" as an inevitable stage in the development of this genre. It must be experienced and it must be surpassed. "The so-called'the drama' should be from the previous tradition. The historical drama of the War of Resistance against Japan is an inevitable process that spans between the fine anti-Japanese dramas recognized by the audience today. "

From Wang Mufeng who tears the devil to the desperate Wei Dahe with real swords and guns, and from filming dramas to fine dramas, Wang Xinjun hopes to redefine the "anti-Japanese war drama" through this opportunity to film "Heshan" and change the audience. TV dramas of this kind feel that they are crude prejudice. He told the media: "I just want to use my understanding and knowledge to make such a drama. Make it possible to become a benchmark for this subject. Let the industry and the audience gradually realize that anti-Japanese war dramas can be filmed, but they must be filmed like this. "

There is no shortcut to filming the anti-Japanese war drama. Paying is the minimum respect for the work.

A few days after interviewing Wang Xinjun, a reporter from Shanxi Evening News interviewed Qin Hailu on WeChat. She carried multiple burdens for this drama on one shoulder, in front of the stage. Behind the scenes he fully supported her husband's directorial career. Qin Hailu smiled modestly when the reporter called Wang Xinjun "Director Wang" and said, "Director Wang, well, the word'Director Wang' sounds quite strange. "But Qin Hailu is not humble at all about her husband's ability. She thinks Wang Xinjun should be able to make this drama well. "He is a director with very rich first-line combat experience. He is very good at filming such dramas. It is not because of him. I have performed a lot before, but because he was really a soldier, he knows the history and knowledge of this part very well. "

In Qin Hailu's view, the status of her husband as a soldier and the knowledge reserve of military history are the strengths of the drama "Heshan". And the "sacred drama" years he has experienced are more used for It proves that some shortcuts are not feasible in the anti-Japanese war drama.

Qin Hailu told the Shanxi Evening News reporter: "The anti-Japanese war drama has a huge audience base. Because of such a foundation, everyone will shoot, because it can make money. But if anyone is shooting, how can it be distinguished from other dramas of the same type? In the past ten years, the industry has maintained the creation of anti-Japanese war dramas by speeding up the rhythm of the story and increasing the content plot. "These words coincide with Wang Xinjun’s misunderstandings in the creation of anti-Japanese drama dramas. "Divine dramas" and "Thunder dramas" are constantly "adding oil and vinegar" to long-term and large-scale repetitive creations, which have caused many violations of common sense. Storyline. "The Anti-Japanese War drama lacks a lot of consideration in details, and even the filming cost of the Anti-Japanese War drama has been continuously compressed. But to be honest, this kind of scene can't be done with very little money, and it can't be done in one or two months. "Qin Hailu said.

is precisely because of the "shortcuts" of Wang Xinjun during the actor period. After he became the director, "Heshan" must bypass the "shortcuts" and look for "difficult roads" and "dangerous roads". As a producer Qin Hailu, who accompanied her husband to meet the difficulties. Qin Hailu revealed in an interview that before the filming of the play, they discussed with the producer of "Blood War Hacksaw Ridge" about the operation of the overall project of "Heshan". The producer gave us a calculation of the filming time of the entire drama, which would require nearly 300 days of work. Not every Anti-Japanese War drama can take so long to do, and such a long time is also costly. We like to watch "Saving Private Ryan", "Blood Battle in the Pacific" and so on. Those are not scenes that can be filmed in tens of millions. "

Therefore, to shoot a high-quality anti-Japanese war drama, a "good" drama that the audience said, from the perspective of the producer Qin Hailu, paying is the minimum respect for a drama and the minimum bottom line for becoming a boutique. But she also knows that audiences have different definitions of "good" and "beauty". "You have to pay the corresponding time and price to do it with your heart. Because even if you do it to the extreme, you may not be able to say yes, let alone if you are not dedicated, how can you return. "

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