The story of the TV series "Snow Maze" began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca

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The story of the

TV series "Snow Maze" began in 1998. It took place in Halan, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police captain of the Harlan City Public Security Bureau, elite criminal policemen from different positions quickly formed an anti-drug task force. They went deep into the tiger's den, negotiated and fought with various drug dealers, and eliminated the ecstasy drug gangs entrenched in the city. After the annihilation, they investigated the methamphetamine criminal group hiding behind it, and then figured out the criminal chain from drug production, drug transportation to sales, and caught all the criminals.

's original novel was titled "The First Shot". At that time, the State Council had not yet officially approved the establishment of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau by the Ministry of Public Security. "The First Shot", as its name suggests, means that the anti-drug police in Northeast China fired the first shot against drug dealers.

"Snow Maze" is currently being broadcast on the Youku platform. Recently, an offline viewing event of "Snow Maze" was held. The director of the play, Lu Xing, and the starring Zhang Yu were present to share with the audience.

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

"Snow Maze" poster

Lu Xing: Restore the ideal Northeast

Lu Xing first introduced his feelings when he saw the script for the first time: "When I read this script, they had already written many drafts. It was very It’s a mature script. The script I saw is a criminal investigation life drama. It has complicated and confusing cases, but it also has the pyrotechnics of daily folk life. How to reconcile them is a problem we all face. "

For this reason, Lu. The bank said that the play uses real cases and real character prototypes that have been visited and investigated for a long time, and uses realism to try to restore the 1990s and complete a dramatic story in order to "bring an immersive viewing experience to the audience." "Snow Maze" director Lu Xing

In a previous sharing event, actor Huang Jingyu said that "Snow Maze" is committed to creating "the Northeast on the tip of the tongue" and joked that the leading actors gained weight after filming. A hundred pounds. Judging from the currently aired episodes, "Snow Maze" has appeared in various Northeastern delicacies such as pork stewed vermicelli, fried chicken, chicken stewed with mushrooms, pot pork, Northeastern pickled cabbage, etc., and they are different from the small portions on the plate. , these dishes are often served in basins on the table.

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

Stills from " Snow Maze "

Lu Xing shared: "I am a Northeasterner. Although I have done a lot of research, we cannot completely restore the Northeast of that era. I hope to restore the Northeast in my memory. The feeling, and some of the visual symbols of the time were refined and strengthened, and finally presented to the audience a feeling consistent with the Northeast in their memories. "Snow Maze" is full of delicious food. Our crew eats all kinds of delicious food every day. "In fact, the memory of eating and drinking is very close to my imagination or ideal life in Northeast China."

The subject matter of anti-drug dramas seems to be naturally serious and cruel, but Lu Xing believes that all kinds of TV dramas are faced with this. It's your choice, you can choose to tell a story in a profound way, or you can choose to tell it in a warm and interesting way.

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

Stills of "Snow Maze"

Although it contains many cheerful and heartwarming plots, "Snow Maze" does not avoid the cruel and dangerous part of anti-drug itself. "If you have watched TV series in the 1990s (of the last century), especially those about criminal investigation and solving crimes, You will find in the TV series that all the police's weapons, equipment, and vehicles are not very well equipped, so they take huge risks when they confront criminals. Later in the climax, the police and criminals will The battle with real swords and guns was also very interesting," Lu Xing said.

As for the cast of "Snow Maze", the task force team composed of Huang Jingyu, Wang Ziqi, Xie Keyin and others worked together to solve the layers of mysteries and move towards the truth, growing together while laughing and scolding. The character played by Zhang Yu tries to break through himself but finds himself standing still, which makes people see the complexity and darkness of human nature. The addition of "veteran actors" such as Liang Guanhua, Liu Wei, Ding Jiali, etc. also makes the most plain plot watchable.

Talking about the performance of the actors, Lu Xing said that as a Northeasterner, Huang Jingyu’s role as Zheng Bei is his comfort zone. Zhang Yu has portrayed many very successful characters on the big screen before, which are very infectious and expressive. "But when he shared with me, he said that he was actually very nervous about entering a new field, and it happened to be that nervousness that made Jiang Xiaohai... This role is well interpreted. If a person does not have the desire and desire to explore, he will not be able to perform such complex emotions. "

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

"Snow Maze" stills

Zhang Yu: I hope everyone will find out Jiang Xiaohai's secret

"Snow". The first episode of "Labyrinth" focuses on creating a rich atmosphere of the times and Northeastern atmosphere: the dance floor is full of entertainment, people from the anti-drug task force dress up in disguise and go deep into the tiger's den, and there is a murderous intention hidden in the noisy dance floor. The audience has already foreseen that there will be a fight. Keep your heart tight at all times. Although you are frightened, it ends successfully in the end. Zheng Bei escorts the prisoner to justice.

The scene changed, it was a blizzard day that comes to mind when mentioning the Northeast. People in thick clothes were crowded in the car. As the scene changed with the broken watch, strong winds, splashing blood, and a more terrifying murder occurred. , also officially introduced one of the most mysterious characters in the show-Jiang Xiaohai played by Zhang Yu.

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

Zhang Yu

Zhang Yu said that what attracts him most about the role of Jiang Xiaohai is his versatility and complexity. "I put the experience of this character into the details of every Jiang Xiaohai appearance. I hope you will have the patience to peel off the cocoons." "

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

"Snow Maze" stills

Recalling the filming process of "Snow Maze", Zhang Yu said that what impressed him most was that one scene took three nights to shoot, "Because I am not a young man, I have never received professional and systematic training in martial arts. In fact, it was very difficult for me at the time, including the fact that the martial arts director was extremely realistic in the entire fighting style, and I could only fight to the death.”

The story of the TV series 'Snow Maze' began in 1998. It took place in Haran, a fictional old industrial city in Northeast China. A murder case led to a secret and cunning large-scale drug trafficking organization. Led by Zheng Bei (played by Huang Jingyu), the criminal police ca - Lujuba

《雪. "Labyrinth" stills

An audience member at the scene also asked Zhang Yu how he views the balance between acclaim and popularity for a work. Zhang Yu replied: "All those who create, those who need to bring works to everyone, they must be eager to have both acclaim and acclaim. It is also difficult to achieve both, as everyone’s demands are different. For example, who is applauded? What kind of audience do you want to be praised for? Everyone’s inner preference for writing is different. He hopes that his sales will be better if he writes it for the broad public. Some people write for the lighthouse in their heart, even if it is for the deceased elder who has always guided him, maybe it will be applauded by millions of people. , are not as good as the lighthouse in his heart, or the clear conscience that he thinks he can hand over to the lighthouse in his heart. ”

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