The big flow of returning home is flying abroad to coax his girlfriend to abort a baby

1. Wang Yuan has been well-intentioned by all parties on the hot search?

Since the news about studying abroad has been dwindling, Wang Yuan has been dissed by the other two only fans and his strength is not as good as the other two small ones. Compared with the four-character Yiyan Qianxi Not long ago, Wang Junkai was shortlisted for the Golden Rooster Award Star Sea Project. Wang Yuan, who belongs to the same group, is cueed for comparison from time to time. In order to stabilize this boy group combination, a wave of praise from the official media came at the official film festival, and the face of the second brother Wang Yuan was plated with gold. He carefully warned everyone who wanted to disperse this combination, Wang Yuan was still highly valued. After all, the previous negative news will not shake the existence of this combination at all. For a long time in the future, TFBOYS will still be the most important and most inseparable positive boy group.

2. Ni Ni relied on the live picture to hang on the Golden Rooster Festival actress?

Since joining Chen Kun's line of forces, Ni Ni can be regarded as a blessing. Last night, the Ni Ni team released a wave of live pictures at the Golden Rooster Film Festival. The actresses who participated in the film festival were beaten up. The entire square was filled with beautiful photos and comments of Ni Ni's pictures all night, and even Zhao Liying's hot searches were also topped. It seems that Ni Ni's movements with her back against the tree became hardcore. In the future, the killer will set off to beat other female stars who are in the same field. However, there are risks in releasing pictures. If you don’t want to overturn the car, you have to find a million picture retouchers in advance to repair the "pictures" before releasing them.

3. Guan Xiaotong pulls on Ouyang Nana to compete with each other?

Last night's Golden Rooster Festival a hundred flowers blooming. Female stars from all walks of life compete for beauty. Isn't it lively, the two small flowers after the 95th generation between the big flowers do not give in to each other. The red carpet hasn't started, Ouyang Nana is the first to start, and the released seaside intensive red dress pictures were searched early in the morning. The static Ouyang Nana is also very beautiful under the heavily invited retouchers. This of course aroused Guan Xiaotong, who was equally competitive. Guan Xiaotong, who has always been proud and confident of his looks and figure, wears a low-cut princess dress. In order to be more colorful, he painted white powder to cover the dark complexion before playing. The released red-carpet picture is even taking the photo before Ouyang Nana, and it is not as good as oneself to step on the opponent's aura. It seems that the little flowers have their own unique tricks in order to compete for beauty. Little ones, which one do you think is more beautiful.

4. Yang Mi threw the burden of the newcomer to Di Lieba?

Although Yang Mi and Di Lieba are in the same company, Yang Mi and Di Lieba had long been the king, but Yang Mi wanted to wear a black dress at the Golden Rooster award last night. Reba would also wear black and quickly changed into a red dress to distinguish the other party. Although the new play that Yang Mi and Bai Yu cooperated recently, although Jiaxing Company was an investor, it did not arrange Yang Mi's task of milking newcomers too much. Yang Mi only needs to film this drama well to restore the reputation and stabilize the status of the popular star. The task of giving the gift package was lost to Di Lieba. She is now downstage and can only be manipulated. The drama we talked about not long ago fell apart because the other party refused to accept Jiaxing’s hard work. . It seems that it will be even more difficult for Di Lieba to find good resources and milk newcomers.

5. Ma Sichun’s new movie hits the street and Huo Jianhua?

Ma Sichun’s recent limelight is quite strong, but it is based on the diss of some netizens being screenwriters. Recently, Ma Sichun and Huo Jianhua’s new film and art film "About Winter" has been unsatisfactory in terms of popularity and box office, and it can be regarded as a complete hit on the street. This movie, Ma Sichun, naturally has to take on the post of publicity and box office promotion. Unfortunately, the Ma Sichun team has hurriedly put aside themselves under the situation that the box office has a double reputation. It has been opened a distance by Zhou Dongyu and has been compared by others. After that, she carried the title of box office poison, and then her name as a shadow queen was completely lost. For this reason, Ma Sichun's team unscrupulously pulled on Huo Jianhua, who is now much less powerful than before, and attributed all the responsibility for failure to Huo Jianhua. The operation of a female lead throwing a pot and a second male lead is also psychedelic enough.

6. The former traffic idols rely on soliciting fans in advance to support the scene?

Golden Rooster Festival actresses are vying for beauty, and naturally, various outstanding performances of various male stars are indispensable. Bambi, the former traffic idol deer who has been ridiculed for a long time because of the movie rushing to the street, has been trampled by various traffic recently and has been dissed by many netizens not worthy of the top popular list. In order to save the momentum, Bambi’s team took this time to participate in the closing ceremony of the Golden Rooster Festival, and arranged a wave of fans to the outside of the scene in advance.Give support to Bambi. In fact, this kind of big event usually involves fans spontaneously and spontaneously cheering. If it weren't for the Bambi team to recruit in advance, there were not many fans who wanted to cheer on the spot. Since falling in love and movies on the street, Bambi’s various data have fallen out of the top popular list. The team also racked their brains to find a way to restore it to show the brand’s own traffic base.

7. Actresses spit amateurs as their acting skills are popular?

Current artists are not afraid of being talked about and they are not popular, and they are doing everything they can to hype. Even more focused on the amateur in the square. Some literary fat actresses came to an end to smash netizens. Recently, some amateurs casually complained that the actress Milk Muscle should stop acting in TV series. The Milk Muscle radar immediately smelled it and forwarded it and said no. The frightened amateur netizen immediately deleted the original blog. The netizen’s milk muscle was hung up and wanted to take advantage of the blog, but he didn't want the amateur netizen to delete the original blog immediately and didn't give her a chance to hype. It is said that milk muscle has been tepid in the follow-up except for a spy war drama with female overheating. Just think of every way to pull and step on the same side, why bother to pull an amateur with you.

8. The large flow of returning home is flying abroad to coax his girlfriend to have a baby?

has been tearing up the costume drama because the male protagonist temporarily flies abroad and has caused controversy. Although he is dissatisfied with the battle for fandom, the large flow of returning home is not clear. Said to resign. After all, so many investors behind him are reluctant to keep his position as the hero in any case. Don't look at the frequent occurrence of various incidents of the Canadian electric eel. People still have real girlfriends. This rush to fly abroad is also because the authentic white rich beauty friend is pregnant, and the Canadian electric eel also flew to coax her to kill the child. Of course, the Canadian electric eel, who is a big and wealthy white and wealthy friend, also changed his stingy habit. He used the sweet talk of the Canadian electric eel to coax the other party. He should be able to do what he wants. After the foreign affairs are settled. Come back to solve filming matters.

9. Extremely weird narcissistic male artists and actresses?

The artists in the circle are very highly regarded and quite narcissistic, but there are some artists whose narcissism is really strange and speechless. The male idol Prince of Paris and the face-changing Xiaohua, who were born as a male idol, recently flashed a conversation and sparked a lot of discussion. It may be that the prince of Paris, who is born rich and wealthy, is confident in his own honey. As long as any girl on the road looks at him, the Prince of Paris thinks The other party fell in love with him?? He also said that he should keep a low profile and can't hang around so that he would be admired again?? The actress Xiao Xiaopo, who turned over by a fitness man with a marketing vest line, is also narcissistic, as long as she is a boy with WeChat , No matter if I have chatted or not, I will tell the little sisters around me that this is my boyfriend?? If the other party does not reply to her, he will say that the boyfriend is angry?? Maybe Xiaoshanpo thinks that as long as the contact information is added, she can be taken down. Boyfriend might as well declare early.

10. The best man actor of ten thousand years is about to announce his marriage?

The actor tenor who stumbled on the road of affection, yesterday’s film festival with several old partners in the group photo is very emotional, compared to other people who are married and have a tenor. More attention. However, the recent news of a tenor is also a good thing. The tenor and his family introduced his girlfriend from outside the circle now in a stable relationship, and both parties also plan to get married. The tenor frequently releases some smoke bombs in the clouds on social networks, but the low-key style of the tenor will never be as simple as public love this time. Only by directly announcing the marriage can he and everyone rest assured. It is necessary to test whether the server of a certain platform can withstand the surprise attack of this good news.