The movie has something to say, Jiang Wen said An Hong, I miss you, so many people instantly return to the 90s

In 1997, Zhang Yimou directed a rural film for 10 years. He collaborated with Zhang Weiping for the first time to shoot a unique urban humor film "You have something to say". This movie is also a classic film that I think Zhang Yimou is the lowest rated. , It’s not just an underestimation. If it weren’t for the phrase “An Hong, I miss you”, the movie might have been forgotten.

. But from the perspective of the film level, "If you have something to say," completely surpassed "Party A and Party B." It can be regarded as a typical cutting-edge work in modern mainland movies, and Feng Xiaogang’s "Party A and Party B" I think it is more like a repackaging of the director Mi Jiashan's "Stubborn Lord". The script is Wang Shuo's, and its influence must be greater than Zhang Yimou The beginning of the

​​movie is a chase scene accompanied by Zang Tianshuo’s singing. This three-minute chase scene looks no different from the video, but at that time, for us, this shaking lens was the first contact. There is another place to wear here. From the reflections of Qu Ying’s sunglasses, you can see Lu Le carrying the camera. This kind of shoulder photography shooting technique, and then with the hot summer of Beijing, we can easily be with Jiang Wen and Quying. Shuttle in the heat wave crowd, a sense of anxiety, just like this is brought up by the lens

In the 1990s, the red-hot Qu Ying, as the only female character in the film, is infinitely close to riding a bicycle in a bare-minded manner. This meeting is also quite sultry. In this three-minute chase, Zhang Yimou introduced the background story of

. One and a half hours of film, starting from the 40th minute, almost all of the subsequent shootings were in this'bright' restaurant. The dialogue between Zhao Xiaoshuai and Zhang Qiusheng in the filming took up a full 25 minutes. Here, Zhang Yimou used the subjective lens of back and forth to fight back and forth, and the seemingly fragmented dialogue with the two people, bit by bit to gather the film to the climax. The burst of energy, this 25-minute conversation is not only the important emotional accumulation in the movie, but also reveals the reason why people can’t talk well in life.

The two people waited for Liu Delong in the hotel and chatted. The woman on the stage, Zhang Qiusheng said,'It depends on a person's spiritual temperament and whether she is literate,' but Zhao Xiaoshuai said,'Women without talent is virtue, what is virtue? First, there is a face, the second is the chest, and the third is the butt.'Zhang Qiusheng is a traditional intellectual, with a thin body wearing a pair of glasses, and a mouth is what he cares about. And Zhao Xiaoshuai is more like a stubborn boss. When discussing women, They have diametrically opposite views

. The two are not in the same world. No one understands each other. No one bothers to understand things that are different from their own values. In life, we communicate with others, after all, we are constantly persuading. The other party, the process of trying to unify the values, broadly speaking, it is a philosophical problem, and further down, it is the "horn of a horn" in everyone's bones. This is like Lu Xun's essay "Only Collection" once said "lou". The next man is dying of illness, the next door is singing with a gramophone, and the opposite is coaxing the children, the two upstairs are laughing wildly, and there is the sound of playing cards. "Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, not just sorrows and joys, everything is related to thought This is the case with the things in people’s lives, so most of the incomprehension in people’s lives comes from their contempt for values ​​that are different from their own. This is also the reason why you can’t say anything. During the conversation, Zhang Qiusheng discovered that Zhao Xiaoshuai still insisted on cutting off Liu Delong’s At this time, Zhao Xiaoshuai took out the purchased computer and let him go. Originally in Zhang Qiusheng’s eyes, this matter was only about money and the computer. When Zhao Xiaoshuai came so suddenly, Zhang Qiusheng began to have a good impression of him. He wanted to use it. To save this young man by his own way, after a wise persuasion to no avail, Zhang Qiusheng pretended to leave to find someone to tell Liu Delong not to come by phone. As a result, Zhao Xiaoshuai arrested him and was forced to helpless Zhang Qiusheng in alcohol. Under the catalysis, he finally realized

. He did something he hadn’t done in his life, that is, he stopped talking and used violence, thinking that he could only be saved by sacrificing himself with violence, but who would want to be said by Zhao Xiaoshuai? It’s my own lunatic second uncle, and he can handle it easily. The movie lights turn red the moment Zhang Qiusheng lifts the table. This red light atmosphere inspires people's madness and leads the plot to tension. A two-line plot, on one side is Zhang Qiusheng who is trapped upstairs, suffering from the torture of the second uncle waiter, and on the other side is the nervous

movie that Liu Delong and Zhao Xiaoshuai may chop their hands at any time.The emotions finally broke out. Zhao Xiaoshuai did not chop Liu Delong into it, but Zhang Qiusheng changed his face, snarled with a kitchen knife and yelled to chop up the restaurant cook, and was finally saved by Zhao Xiaoshuai. The movie script was changed from the writer Shuping’s novel "Evening News". Ping is the screenwriter. Musically, Zang Tianshuo is responsible for the original music composition and singing in the film. I really like this song "Love Forever" with Jiang Wen's temperament. It is very decent, and the film also interspersed with two Beijing piano books, this is Zhang Yimou I asked Guan Xiaotong’s grandfather, Mr. Guan Xuezeng to create a special film for the film. The film finally uses the character reversal of the two protagonists. A big irony is thrown at the climax of the film. What I want to prove is that force and compulsive preaching The culprit that causes things to keep getting out of control

"If you have something to say" is well-deserved in terms of expression. The scheduling and shooting design in the movie are the most decent

in comedy.