The movie "Train to Spring" has the potential to become a dark horse at the box office next year

In recent years, with the opening of the national film policy of and the strong supervision of by the Radio, Film and Television Bureau, more and more high-quality movies have been presented to the audience. So, what kind of movie can be called a good movie?

First of all, the core of the film must not be discussing the issue of patent protection, this is just an issue that can be discussed incidentally.

The core of the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" : When you know that drug trafficking is illegal, you will go to jail; but when you get tens of thousands of lives in jail, . The question of how to choose is the biggest question raised by the movie, which is a torture of human nature. In the

movie, the protagonist’s mentality changes and the heaviest choice of after a series of things can be regarded as a human answer; but perhaps this answer is the lack of in society, so it can become a burst of tears, especially when that When many patients are seen off. Movies such as

not only raise social problems, but also point out solutions, and also torture human nature . Discuss social issues through torture of human nature. It can be said that the theme and plot of a movie are so fast that the resonance of the story is fast and universal.

The movie "The Train to Spring" is set on March 20, 2020 , starring Li Mincheng and Ren Suxi, the film has been shortlisted for the 24th Busan International Film Festival New Wave main competition unit, no matter from which aspect , This movie has its unique artistic value of , a low-cost realist film . The movie

tells the story of a small young man in Qiqihar, an old industrial base that has gradually fallen into decline after the economic transformation of , . Da Chuan'er, a worker who was about to be bought out, encountered a thief who stole the factory property. As a result, he was framed by security and expelled from the factory. He was also disqualified for compensation. In order to prove his innocence and get back the compensation, Da Chuan'er began the days of looking for thieves while looking for a livelihood.

uses warmth and humor to show the life reality of young people in small towns in Northeast China with the most typical professional situation in Northeast China. Through the transformation of the third-tier small cities in Northeast China, reflects the confusion of real little people, the reluctance and helplessness of leaving home firmly, and reflects people's livelihood . In addition to the audience of the subject matter, the actors are also very familiar with acting skills, . The movie starring Ren Suxi, Li Mincheng, etc. is also a highlight of the film. When the movie came out, fans said that they would also go to see this movie for Ren Suxi.

Many people have said that this movie has the potential to become the dark horse at the box office next year. Why?

1. The cost of this movie is low, with a total cost of 30 million . According to the current movie box office share ratio, can make a profit if the box office reaches 70 million or more.

2. Actress Ren Suxi , she is a powerful actor whose fame has risen rapidly in the movie circle in recent years. Won the Best New Actress Award for the 25th Shanghai Film Critics, the 2nd Weibo Movie Night Outstanding New Actor Award, the 12th Chinese Youth Video Forum Annual New Actress, Tencent Video "Star Awards" year Award for Emerging Film Actor.

Let’s take a look at some of the movies she starred in . They all got good box office : "My Motherland and Me" 2.8 billion , "Galaxy Tutorial" 870 million , "Donkey Gets Water" 1.7 Billion , "The Unknown" 790 million box office. It can be said that it is a guarantee of box office strength, so "Train to Spring" believes that it will not be difficult to reach a box office of 100 million yuan.

3. "The Train to Spring", was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the festival and competed for the "New Wave Award" , which shows that in addition to expressing this story, this film also has artistic and appreciation value .

This movie with both realistic themes and excellent actors will inevitably present an excellent work to a broad audience. Word-of-mouth and box office forecasts will continue to rise, and they will surely become another dark horse after "The Unknown", , and become a model of small-cost movie investment.