The movie "May Witch" engages in Ji, self-harm, and human dolls, yet another "perversion" driven crazy

Zhang Chu, one of the "Three Masters of Magic Rocks", once had a famous song called: It is shameful to be lonely. It's shameful to be alone, so I won't mention it for now.

However, today’s film has given us a vivid interpretation of the solitude of


loneliness makes people terrible:

May Witch


The title looks very fantastic, but in fact "May" (May) is just the name of the heroine. How

, the lonely girl, walks toward the madness step by step in despair is the main axis of the story.

​​As a child, May had to wear blindfolds for a long time because of congenital amblyopia.

looks like a pirate captain, which makes the children avoid her.

In order to comfort her daughter, the ingenious mother told her-if

can't make friends, make one by herself.

At the same time, my mother gave May the first doll, Susie, as a gift.

In a blink of an eye, many years have passed, and his parents are long gone, and May (Angela Betis) has grown up and came out gracefully.

However, her gloomy childhood and lack of family made her more and more withdrawn.

Until now, the only "friend" she has ever had is Susie, who was left by her mother and never speaks.

Relying on her family's genetic ingenuity, May works as an assistant at the pet hospital during the day, and does crafts at home at night.

Days are lonely, but they are still peaceful and comfortable.

However, Adam (Jeremy Sisto), a new mechanic in the town, made a little bit of ripples in this pool of stagnant water.

May saw Adam at first sight, and was deeply attracted by him.

, especially those powerful palms, are as perfect as a Renaissance sculpture in her heart.

So, May, who has never been in love, started to make up and dress up rarely, replacing the old-fashioned big black frame with contact lenses...

then used his own "lack of roots" to create "random encounters" with Adam. .

Kung fu pays off, and in a cafe, the two finally meet.

Adam accidentally fell asleep while reading a book;

May was like a delusion, leaning against him, putting his face on the palm of his hand.

's abrupt behavior did not arouse Adam's any revulsion, and the two became acquainted.

May will confess to each other that he has been a "freak" since childhood;

and Adam are righteous, claiming that he loves "freaks".

seems to be a sweet and complementary love, so it should be taken for granted.

Unfortunately, the reality has never been what people want... After the relationship between the two of

goes further, Adam shows May the "cult" works he shot in college. The short film

tells the story of a couple who "eat" each other when they love each other deep.

Adam thought that his sister would lose her face, but he didn't expect May to watch it with gusto, and thought it was a kind of extreme romance.

so that when the two of them were very close to me, May did the same and bit Adam's lips.

did not expect this behavior to scare Adam.

He escaped from May's residence on the spot, and never answered her call afterwards.

Actually, Adam advertised himself as "weird", just to get out of his position.

When the truly unique May appeared in front of him, he only had to escape.

The so-called Ye Gonghaolong is probably like this...

At the same time, there is another person who also entered May's life. She is the beautiful receptionist Polly (Anna Faris) of the pet hospital.

There is no common language between the lonely May and the "social flower" Polly.

May happened to be seen by Polly when she hurt herself because of too much pressure.

did not expect that Polly, who claims to be a "new new man", would also fall in love with this feeling.Think of May as "my own".

She will give May the cat that the landlord does not let her take care of;

will also take May to taste another taste of love...

and May feel that Polly’s neck is perfect, not only shy of accepting this kindness , And regarded her as a rare friend.

Unfortunately, she soon discovered that Polly actually has many "friends".

herself is not only the least conspicuous one of them, but also the object she abandoned after she used it...

's successive failures to "get away from orphans" made May even more gloomy.

has also become more and more convinced that only the doll Susie is his always loyal friend.

However, Susie's "death" became the last straw to crush the camel.

May, who is kind-hearted, also goes to the orphanage to help take care of blind children.

One time, she brought Susie to the children and taught them the "experience" of her mother's past to the same sick.

But the children insist on touching Susie's true face. During the dispute, the wooden box fell heavily to the ground and the glass shattered to the ground.

and Susie were torn apart with the blood of the children...

's only "friend" no longer exists. At this time, May once again remembered her mother's words-

"If you can't make friends, do it yourself One".

So, taking advantage of Halloween, May dressed herself as a "witch".

drags the incubator and visits Adam and Polly respectively.

then inadvertently killed them and their "new love" one by one.

Finally, Adam's hands;

Polly's neck;

and Polly's beautiful legs.

has become the ultimate material for May’s "perfect friend"...

Unfortunately, even if this "friend" is completed as desired, May still cannot avoid being fragmented in loneliness and loneliness...

is classified as the horror film "May "Witch", on the surface, is a story of a bullied person stepping into a metamorphosis step by step, and bloody revenge in despair.

​​But in fact, May's obsession with the "perfect friend" is no stranger to reality.

In interpersonal communication, we will be attracted by certain advantages, and we will also be alienated by certain shortcomings. If we want to get rid of loneliness, as ordinary people, we can only choose to appreciate each other's strengths and tolerate each other's shortcomings.

After all, there can be no perfection in this world...

PS: Although the film is more literary, but it is not too bloody, please watch it carefully~