How many awards Yu Li has won over the years, will visit the big brothers in advance to find out the annual support rate

It is well known that Mr. Yu Li, as a top-line anchor of YY, has won many awards at YY's annual gala. After the launch of the YY Annual Festival, Yu Li also participated every year. With his personal strength and popularity, he won many trophies at the annual ceremony. So in his career as an anchor, how many annual trophies has Yu Li ever won?

When Yu Li interacted with a certain anchor Lianmai, he recalled his achievements in the YY annual ceremony over the years. So what exactly is Yu Li’s annual record, let’s take a look!

In 2011, Li Ge began to become a network anchor;

In 2012, Yu Li won the YY gold medal artist for the first time;

won YY again in 2013. The champion of male gold medal artist of the year, became the anchor of YY's "popularity king";

won the second place in YY male idol artist of the year in 2014, and his fans broke the 6 million mark;

was the second place in 2015 and 2016; In 2015, the Wudi Media Association was established;

was the first in the comprehensive group in 2017;

was abolished and did not receive the award in 2018;

Mr. Yuli was divorced in his teenage family, and his mother took the young after his death. His younger brother started working to make ends meet. Yu Li has done a lot of jobs, among which many fans know the profession of car mechanic. Later, due to a coincidence, Yu Li learned about YY, and gradually became the current super first-line anchor of YY from a wheat hand.

Yuli did not get an award at the 2018 annual ceremony last year, so this year Yuli also expressed his efforts to win back another trophy in the year.

Yu Li said that the Y annual ceremony in 2019 is approaching, and he will set out to "visit" the big brothers immediately. Because at the annual festival, whether or not I can win this year depends on the support of my big brothers. If you go to visit in advance, you also have a number in your heart to see which older brothers will support you this year.

Fan Bang Xiaobian has something to say: Mr. Yuli

's current achievements are already a very successful model on YY. Fan Bang Xiaobian feels that the awards of the annual festival may not be the most important thing for him. And now everyone is developing their own guilds. Yu Li estimates that he also wants to use his guild in the previous year to do more publicity and build momentum and increase influence. What do you think?