The movie "Hailindu" is set for November 21, showing the spirit of Ulan animal husbandry



reported on November 18 The movie "Hailin Du" (Chinese meaning Song of Love) will be screened in theaters nationwide on November 21. The film is based on the Mongolian mother Du Guima, the winner of the national honorary title of "People's Model". It tells the touching story of "Three Thousand Jiangnan Orphans Entering the Grassland" in the history of New China during the country's three-year difficult period. The spirit of Ulan animal husbandry has been passed down on the grasslands, and it is endless, conveying the story of human love. The story of

began in the late 1950s, when the South suffered a great famine, and there was a shortage of milk powder in nursing homes in Shanghai and other places, making it difficult to sustain. Premier Zhou Enlai asked Ulanhu, chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to dispatch a batch of milk powder for emergency. Ulanhu proposed to take the children to Inner Mongolia and raise them by grassland mothers. As a result, three thousand orphans took a train and were sent to the Inner Mongolian prairie two thousand kilometers away. Two of the orphans, Tong Ya and Nanfang, became the protagonists of this narrative line, and Ulanhu named them "Saren" (meaning the moon in Mongolian) and "Bagen" (meaning pillar in Mongolian).

The tortuous journey of the southern orphans growing up on the northern grasslands, and their progression from strangeness to familiarity to life and death on the grassland Eji (meaning mother in Mongolian), constitute the core emotional force of the film. . All the plots of

converge on one theme, this is love. Mother’s love, lover’s love, friend’s love, and even the love produced by sympathy between strangers, love everywhere. The name of the movie "Hailindu", as a Mongolian transliteration, means "Song of Love".

When the wolves surrounded the yurt, Eji sang softly with the orphans, and the wolves retreated. When the mother camel abandoned her lamb, Eji stroked the mother with the matouqin and sang the song persuading milk, which made the mother accepted My own children... here are not only the traditions and customs that have been passed down on the grasslands for thousands of years, but also the human legends between 3,000 Han orphans and Mongolian mothers that transcend region, blood, and ethnicity. The

movie uses poetic narrative techniques, song-like beautiful melody, warm and touching pictures, deep and heavy music, and the legendary color of Wulan Muqi to make this kind of human love once again moving. The movie "Hailindu" will be screened in theaters nationwide on November 21.

(Editor in charge: Du Jiayue_NK6020)