34 brands chase the golden rooster, who is the biggest winner?

Author/Wang Banxian Editor/Guo Ji'an

The 28th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival is the most socially concerned festival in late November. Brands will naturally not miss this excellent publicity opportunity.

But from Versace to Dior to nothing, the costume sponsorship of this film festival has gone through a small episode.

After Versace officially announced on November 13th that it became the only designated clothing, the social platform was in an uproar, because Versace had previously been boycotted for allegedly disrespecting China's sovereignty in clothing design, and brand ambassador Yang Mi therefore terminated the contract with Versace.

may be under pressure. Versace deleted the official announcement after some time, and in the brand cooperation column of the official website of the film festival, Versace’s competitor Dior was listed impressively. But before the opening of the film festival, Dior was also removed from the cooperative brand. Such replacements and changes as

are most likely not because of commercial reasons, but because of public opinion.

For the film festival, the attention and tasks undertaken this year are far more than before. Attention is pressure. The film festival's investment team not only bears commercial and political requirements, but also faces scrutiny from the masses. This also raises the threshold for the cooperation of the film festival brand. First, it is necessary to ensure that the brand itself is free of product problems and disputes, and second, it is necessary to consider the brand's social image and the significance of carrying it.

Yuzijiang saw the list of on-site sponsorships. The types of cooperative brands are all-encompassing, including local Xiamen brands such as China World Trade Co., Ltd., Yingqu Technology, and Jinyuan Group, as well as internationally renowned brands such as Hennessy, Wuliangye, and Huawei. Domestic beverages such as Forest and Xiaolu Tea have emerged in the past two years, as well as Internet platforms such as Tencent Video, iQiyi, and Douyin.

For the brand side, taking the high-speed train to broaden the popularity of the film festival is just the beginning. After that, how to stand out among many brands and use the influence of Golden Rooster to enhance their brand recognition?

has a large number of participating brands, and the commercial value of Golden Rooster has increased sharply.

According to the observation of Yuzijiang, the number and quality of co-branded brands in this film festival are among the best in the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival in recent years. In terms of quantity, Jinji cooperated with 34 brands in this cooperation (according to the scene pictures of the film festival), covering everything from real estate to the Internet. In terms of quality, Huawei and Wuliangye are well-known companies at home and abroad, and Xiaolu Tea and Yuanqi Forest are also emerging beverage brands.

They like the Golden Rooster precisely because of the uniqueness of this year. As a local film festival that competes with Golden Horse on the same day, Golden Rooster has gathered the eyes of all China during the preparatory stage, and it has also triggered a spontaneous initiative by netizens who "painted posters for Golden Rooster" Action, the brand chose to sponsor the Golden Rooster, first of all, it won the resonance of the public in terms of national sentiment.

From the perspective of attention, this year's Golden Rooster is a circle-breaking event. In addition to the participation of the movie circle and movie audiences, it is the focus of attention of the whole society. Cooperative brands will gain a lot of exposure in a short time. As a brand director of a car company said: "The world's lens is on our car brand. You will never find a second such a precious opportunity." For co-brands,

sponsors the Golden Rooster. Another advantage is the opportunity to build good corporate government relations. This year's film festival is no longer a mere awards and film festival. From the location and time, you can see the political implications. It is undoubtedly a good time for the brand to support Golden Rooster at this time to show its attitude.

The investment promotion of this film festival is the responsibility of the Xiamen Municipal Government. In addition to brand sponsorship, the commercial value of such a grand event to the city cannot be underestimated. According to relevant media reports, the Xiamen Cultural Tourism Exhibition Industry Development Conference was held before the opening of the Golden Rooster. A total of 32 projects were signed with a total investment of 9.34 billion yuan, of which 8 were in the film and television industry.

Among them, there are many well-known companies in the film and television industry, such as Huace Television, China Film Group, and We Create. Relying on the effect of the film festival, it will bring a win-win situation for brands, cities and industries.

is relevant, leveraging, and investing heavily in brand marketing.

A film festival attracts so many brands to get together, and it is not easy to stand out. Especially for brands that have not obtained high-level sponsorship rights, they must work hard on marketing to gain attention.

Huawei, as one of the partners of this film festival, combines the main photography functions of the HUAWEI Mate30 series with the film festival in the mobile phone film competition situation, Excellent performance on the topic. The marketing creativity of

mobile movie is based on Huawei's accumulated reputation in advertising films in recent years. In the advertising industry, Huawei is known as the "Huawei Pictures", because the brand's many commercials are not only creative, but in the production of the most recent "groundhog" animation, they even have the texture of an animated film. This time

puts mobile movies on theaters for screenings, which is quite a trend-leading meaning for the film industry: conforming to the times, breaking the equipment barriers, further reducing the cost of film production, and presenting the love and ideas of filmmakers.

highlights the functions of mobile phone photography, hits the movie theme, and leads the industry trend. Huawei’s marketing activities have received attention and praise from both inside and outside the movie circle due to multiple meanings. More importantly, in the long run, the mobile phone films at the Golden Rooster Film Festival have The potential for sustainability and long-term development is not a single brand event.

However, not every brand has the same accumulation as Huawei. For those new brands whose scale and influence are slightly lower, it may be a good way to leverage celebrities to expand their brands.

The sponsor of this year's film festival Doubendou's spokesperson is Sun Li. Yan Zhiwu invited Yao Chen to promote the brand. In particular, Yao Chen was also the ambassador of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and was nominated as a queen. When Yan Zhiwu was marketing the film festival, it took advantage of Yao Chen's popularity and influence, so that the dual potential of the star plus the film festival brought a 1+1>2 marketing effect to the brand.

and Genki Forest took another approach. At the beginning of the film festival, Song Zuer, Zhang Xueying, and Xu Weizhou were shopping in Xiamen. The news that the three of them were traveling together quickly fermented on social platforms, arousing discussions among fans and gossip lovers. At this time, the brand is embedded in their consumption scene. Almost every link where you try Xiamen's local cuisine will be displayed in the vitality forest. Marketing methods such as

can be called "moisturizing things silently". It not only uses the popularity of the three young actors to bring the attention of netizens, but also enhances the presence of its own brand in the new consumption scene of catering.

In addition to the topic and the celebrity, Miguquanquan, as the full strategic partner of this film festival, carried out a massive online to offline marketing. In the online link of

, the "National Catch the Chicken Campaign" was launched in the Migu circle. After collecting 5 items through AR sweeping chickens, you can get prizes such as cars and mobile phones prepared by the platform. Such an online event starts with the attention of the film festival, mobilizes users' interest in participating, and diverts users from outside the station into the station. AR sweeping chickens and certain threshold completion conditions increase the time for users to use the Mi Gu circle ring. To improve user retention. In addition to the game, Migu also designed a series of vlogs for the star Xiamen Golden Rooster. Outbound stars include Zhang Xueying, Liu Haoran, Song Zuer, etc., to divert star fans into the station.

At the Golden Rooster Film Festival, Miguhuan set up an interview room where stars such as Huang Xuan, Cao Yu and practitioners in the film industry shared the experience of the festival, providing film lovers and fans with a first-hand source of information.

However, for Migu circle, the most prominent brand in this film festival is technology. As the only official 5G full-scene technology platform designated by the government, Migu circle uses 5G+4K+VR+AR to allow participating users Experience the charm of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival. This is not only the establishment of Miguquanquan’s brand recognition, but the technological strength of China Mobile behind it has also been delivered to the industry and the public through a film festival cooperation. The cooperating brands of

this year's film festival are all using the most suitable marketing methods for promotional activities. However, in addition to theme activities and series of activities, a film festival also has supporting activities.

Those brands that failed to enter the main event cooperation list also made efforts in supporting activities, and even because the supporting activities were less stringent on the brand, many brands gained opportunities.

For example, the micro-business brand JIRU Jiru has become a strategic partner of the fan carnival, while another micro-business brand legend this life has become a partner of CCTV-6 film festival live broadcast, hoping to use the power of the festival to gild the brand. With the support of political significance,

this year's Golden Rooster Award has made great progress from the guest lineup, the scale of the event to the investment promotion situation. As for the future Golden Rooster Award, with the determination of the city and the increase in the frequency of awards, its commercial value still has some significant room for improvement.

currently, abroadThe Cannes, Berlin, and Venice Film Festivals have all developed a mature brand sponsorship and commercial realization logic, which has also brought lasting movie marks to the three cities. In the future, as the Golden Rooster Award returns to the public's vision and step by step increase in influence, the richer and more diversified brand marketing will also help this award become a more iconic city card of Xiamen.