Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series. The name is "Prosecutor of the Nine Departments". When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing? But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of "Nine Parts" was called Prosecution

entertainment 2928℃

text | Mi Li’s mother

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Some time ago, Mi Li’s mother followed a drama.

The name is "Prosecutor of the Nine Departments". When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?

But the play quickly cleared up the confusion for us. The predecessor of "Nine Parts" was called the Juvenile Prosecution Office. All prosecutorial cases involving minors fall within the scope of uninspected functions.

As the name suggests, this drama brings a very sensitive subject of "minor crime" that urgently needs attention to the screen.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Behind the many "children's things" in the drama are the epitome of various family and social problems. Behind the children involved in the case, no one of the adults who are pulling each other dare to say that they are "innocent".

There was a case within a case, which left a deep impression on Mi Li’s mother.

Jiang Xiaojie is an only child with a mother who has a very successful career. For so many years, it was all thanks to her mother's hard work outside the home that she earned a lot of money, so the living conditions at Jiang Xiaojie's family were very good, and she had no worries about food and clothing.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

But she was not happy at all every day, and even felt suffocated.

Because of her mother’s decisiveness in the business world, she brought her home to deal with Jiang Xiaojie and her father.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

She is very busy at work and has no time to take care of her daughter, let alone her daughter's mood. Her only focus is Jiang Xiaojie's academic performance and forcing her daughter to take various vitamins sold by her company.

Her mother never showed up all year round, and she was full of high pressure when she saw her. This put Jiang Xiaojie under great psychological pressure.

Although his father is at home all year round, he has a very weak character. He is often yelled at by Xiao Jie's mother and has no family status. Moreover, he has no sense of responsibility as a father at all.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

He simply didn’t want to and couldn’t enter his daughter’s inner world, so when Jiang Xiaojie encountered an accident, he could only bear everything silently.

Jiang Xiaojie likes painting very much and often goes out to sketch by herself. However, on a rainy day, Jiang Xiaojie was sexually assaulted while hiding from the rain in a wooden cabin in the park.

When her mother saw Jiang Xiaojie running home in the heavy rain, she didn't care at all. Instead, she scolded her for "drawing useless paintings again?" Afraid and ashamed, she neither dared to tell her mother nor mentioned it to her father, so she could only bear all the troubles alone.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

When she arrived at school, her classmate Zhang Yunyun accidentally discovered her secret. Instead, Jiang Xiaojie blocked her on the school rooftop, forced her to take medicine, pushed her down in the rain and beat her, turning her from a victim into a bully.

But in fact, Jiang Xiaojie’s behavior is the biggest reversal.

It turns out that all her rebellious and bullying behaviors were actually a conspiracy with her classmate Zhang Yunyun to defraud her family of money and escape from her original family.

As the plot gradually progresses, everyone discovers that there is another hidden story behind the original incident...

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Behind this carefully designed scam, what was exposed was the bloody tragedy of the original family.

Parents often think that their children's silence means peace and nothing happens, but little do they know that their children's unreasonable silence is exactly a sign of danger.

Have you ever thought that when a child loses the will to "ask for help", the matter has developed to a very serious level.

If it doesn’t break out in silence, it will perish in silence.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Two years ago, there was a case that shocked the Chinese community in the United States. "The genius figure skating girl who hit her father with a car was expelled from Stanford"

It was a girl named Jenna. She was only 17 years old at the time. Slip, Xueba, Stanford, every label is shining, it is simply a replica of Gu Ailing.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Such an outstanding child stepped on the accelerator and impulsively crashed into his father who was blocking the car...

Although his father's life was not in danger, he was seriously injured, leaving permanent sequelae. This incident made the girl lose all her glory overnight, she was involved in a lawsuit, and Stanford also removed her from the program.

jenna has been "someone else's child" since she was a child. She has excellent grades and is beautiful. In the "aristocratic sport" figure skating , she looks like a little swan fluttering about to fly. She was once regarded as the "Chinese figure skating future star".

shone in the figure skating arena when he was young. When he was 17 years old, he also received an invitation letter from Stanford University in the United States.

Such an excellent academic is like a goddess no matter how you look at it, and his future is limitless. But what happened when she was 17 years old became a major turning point in her life. After being rejected by a prestigious school, her life plummeted.

That afternoon, Jenna had a heated argument with her 50-year-old father. In anger, she drove away from home. Unexpectedly, her father actually made a crazy move: he jumped up and lay on her hood to stop her.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

jenna was inspired by her father's actions to have a rebellious mentality. She stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, knocking her father away in front of him!

After seeing what the father and daughter did, Mi Li’s mother really felt that there was something wrong with both of them.

A normal father would never use the extreme method of jumping on the hood to intercept his daughter. And a normal daughter, seeing her father so crazy, would definitely stop the car and turn off the engine, and would not crash into her father frantically...

It is just a family. The conflict directly caused irreversible serious injuries. When Jenna was sued in court, Stanford University also revoked her admission notice.

Although no matter how you look at this matter, Jenna is too much, as if there is a devil's soul hidden under the appearance of an angel. People scorned her, her character was ruined, and she became a target of public criticism.

But in fact, the way father and daughter deal with problems is exactly the same. They are all violent and extremely impulsive, regardless of the consequences.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that Jenna’s impulse is not accidental, it is inevitable, just like many children who are admitted to prestigious schools. They have excellent brains, are academic masters, and are elites. However, due to the influence of their original family, they Can still beat a good hand to a pulp.

Jenna drove into her father, never touched her skates again, and completely gave up on her dream of figure skating. What destroyed her dream was precisely the violence and imbalance in education, which caused her psychological destruction.

Children may take a lifetime to heal from wrong education in their native family. Without knowing it, children's life will be guided to the wrong path because of wrong values. When I wanted to look back, I realized I had gone too far. Jenna gave up her dream of going to a prestigious school, and she may have to start over in her future life.

There are even more extreme cases, such as the case of a Chinese-American girl in Canada who committed murder to kill her father and mother. "A Chinese-American girl in Canada committed murder to kill her father and mother. Is she a daughter from hell?" ", and Xiaoxi, a Japanese girl who lived under the high pressure of her mother all year round without any freedom. She even had to take a bath with her mother, and finally suffered a mental breakdown and killed her mother with her own hands.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Although the violent side of these children is frightening, they are still extreme cases after all. The choice of most children is to hurt themselves with the knife edge facing inward.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Compared with their parents, children are weak. The way they rebel against their parents is to use themselves as a tool for anger, and both parties suffer as a result!

There are also children who were submissive and obeyed their parents' arrangements during their childhood, but when they became adults, they unconsciously rebelled in ways that were unacceptable to their parents.

They even complain about their children. Why do they become more and more alienated from their parents as they grow older? As everyone knows, this alienation is already the gentlest feedback a child can give.

She was once an excellent teacher and parent highly respected by parents. The class she teaches has excellent grades, and her son and daughter are also enviable.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

But suddenly one day, my son, who was a senior in high school, dropped out of school, and then my daughter, who was a sophomore in high school, also dropped out of school. The two of them played games at home every day.

Li Liunan used to be so prosperous, but now he is in such a miserable state.

She wrote down her failure experience in "Mother's Letter of Repentance".

When she was shocked to realize that she had become a mother abandoned by her children, she regretted it and finally began to learn to respect her children's preferences and understand their true wishes.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Li Liunan asked his daughter what she wanted to do in the future, and her daughter said she wanted to learn baking.

This obviously did not meet Li Liunan’s goal of going to college, but she still respected her daughter’s wishes and found a baking school for her.

She also began to learn to support her daughter. She shared the cakes made by her daughter with the neighbors, and her daughter learned more enthusiastically.

My daughter was admitted to a baking university, but two months after enrolling, she no longer wanted to study and wanted to study psychology.

Li Liunan saw the positive feedback about respecting her daughter and decided to continue to support her daughter. In this way, my daughter overcame many difficulties and became a psychology student at a university in the United States.

Although she was not successful enough to shine, at least she was still alive and well, with things she wanted to do and people she wanted to help.

The daughter told her mother that she previously wanted to take revenge on her mother for her self-righteous high-pressure control regardless of her wishes, and even thought of committing suicide, but now that her mother has changed, she has no reason to die.

That’s why she wanted to study psychology to help children who were suffering from the same adolescent pain as her and help them find reasons to live.

Li Liunan used respect to bring back his lost daughter, and also helped his son find a new direction in life, and rediscovered the lost parent-child relationship.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

The children who once hated her to the core and felt uncomfortable when thinking of her finally began to love their mother and were proud of having such a mother.

Going back to this drama, in addition to the fascinating plot, the broadcast of this drama also sent out an important signal.

The country is paying more and more attention to the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Every move of a minor is actually a microcosm of the entire family and even the entire society.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

What I feel most daring to film about this drama is that it truly shows in front of the camera how children experience silent suffering in the family, how they slip to the edge of being involved in crimes, and how they develop psychological problems step by step. .

Many times, we only see the most extreme resistance of children, but in fact, more scars have been deeply buried in the hearts of children.

Before a big problem occurs, children must constantly send out "help" signals through language and behavior.

If we get the signal and are willing to make adjustments and accept our children's emotions, maybe they won't be stuck where they are.

Don’t let your child become the “elephant in the room” by asking for help silently.

Personal profile: @米里马爱Sharing MiLi’s mother, a returnee from the United States and a parent in Haidian. Focus on learning practical information, educational experience and further education.

text | Mi Li’s mother

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Some time ago, Mi Li’s mother followed a drama.

The name is "Prosecutor of the Nine Departments". When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?

But the play quickly cleared up the confusion for us. The predecessor of "Nine Parts" was called the Juvenile Prosecution Office. All prosecutorial cases involving minors fall within the scope of uninspected functions.

As the name suggests, this drama brings a very sensitive subject of "minor crime" that urgently needs attention to the screen.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Behind the many "children's things" in the drama are the epitome of various family and social problems. Behind the children involved in the case, no one of the adults who are pulling each other dare to say that they are "innocent".

There was a case within a case, which left a deep impression on Mi Li’s mother.

Jiang Xiaojie is an only child with a mother who has a very successful career. For so many years, it was all thanks to her mother's hard work outside the home that she earned a lot of money, so the living conditions at Jiang Xiaojie's family were very good, and she had no worries about food and clothing.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

But she was not happy at all every day, and even felt suffocated.

Because of her mother’s decisiveness in the business world, she brought her home to deal with Jiang Xiaojie and her father.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

She is very busy at work and has no time to take care of her daughter, let alone her daughter's mood. Her only focus is Jiang Xiaojie's academic performance and forcing her daughter to take various vitamins sold by her company.

Her mother never showed up all year round, and she was full of high pressure when she saw her. This put Jiang Xiaojie under great psychological pressure.

Although his father is at home all year round, he has a very weak character. He is often yelled at by Xiao Jie's mother and has no family status. Moreover, he has no sense of responsibility as a father at all.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

He simply didn’t want to and couldn’t enter his daughter’s inner world, so when Jiang Xiaojie encountered an accident, he could only bear everything silently.

Jiang Xiaojie likes painting very much and often goes out to sketch by herself. However, on a rainy day, Jiang Xiaojie was sexually assaulted while hiding from the rain in a wooden cabin in the park.

When her mother saw Jiang Xiaojie running home in the heavy rain, she didn't care at all. Instead, she scolded her for "drawing useless paintings again?" Afraid and ashamed, she neither dared to tell her mother nor mentioned it to her father, so she could only bear all the troubles alone.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

When she arrived at school, her classmate Zhang Yunyun accidentally discovered her secret. Instead, Jiang Xiaojie blocked her on the school rooftop, forced her to take medicine, pushed her down in the rain and beat her, turning her from a victim into a bully.

But in fact, Jiang Xiaojie’s behavior is the biggest reversal.

It turns out that all her rebellious and bullying behaviors were actually a conspiracy with her classmate Zhang Yunyun to defraud her family of money and escape from her original family.

As the plot gradually progresses, everyone discovers that there is another hidden story behind the original incident...

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Behind this carefully designed scam, what was exposed was the bloody tragedy of the original family.

Parents often think that their children's silence means peace and nothing happens, but little do they know that their children's unreasonable silence is exactly a sign of danger.

Have you ever thought that when a child loses the will to "ask for help", the matter has developed to a very serious level.

If it doesn’t break out in silence, it will perish in silence.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Two years ago, there was a case that shocked the Chinese community in the United States. "The genius figure skating girl who hit her father with a car was expelled from Stanford"

It was a girl named Jenna. She was only 17 years old at the time. Slip, Xueba, Stanford, every label is shining, it is simply a replica of Gu Ailing.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Such an outstanding child stepped on the accelerator and impulsively crashed into his father who was blocking the car...

Although his father's life was not in danger, he was seriously injured, leaving permanent sequelae. This incident made the girl lose all her glory overnight, she was involved in a lawsuit, and Stanford also removed her from the program.

jenna has been "someone else's child" since she was a child. She has excellent grades and is beautiful. In the "aristocratic sport" figure skating , she looks like a little swan fluttering about to fly. She was once regarded as the "Chinese figure skating future star".

shone in the figure skating arena when he was young. When he was 17 years old, he also received an invitation letter from Stanford University in the United States.

Such an excellent academic is like a goddess no matter how you look at it, and his future is limitless. But what happened when she was 17 years old became a major turning point in her life. After being rejected by a prestigious school, her life plummeted.

That afternoon, Jenna had a heated argument with her 50-year-old father. In anger, she drove away from home. Unexpectedly, her father actually made a crazy move: he jumped up and lay on her hood to stop her.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

jenna was inspired by her father's actions to have a rebellious mentality. She stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, knocking her father away in front of him!

After seeing what the father and daughter did, Mi Li’s mother really felt that there was something wrong with both of them.

A normal father would never use the extreme method of jumping on the hood to intercept his daughter. And a normal daughter, seeing her father so crazy, would definitely stop the car and turn off the engine, and would not crash into her father frantically...

It is just a family. The conflict directly caused irreversible serious injuries. When Jenna was sued in court, Stanford University also revoked her admission notice.

Although no matter how you look at this matter, Jenna is too much, as if there is a devil's soul hidden under the appearance of an angel. People scorned her, her character was ruined, and she became a target of public criticism.

But in fact, the way father and daughter deal with problems is exactly the same. They are all violent and extremely impulsive, regardless of the consequences.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that Jenna’s impulse is not accidental, it is inevitable, just like many children who are admitted to prestigious schools. They have excellent brains, are academic masters, and are elites. However, due to the influence of their original family, they Can still beat a good hand to a pulp.

Jenna drove into her father, never touched her skates again, and completely gave up on her dream of figure skating. What destroyed her dream was precisely the violence and imbalance in education, which caused her psychological destruction.

Children may take a lifetime to heal from wrong education in their native family. Without knowing it, children's life will be guided to the wrong path because of wrong values. When I wanted to look back, I realized I had gone too far. Jenna gave up her dream of going to a prestigious school, and she may have to start over in her future life.

There are even more extreme cases, such as the case of a Chinese-American girl in Canada who committed murder to kill her father and mother. "A Chinese-American girl in Canada committed murder to kill her father and mother. Is she a daughter from hell?" ", and Xiaoxi, a Japanese girl who lived under the high pressure of her mother all year round without any freedom. She even had to take a bath with her mother, and finally suffered a mental breakdown and killed her mother with her own hands.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Although the violent side of these children is frightening, they are still extreme cases after all. The choice of most children is to hurt themselves with the knife edge facing inward.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Compared with their parents, children are weak. The way they rebel against their parents is to use themselves as a tool for anger, and both parties suffer as a result!

There are also children who were submissive and obeyed their parents' arrangements during their childhood, but when they became adults, they unconsciously rebelled in ways that were unacceptable to their parents.

They even complain about their children. Why do they become more and more alienated from their parents as they grow older? As everyone knows, this alienation is already the gentlest feedback a child can give.

She was once an excellent teacher and parent highly respected by parents. The class she teaches has excellent grades, and her son and daughter are also enviable.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

But suddenly one day, my son, who was a senior in high school, dropped out of school, and then my daughter, who was a sophomore in high school, also dropped out of school. The two of them played games at home every day.

Li Liunan used to be so prosperous, but now he is in such a miserable state.

She wrote down her failure experience in "Mother's Letter of Repentance".

When she was shocked to realize that she had become a mother abandoned by her children, she regretted it and finally began to learn to respect her children's preferences and understand their true wishes.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

Li Liunan asked his daughter what she wanted to do in the future, and her daughter said she wanted to learn baking.

This obviously did not meet Li Liunan’s goal of going to college, but she still respected her daughter’s wishes and found a baking school for her.

She also began to learn to support her daughter. She shared the cakes made by her daughter with the neighbors, and her daughter learned more enthusiastically.

My daughter was admitted to a baking university, but two months after enrolling, she no longer wanted to study and wanted to study psychology.

Li Liunan saw the positive feedback about respecting her daughter and decided to continue to support her daughter. In this way, my daughter overcame many difficulties and became a psychology student at a university in the United States.

Although she was not successful enough to shine, at least she was still alive and well, with things she wanted to do and people she wanted to help.

The daughter told her mother that she previously wanted to take revenge on her mother for her self-righteous high-pressure control regardless of her wishes, and even thought of committing suicide, but now that her mother has changed, she has no reason to die.

That’s why she wanted to study psychology to help children who were suffering from the same adolescent pain as her and help them find reasons to live.

Li Liunan used respect to bring back his lost daughter, and also helped his son find a new direction in life, and rediscovered the lost parent-child relationship.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

The children who once hated her to the core and felt uncomfortable when thinking of her finally began to love their mother and were proud of having such a mother.

Going back to this drama, in addition to the fascinating plot, the broadcast of this drama also sent out an important signal.

The country is paying more and more attention to the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Every move of a minor is actually a microcosm of the entire family and even the entire society.

Text | Mi Li’s mom Some time ago, Mi Li’s mom followed a TV series.      The name is 'Prosecutor of the Nine Departments'. When you first hear this name, is it a bit confusing?      But the play quickly cleared up our doubts. The predecessor of 'Nine Parts' was called Prosecution - Lujuba

What I feel most daring to film about this drama is that it truly shows in front of the camera how children experience silent suffering in the family, how they slip to the edge of being involved in crimes, and how they develop psychological problems step by step. .

Many times, we only see the most extreme resistance of children, but in fact, more scars have been deeply buried in the hearts of children.

Before a big problem occurs, children must constantly send out "help" signals through language and behavior.

If we get the signal and are willing to make adjustments and accept our children's emotions, maybe they won't be stuck where they are.

Don’t let your child become the “elephant in the room” by asking for help silently.

Personal profile: @米里马爱Sharing MiLi’s mother, a returnee from the United States and a parent in Haidian. Focus on learning practical information, educational experience and further education.

Tags: entertainment