The ten most popular action movies in Hollywood, I have seen more than five of them are all senior action fans

As the birthplace of the world's largest film and television industry, Hollywood films have always been liked and loved by audiences. Among them, the most memorable one is action movies. In addition to the exciting scenes, attracting the audience's attention, it once aroused the audience's adrenaline. Today, Mr. Yuantou will give you an inventory of the top ten most-grossing action movies in Hollywood, and you can choose to collect them. Those who have watched more than five are all experienced action fans. (Regardless of the order)

1, "Batman: The Dark Knight"

movie review: Batman, the double-faced man and the clown these three images vividly reflect the contradictions and choices between the good and the evil, and thus become the best in history Good comics and hero movies. Batman is the least comic hero, but because of this, it is most likely to become a special case that crosses the boundary between crime drama and comic hero movies. And this time, the director accurately caught this point and made the film rich, rigorous and cool. Whether it is satisfying audiovisual or digging in the complexity of human nature, it is perfect, so good that it never takes a second. waste!

2, "The Lord of the Rings 3: The King of the Rings"

movie review: As a myth-style story, "The Lord of the Rings" inherits the simple theme and narrative structure of ancient mythology: heroes defeat demons, and justice defeats evil. But the original author Tolkien did not stop at shaping a single character image and expressing pure mythological themes; the screenwriter and director also strictly followed the original theme, with a slightly lengthy but extraordinary ending, which gave this epic blockbuster a stronger The literary breath. In short, I personally feel that The End is the most exciting part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Not only is the war scenes magnificent, but the scene design is also amazing, especially the beautiful city of Minas Tirith.

3, "The Matrix"

film review: This is a very good film, an idealistic philosophy story wrapped in a science fiction coat. The special effects and the rhythm of storytelling are so comfortable and appropriate. The ability to be so calm when talking about an exciting science fiction philosophy without hurting the rhythm of the film proves that the Wachowski brothers are indeed extraordinary. It is this methodicality that makes the logic of this movie look much more solid than other works. In addition, the film has countless metaphors and symbolism, all worthy of thoughtful background setting and plot. After watching it, I can't believe that this is a science fiction action movie.

4, "V for Vendetta"

film review: This is a hearty dystopian movie. The fictional society described in the Wachowski sisters' script is different from the common totalitarian rule-it is real and close enough Our real society. Of course, "V for Vendetta" is not to show the chilling dystopian society. Its core is freedom and awakening. V is reborn in the fire, and Eve also awakens in the rainstorm, just like "Shawshank's Redemption" Zhong Andy gained freedom in the rain, no matter how many lies told by the media, no matter how deadly the fear released by the government, the soul of freedom will not be wiped out.

5, "The Bournemouth 3"

movie review: No wonder Matt Damon was elected the sexiest actor in those years. The feature of the Byrne series is that the protagonist is calm and rational but not handsome. It depends on IQ and observation to win. Agent, compared with Byrne, Bond and Handsome Tang are not smart enough. The screenwriter makes people want to applaud, low-key and compact, and must be a sincere five-star good film. There are no beauties and high-tech props in the film. It relies on observation, DIY, and skill. Moreover, the director and screenwriter are very skilled. Matt Damon plays both action and emotional scenes peacefully and naturally. There is no extra sensationalism or inexplicable delay, and a great sense of substitution. In addition, whether it is the process or the end of the whole film, it is always exciting and unsatisfactory.

6, "Avatar"

movie review: more than a decade ago, special effects have crushed countless movies now, regardless of the plot scene photography production is super, people who have seen it should be able to understand. The film shows a very beautiful alien world, and the CG is also very exquisite and excellent. This is indeed a very important aspect of this film. The first half shows Jake's double growth diary, and the second half shows the conflicts of drama and characters. As the Phantom Knight, Jake gave a speech and gathered his compatriots, as well as the unexpected support of Ava. The final battle was very exciting. With regard to the tense atmosphere of the war and the tragic atmosphere after the war, we did a good job. In addition, the cruelty of the colonelThe stiff Jagged General is well shaped.

7, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"

movie review: Cameron's work for the gods, it is not difficult to imagine that he will make explosive movies like Titanic and Avatar in the future. The film is much better than the first one, and the emotional line is not abrupt. On the contrary, this is a masterpiece created by the rich emotional line. Finally, the T-800 self-integrating lens and the soundtrack can be called a classic film and television segment. Although I still have some doubts about the space-time theory at the end, it can no longer affect my perception of the movie. In short, for the film, it seems to be as shocking as it is now, and at the same time, it is really impossible to imagine the expression of the audience in the 1990s when they saw the film out of the theater for the first time.

8, "Fast and Furious 7"

movie reviews: more movies are read, and people themselves are a bit literary, so they will be very harsh on commercial action movies. For such an action movie with chaotic logic, scenes for scenes, violence for violence, and speed for speed, I really like it. The adrenaline is soaring for 100 minutes, and it is so high that there are no friends. In fact, Wen Ziren's version is not so good, more than hot, passion or speed is not enough. He did not play to the extreme in speed like Lin Yibin, but filled with various blasts and battles, in fact, there was still a little disappointment. But I don’t know if I am the only one who thinks this is the simplest, rude and most enjoyable one in this series.

9, "Wolverine: Desperate Battle"

movie review: Wolverine's curtain call performance, very literary and sensational, of course, the bloody index also exploded. A superhero who is tortured by aging and sickness is as magnificent as autumn leaves even if he is dead. Perhaps this film is the best-looking one in the entire X-Men series, the last samurai, the hero is no longer. To pay tribute to the western movie "Wild Strange Man", science fiction was basically abandoned, leaving only the fetters of Dr. X, Wolverine and the little girl, parting and guarding, somewhat like Wayne in bvs. The little girl is very good at casting, with the tenacity of Phoenix and Logan. In short, in my opinion, this series can be regarded as a perfect end!

10, "Mad Max: Fury Road"

movie review: the most authored and most stylish Hollywood action film in recent years, and its completion is extremely high, its existence can be called a miracle. The first 30 minutes alone has been overwhelming, the soundtrack of the storm scene is simply amazing! The first 30 minutes have been stunned for several times, but this movie basically does not mean to stop. If it must be divided into five or six paragraphs, the literary drama between each two paragraphs is only about 30 seconds, and then it starts High again. . The first two-thirds of Tang Lao wet's lines have been handsome cry. After overturning the coolest road band in history, he began to have lines. It is totally overwhelming! You must use IMAX, you must use IMAX, you must use IMAX, and important things must be said three times!

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