On December 2, the official account of the animated film "Lion 2" announced that it will be released on December 14. The film is directed by Sun Haipeng and produced by Zhang Miao. The first part of "The Young Lion" was released on December 17, 2021, with a final box office

entertainment 3660℃

On December 2, the official account of the animated film "Lion 2" announced that it will be released on December 14. The film is directed by Sun Haipeng and produced by Zhang Miao.

The first part of " Lion Boy " was released on December 17, 2021, with a final box office of 249 million yuan.

On December 2, the official account of the animated film "Lion 2" announced that it will be released on December 14. The film is directed by Sun Haipeng and produced by Zhang Miao.

The first part of " Lion Boy " was released on December 17, 2021, with a final box office of 249 million yuan.

On December 2, the official account of the animated film 'Lion 2' announced that it will be released on December 14. The film is directed by Sun Haipeng and produced by Zhang Miao.      The first part of 'The Young Lion' was released on December 17, 2021, with a final box office  - Lujuba

Xiaoxiang Morning News comprehensive report

Tags: entertainment