"Love is weird, mind everything, and forgive everything in the end"

General Wen Guo

Source We are all sick (ID: staynormal)

In December 2018, a man in Tianjin brutally killed his wife in Phuket, Thailand, and then faked the scene and falsely claimed that "wife drowned".

And the wife’s family found that in the months before the trip, the husband bought more than a dozen insurances for his wife, with an insurance amount of 20 to 30 million, and the beneficiary of the policy was the husband himself.

The sensational case of a Tianjin man who killed his wife in Phuket was originally scheduled to be sentenced on November 8 this year, and this day was also the day when the movie "The Beneficiary" was released.


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, because "The Beneficiary" is a movie about "killing a wife and cheating insurance. When watching the trailer before

, ​​I felt that this movie was particularly "dare". It was produced by Ning Hao and was a work of "Bad Monkey".

not only touched the realistic themes of "killing wives and cheating insurance", but also included sharp plots and character settings such as corruption, touching porcelain, and live broadcasting.

"The Beneficiary" is as sharp and true as "Bad Monkey"'s previous work "I am not the God of Medicine".

But in comparison, "The Beneficiary" is more grounded. It restores the ups and downs of real life, presenting the original taste of life.

If it is said that the verdict reveals the truth, then the movie is about human nature. Dapeng and Liu Yan interpret the more winding story behind "killing wives and cheating insurance", as well as the luck and misfortune of the low-level people.

Before entering the theater, I saw someone saying that this is the best performance contributed by Dapeng and Liu Yan. After watching it, I don't think it is too much praise. No one is more suitable for these two roles. Wu Hai, played by Dapeng

, ​​continues the image of "Diaosi" he has always played. He is impoverished. In order to buy medicine for his children, he works as a network manager during the day and drives on behalf of him at night. He is beaten into an unstoppable top by life.

But this time Dapeng jumped out of the previous comedic performance, and his acting skills broke out. He combined the warm and cold feelings he experienced in the role of Wu Hai, vividly sketching the plight of middle-aged men, which is refreshing. It can also make the audience feel familiar with this role-

Wu Hai is a real low-level middle-aged man beside you and me. Their difficulties are always greater than their ability, and they will always have a helpless face in front of life.

Yue Miaomiao, played by Liu Yan, is kind, straightforward and glamorous. He is a network anchor who "spins the ball". Liu Yan is originally a host, and there is no sense of disobedience to control this character type.

Dapeng also said that at the end of the speech, he was in a daze. The person in front of him was a bit Miaomiao and a bit Liu Yan.

Miaomiao does have a similar fate trajectory to Liu Yan. They both "have suffered a lot of crimes and been deceived", but they still believe in love and long for the true heart.

When Yue Miaomiao said in the movie, "What I want is a man who has 100 yuan and is willing to spend 99 yuan for me", at that moment I believe it was Liu Yan who embedded her voice in Yue Miaomiao's script. In the


short review, many people said that Yue Miaomiao’s role is very pleasing, I admit, but it’s not so much "joy", it's better to talk about "empathy" and "sense of substitution."

Yue Miaomiao's body is condensed by the countless figures of older women who are struggling alone in a foreign land. They do their best to protect themselves. The bottom line of love is "no deception".

is the Yue Miaomiao who hates other people cheating her the most.

Wu Hai approached her because he sent Xiaozhong to the accountant to ask him to do the game together. Wu Hai was responsible for "marrying and signing", and the accountant Zhong was responsible for "derailment, accident", and Miaomiao, she was "responsible" with sincerity and fate. , In exchange for a 10 million insurance deposit.

Not everyone will encounter such a scam, but no one can escape the lies and deceit in love. Even if

is facing the twists and turns of other people's stories, we will involuntarily conduct soul torture to ourselves "If your loved one lied to you, would you forgive him"?

is reasonable. If this problem is thrown out in a vacuum that has not happened yet, maybe 90% of women will say no forgiveness.

"Not forgiving" is not intolerant. "Not forgiving" is our expectation. We hope that there will be no lies and deception in love, and we hope that we will not have to face such a dilemma in love.

availableYes, when deception occurs in real life, this question makes it difficult for people to firmly choose not to forgive.

We are not imagining a distant possibility, the one we love is standing right in front of us.

Once a person is moved, his firm answer will also be shaken.

Miaomiao is like that. When

first found out that she was cheated, Miaomiao was very angry. It turned out that Wu Hai not only had no money, but almost nothing, but Miaomiao didn’t struggle too much and chose to forgive, because Wu Hai did "100 yuan for her to spend." 99 yuan".

, ​​who was also born in poverty, instinctively sympathized with Wu Hai's "white lies". When

found out that he was cheated for the second time, Miaomiao was even more angry. It turns out that Wu Hai is not nothing. He has a dead ex-wife and a sick son.

Miaomiao had a painful psychological struggle with this deception. When she chose to forgive the next day, I was not surprised.

Miaomiao, who has difficulty in giving birth, is too longing for a home and a child. This lie made up for her lack of life by mistake. Miaomiao rationalized Wu Hai's deception again. When

found out that she was cheated for the third time, Miaomiao didn't show any anger, even though she almost killed her because of this man.

Because when a person is disappointed to the limit, she has no strength to be angry anymore.


Assuming you are Yue Miaomiao, would you still forgive Wu Hai?

Not forgiving is more like the politically correct option. This is also the reason why some people think that Miaomiao is too "Our Lady"-because he was deceived by a scumbag and almost died, why forgive me?

Wu Hai cheated on insurance, but he is not a complete scumbag. The purpose of

cheating is to treat the child, and also to help Accounting Zhong. He can't see that the child is in danger again and again, nor can he see his good brother who has been in prison for many years.

He has his badness, but Wu Hai reveals instinctive goodness in many details. When

and Accounting Zhong partnered to touch porcelain, he saw baby supplies in the trunk of the car owner. He was moved with compassion and was reluctant to dominate the car owner. He was both a father. He understood the meaning of a child to a father.

Before Miaomiao appeared, his son Yoyo was Wu Hai’s greatest sustenance in life. He regarded his son more than anything else. It was so important that he lost his rationality several times and stepped into the trap set by Accounting Zhong. .

Wu Hai is not so much the beneficiary, it is better to say that he is deceived like Miaomiao. He was deceived by Zhong Accounting and could not see his true heart. It was not until the last moment that he realized that he really fell in love with Miaomiao. , So desperate to save her.

When Dostoevsky wrote about the castaway Feyodor in "Brother Karamazov", he said that he "has evil in his heart and fragile feelings." This description is somewhat similar to Wu Hai. He has He is a last resort, but he is also an emotional animal.

Wu Hai's last awakening was like Miaomiao's last shake, everything started because of deception and ended in love.

is such a Wu Hai who has experienced too much embarrassment and embarrassment. Wu Hai who cannot be summed up with the word "scum", will you forgive him?

Forgiveness has nothing to do with right or wrong, it has to do with whether you can fulfill yourself.

In terms of my personality, I must choose not to forgive, but for Miaomiao, she has a reason for her to forgive. There is a segment in the

movie that made me tears.

Miaomiao decided to stop the live broadcast. The last time she faced the camera, she removed her makeup and told her fans a lot of truth:

she is not 24 years old in her natal year, she is 38 years old;

she is not so dazzling in front of the camera, she She just lives in a dim and dilapidated room that doesn't even belong to her;

is not single, she "finally waited for the person who asked her to be her true self."

Why doesn't Miaomiao live in lies and deception?

In order to make a living, to survive, and for the old father who was sick in bed in her hometown, she could only lie to the camera that she was young, she was single, and she was doing well. It is precisely because

has also experienced the embarrassment and helplessness of having to deceive and lie, she is more able to empathize with Wu Hai's involuntary body and understand the sincerity behind Wu Hai's lies.

Wu Hai did lie to her, but he did give her the life he had dreamed of. He had her in his heart, a pair of slippers and a massage chair, all his love.In the days when

was with Wu Hai, every bit of happiness and happiness that Miaomiao felt was extremely real to her, not false.

Although the beneficiary of the insurance policy is Wu Hai, Miaomiao fulfilled her good expectations in this relationship.

In her heart, she was also a "beneficiary." There is a detail in the

movie that is worthy of fun. It does not deliberately highlight Wu Hai's character core, but this detail is Wu Hai's character soul.

In order for his son to recover, Wu Hai wants to buy an island house for his son.

Of course he couldn't afford it, so he cherished the souvenir from the sales office so much. It was a bottle filled with island air. He put it on a high place and looked up day and night.

When Miaomiao was about to throw away this bottle, Wu Hai was anxious. For him, it was not an empty bottle. It was full of his yearning for life. Because of this yearning, he chose to take the risk.

Miaomiao also has such a bottle in his heart. Each of us has such a bottle in his heart. When the bottle containing hope and yearning is crushed by reality and lies, we can indeed choose to throw away the fragments on the floor, and lose our original intention and yearning.

Forgiveness and persistence are pieces of the bottle pieced together, even if it will never be as good as before, but for the longing person, it will always mean hope.