This movie is so daring to make it, so the protagonist hangs up at the beginning.

The name of the movie

is "Following Things", and the plot revolves around the heroine Anna. The film tells the story of a young woman wandering between life and death struggling to survive. To describe it in such a sentence, it may sound simple , But don’t underestimate this movie. In my opinion, the plot of this movie is not ordinary brain-burning. Next, let us experience this brain-burning movie together. At the beginning of the movie

, ​​the heroine Anna experienced a terrifying car accident. There was a conflict between Anna and her boyfriend Paul. Paul carefully arranged dinner and wanted to reconcile with Anna as before, but who would have thought that Anna not only didn’t make peace with Paul. Well, on the contrary, the misunderstanding of him got deeper and deeper. Anna rushed out of the restaurant in a fit of anger, and the story returned to the heroine who was mentioned at the beginning and died at the beginning of the movie.

Anna lying in the morgue was confirmed to have died in a car accident, but the funeral director Eliot just started to repair her body, Anna opened her eyes. Maybe you will be shocked by Anna's blink like me. Of course, at this moment, there is a question from your heart, is Anna dead? Why do you open your eyes when you die? The story begins like this.

Anna always believed that she was not dead. Eliot, who was the director of Anna's funeral, kept telling Anna to relax her mind and tell her to believe that she was dead. Elliott told Anna that she was in the "afterlife", but her body was still transitioning to the "world after death" so she could continue to wander in the current world.

Eliot is acting weird, he can communicate with every deceased. At this time, in the funeral home, apart from the corpse, there was only Eliot, and Anna became increasingly desperate and had to accept the fact that she died. Eliot has also been carrying out death brainwashing for Anna, as well as not allowing any relatives to visit him before the funeral, so that no one is suspicious of him.

At this time you will also think of Anna's boyfriend. Of course he will not believe that Anna is dead. He is also suspicious of Elliott, so he starts to call the police and explain the situation to the police for help. But as the time for the funeral is getting closer and closer, Anna's time to wait is getting less and less, Anna is getting closer and closer to despair, beginning to believe that she is dead, what will happen in the end, let's go to the movie to experience it in person.

Many people watch this movie and at the end, they will ask Elliot what kind of person is it that he really murdered Anna? Then he wants to kill someone in the future. Why did he point the pointer to Anna this time? Well, there are many questions like this in the movie waiting for you to answer, and there are many truths waiting for you to discover.

Finally, the most attractive part of this thriller and suspense movie came. The question that Eliot asked at the last moment caused me to think deeply-"Anna, what do you really want in this life?" Anna said, she I want to be happy, but because I don't want to bear the pain of love, I missed a lot of opportunities to express.

How could this be the case in our lives? There is such a saying, don't cherish it when you have it, and regret it after you lose it. Such a sentence has been said thousands of times, but who has truly experienced the true meaning.