Don't like comedy healing? The ten best thrillers in Douban history! Don't call me when you watch

Chaoge Star Entertainment, take you to explore different entertainment! Hello fellow readers!

We checked the history of Douban film reviews. The following 10 thrillers (not including cartoons) scored above 8.8.

We have nothing to say, because:

we do not produce film reviews

we are just porters of fans’ voices!

NO.10 The Seven Deadly Sins Se7en (1995) Douban Rating: 8.7 Country/Region: United States The ending of

is really amazing. It was terrible...

started to like Morgan Freeman

from it! This is the partner of Andy in "Shawshank Redemption", which old black man

When people comment on "The Seven Deadly Sins", their focus is on the subtle loops, echoing structures and seamless and meaningful endings, while ignoring the final wonderful ending. The previous conversation. In my opinion, this dialogue is the essence of the movie-it carries the most profound theme of the movie.

This world is very beautiful, it is worth fighting for. David Fincher asked Morgan Freeman to tell the audience that he only believed the second half.

NO.9 Intentional Stick (1961) Douban Rating: 8.8 Country/Region: Japan

rhythm, soundtrack, atmosphere. The Emperor Kurosawa in the early years of

was too energetic, the story was praised, and the soundtrack was simply amazing. The reason why master

​​is regarded as a master lies in his proficiency in film techniques, magnificent structure, exquisite details, and profound ideological connotation. So when Akira Kurosawa came to create such a small-format movie that seemed to be nothing novel, his skill was revealed. It's like a master chef who can make a full banquet of Han Han to make an egg fried rice. It seems simple and easy, but every grain of rice is soaked in deep skill.

NO.8 The Sixth Sense (1999) Douban score: 8.8 Producer Country/Region: USA/UK

Talented child actor. Unexpected ending.

Love turned out to be the biggest suspense of the film

Very touching suspense film , Humanity and plot worthy of being a classic Bruce Willis is really better than

I think this should be the most impressive one of all the movies I have seen. When I watched it for the first time a few years ago, the ending made me speechless. So when I saw that many people regarded this movie as the originator of similar movies, I didn't feel like saying anything.

NO.7 Fatal Magic The Prestige (2006) Douban Rating: 8.8 Country/Region: USA/UK

The point is that you are eager to be deceived by the plot from the beginning. When you are completely caught in a scam, all you see is the director What I want you to see is the great thing about the film. Nolan's control over the mood of watching movies is at the same level as Hitchcock!

​​Since its release, the American movie "Fatal Magic" has not received rave reviews, but it is also very popular. I will not discuss the film in detail here. I will only talk about the background of the electrical struggle behind the film from the perspective of personal preference. It should be fun.

It should be said that one of the unexpected effects of this film is that Tesla (Tesla), an electrical genius, resurfaced. He is definitely a genius, from Serbia. He was a mathematics and physics prodigy in his childhood. His imagination and crazy drive have created one electric invention after another

NO.6 V for Vendetta (2005) Douban score: 8.8 Production country/region: United States/UK/Germany

gave a five-star evaluation, mainly It is because this movie gave the Chinese people confidence. I finally understand why the symbol for Sina's certified users is "V". What a clever metaphor is this. Sina is really well-intentioned.

How long have you not experienced a movie that makes you excited and makes you want to scream loudly to vent the pleasure?Every pore of the body is breathing heartily, and the blood in every blood vessel is about to spray out magma, scorching hot.

About a good movie, in fact, the highest praise, in my opinion, is the four words "stand up and applaud".

Last night, I was in front of the computer and applauded for this movie more than once.

which is a movie? This is clearly a call to fight for freedom!

NO.5 Infernal Affairs, Infernal Affairs (2002) Douban score: 8.9 Country/Region: Hong Kong, China

I saw the US version, and then I knew how good the Hong Kong version is~55555555

Milestones in Hong Kong films

When asked about the favorite In the movie, I can tell him without hesitation, Infernal Affairs. This is a very Hong Kong-colored movie, as sung in the theme song of the Mandarin class, who knows that survival is often crueler than fate, but no one is willing to give up. This is a story about survival, and it seems that the theme of "survival" is so sharp in a land like Hong Kong.

NO.4 Follow Following (1998) Douban Rating: 9.0 Production Country/Region: UK

Nolan’s first feature film, black and white, one hour length, two or three characters, extremely exciting

Hitchcock legacy. Suddenly, after the color invasion, we have lost what a beautiful movie style.

I can almost honor Nolan as my favorite director. This is not only because it is also a circular narrative that his films are much less hypocritical than Quentin, but also because he has mastered the audience's intelligence and taste so well that editing and storytelling alone can occupy so many seats in imdb250. It's even more because he knows Wen Qing's psychology-he likes to hide in small corners to observe people secretly and guess the story behind each person.

NO.3 Batman: The Dark Knight (2008) Douban Rating: 9.0 Country/Region: United States/UK

Christopher Nolan is so great, Hollywood comics can be shot at such a height...

Bright and Darkness is the two faces of the same person

"Some people don't like things that ordinary people prefer, such as money. They are not bought, intimidated, unreasonable, and even less willing to negotiate. Some people just want to see the hell on earth. "Only Batman can make the Joker complete. Endless darkness.

NO.2 Fight Club (1999) Douban score: 9.1 Country/Region: USA / Germany

This is a masterpiece! Perfect shots, rich special effects, unpredictable plot, excellent lines without 13: What can we expect from a movie?

The perfect combination of nihilism and the charm of light and shadow will diffract such a classic masterpiece as "Fight Club". David Fincher's indulgence of fiction and reality embodies his own fighting conception, and his insights into what is existence In today's view, it is also subversive. It is a lost self to explore the depth of the strange black humor.

NO.1 Hole Le Trou (1960) Douban score: 9.2 Genre: Drama / Thriller / Crime Production Country/Region: France / Italy

strongly recommend, you will regret it if you don't watch it. The originator level of prison escape movies..

Let me talk about the movie as a whole. This is a little-known prison escape movie, but it is a classic of prison escape movies. Later, "Shawshank's Salvation" and "Prison Break" absorbed this film. Many excellent places. As the posthumous work of director Jacques Baker, this film also bears the director’s deep mark. Jacques Baker insists on documentary-style bridges, such as tapping the ground, inspecting packages, digging holes... These bridges undoubtedly increase authenticity. At least I was thoroughly involved in the play.

please closeNote "Chaoge Xingyu" Big Fish, tomorrow will continue to take you to explore more different excitement!
