The movie "Joker 2: Double Delusion" directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga announced that the key has been extended to December 15. Joaquin Phoenix plays the clown Arthur and Lady Gaga plays Harley Quinn. Li. Text/Beijing....

entertainment 8161℃

The movie "Joker 2: Double Delusion" directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga announced that the key has been extended to December 15. Joaquin Phoenix plays the clown Arthur and Lady Gaga plays the clown. Nvli.

The movie "Joker 2: Double Delusion" directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga announced that the key has been extended to December 15. Joaquin Phoenix plays the clown Arthur and Lady Gaga plays the clown. Nvli.

The movie 'Joker 2: Double Delusion' directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga announced that the key has been extended to December 15. Joaquin Phoenix plays the clown Arthur and Lady Gaga plays Harley Quinn. Li.      Text/Beijing.... - Lujuba

Text/Editor by Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment