[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms.

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Snot and tears flow non-stop. These autumn troubles are due to allergies

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

Many patients are waiting in the allergy clinic area.

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

Li Xiaoluan shows samples of picked flowers and plants.

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

The flowering period of Artemisia will last until the National Day.

After the hot summer and entering the cool autumn, many citizens began to sneeze and have runny noses, accompanied by very uncomfortable itchy, red and tearful eyes. Li Xiaoluan, a member of the Allergist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and director of the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, said that these symptoms are all allergic reactions. After entering autumn, the air is filled with a large amount of pollen, dust mites and other major allergenic substances. Monitoring data shows that the concentration of pollen in the air in Shijiazhuang has been relatively high recently. If you experience such symptoms, please seek medical attention promptly to avoid delaying your condition.

Autumn came, and he started to sneeze non-stop and have a runny nose.

Looking forward and looking forward, Shijiazhuang finally entered the good days of autumn and crisp air. However, walking on the streets of Shijiazhuang, you will find more and more people wearing masks. At first, Mr. Wang, a citizen, was still a little confused: The good weather in autumn has finally arrived. Why is everyone covering themselves tightly on such a cool day?

"I saw a neighbor in the community a few days ago. Only one pair of eyes was exposed on her face, and a large mask almost covered her entire face. She greeted me, but I didn't recognize her." Mr. Wang asked her why. Why do I cover my house so tightly? My neighbor said that he is allergic and feels very uncomfortable every autumn. He can only use this method to reduce his contact with allergens.

As a result, within a few days, Mr. Wang also developed sneezing and runny nose. A few days later, not only did the symptoms not slow down, but his eyes became itchy, red, and watery again. Mr. Wang went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor asked him to go to the allergy department. Here, Mr. Wang saw dozens of patients wearing masks. After a brief inquiry, he found that their symptoms were almost exactly the same. After examination, the doctor told Mr. Wang that he had autumn allergies. Further examination of allergens confirmed that Mr. Wang had pollen allergy and therefore developed symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis.

"There are quite a few such situations. In recent days, I have discovered that many people are wearing masks on the streets of the city. Some passers-by sneeze and wipe their noses from time to time. They are all similar to me. They should all have autumn allergies. I hope everyone Pay more attention, because the symptoms after allergies are too uncomfortable and really painful," Mr. Wang said with emotion.

Spring and autumn are the peaks of pollen allergy, and autumn is relatively more serious.

On the morning of September 10, the reporter came to the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University. In the waiting area of ​​the outpatient clinic, more than a dozen patients are waiting in line. Director Li Xiaoluan of the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, who has been engaged in clinical medicine and scientific research for more than 30 years, said that allergic reactions may occur throughout the year, but spring and autumn are the periods of highest incidence of allergies. Pollen allergies are more severe in autumn than in spring. “Pollen in spring is mostly tree pollen, with larger particles. After falling to the ground, it is blown up by the wind and inhaled by people. In autumn, allergenic pollen is mainly herbaceous plants. These pollen particles are small and easy to float in the air, making it easy for people to breathe. People are hard to guard against," Li Xiaoluan said.

Li Xiaoluan said that spring and autumn are also the seasons with the highest concentration of pollen. Pollen allergies can cause allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic asthma and other diseases. Allergic rhinitis mainly manifests as episodic sneezing, runny nose, nasal itching, and nasal congestion. In severe cases, more than a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of sneezes may occur every day, with severe itching of the nose and eyes, and constant flow of nasal discharge and tears. . In addition to rhinitis symptoms, some patients may also experience an acute attack of asthma, such as repeated coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. The symptoms will worsen at night. In severe cases, they will be awakened during sleep and cannot lie down, and need to sit upright to breathe.

The spring pollen season is mainly in March and April, and the symptoms last for about 4 weeks. But the fall pollen season is caused primarily by weed and crop pollen. In North China, wormwood pollen and humulus pollen are the most allergenic. Their vitality is extremely strong, and they can be found everywhere in the wilderness, in the fields, in front of and behind the house.

Li Xiaoluan said that in the autumn in Shijiazhuang, pollen allergens are mainly Artemisia plants, such as Artemisia annua, Artemisia capsinum, Artemisia large seeds, mugwort, etc. The corresponding flowering period will last from the beginning of autumn to the National Day. In addition, there are Chenopodiaceae plants, including Chenopodiaceae, Kochia, etc. Chenopodiaceae plants are closely related to human life. For example, spinach is a Chenopodiaceae plant that people often eat. The pollen of Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae are similar, and they are relatively close in taxonomy. The flowering period is generally from July to September. "There is also Humulus humulus, also known as Lala rice seedling. This is a plant with more pollen in Shijiazhuang in autumn. The flowering period of Humulus humulus will also last until the National Day."

"The symptoms of pollen allergy last longer in autumn than in spring. "Many patients will have symptoms at the beginning of autumn, but in late August, the symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis will continue to worsen, and severe allergic symptoms will last until around the National Day," Li Xiaoluan said.

For the doctors in the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, their daily work is not only to treat patients, but also to conduct scientific research and surveys, monitor the daily pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang, and collect pollen plant specimens on the streets.

The reporter noticed that the Allergy and Allergy Department of the hospital has a WeChat public account. In the months of March, April, May, August, and September every year, doctors in the department will monitor the pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang every day and monitor the pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang. The data will be released on the same day to popularize science to the general public and remind relevant patient groups to pay attention.

The reporter saw that the daily pollen concentration data in Shijiazhuang released by the hospital in recent days showed that the pollen concentration was divided into six levels. Values ​​below 50 were described as very low, 101-300 as high, and 301- The concentration value of 500 is marked as high, while the value range of 501-800 is very high. When the monitored value reaches or exceeds 801, it is marked as extremely high pollen concentration, which is also the highest level, level six.

"Look, this is the airborne pollen broadcast data we have monitored in the Shijiazhuang area in recent days. The values ​​on September 8 and September 9 reached 888 and 840 respectively. The lowest pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang recently was also 400. Above all, such pollen concentration outdoors will be very uncomfortable for those with allergic symptoms," Li Xiaoluan said.

Pay attention to allergy symptoms and seek medical treatment promptly

During the interview, Li Xiaoluan talked about a case that impressed her deeply: "It was a child of a relative who was a doctor in the same hospital. He came to our department for diagnosis and treatment. Later, the parents said However, the child did not come for the past two months. Later, I met the doctor in the same hospital and asked about the child. I heard the bad news that the child died due to an allergy to plant pollen when he went back to his hometown to play with his family. It can be rescued.”

Li Xiaoluan reminded the general public that they must pay attention to allergic symptoms and treat them as soon as possible, otherwise it may cause serious consequences. "The proportion of pollen allergies in autumn is getting higher and higher. It accounted for about 20% of patients more than ten years ago, and now it has reached more than one-third. Moreover, many patients suddenly become ill on the street, and some patients are even picked up by strangers. Passers-by sent to the hospital for treatment may suffer from anaphylactic shock," Li Xiaoluan said.

Li Xiaoluan said that pollen is a common allergen in northern areas. Their flowering period is long and lasts for 1-2 months at most. The pollen is light and large in amount. It can fly hundreds of kilometers with the wind and is spread by the wind. Wind-pollinated flowers. People with allergies develop allergic symptoms when exposed to pollen floating in the air. In addition, dust mites can also cause allergies, and are more likely to cause allergies than pollen. "I often say, what disease is the scariest? Some people say it is tumors. In fact, allergies are the most dangerous. The previous attack may be mild, but the next time it may be serious. Allergies often occur suddenly without any preparation. If If not treated in time, it is likely to be life-threatening. Unlike other diseases, it has a progression process and often comes at once, catching people off guard."

So, how should we prevent pollen allergies in autumn? Li Xiaoluan said that 10 am to 5 pm is the time when pollen concentration is high. Patients with a history of pollen allergies should try to avoid going to grass, gardens and other places in the near future. If they must go out, It is recommended to wear a mask or goggles, wash your face, hands, and change clothes immediately after returning home. In addition, you can perform nasal rinses if necessary. In addition, proper exercise and exercise can also help to avoid the onset of pollen allergies. If you have symptoms of pollen allergy, you must seek medical treatment promptly to control the symptoms and avoid more serious complications.

Snot and tears flow non-stop. These autumn troubles are due to allergies

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

Many patients are waiting in the allergy clinic area.

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

Li Xiaoluan shows samples of picked flowers and plants.

[Source: Shijiazhuang News Network] Sniffles and tears keep flowing. These autumn troubles are due to allergies. The recent high concentration of plant pollen in Shijiazhuang can easily cause allergies. Citizens should seek medical treatment in time if they have related symptoms. - Lujuba

The flowering period of Artemisia will last until the National Day.

After the hot summer and entering the cool autumn, many citizens began to sneeze and have runny noses, accompanied by very uncomfortable itchy, red and tearful eyes. Li Xiaoluan, a member of the Allergist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and director of the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, said that these symptoms are all allergic reactions. After entering autumn, the air is filled with a large amount of pollen, dust mites and other major allergenic substances. Monitoring data shows that the concentration of pollen in the air in Shijiazhuang has been relatively high recently. If you experience such symptoms, please seek medical attention promptly to avoid delaying your condition.

Autumn came, and he started to sneeze non-stop and have a runny nose.

Looking forward and looking forward, Shijiazhuang finally entered the good days of autumn and crisp air. However, walking on the streets of Shijiazhuang, you will find more and more people wearing masks. At first, Mr. Wang, a citizen, was still a little confused: The good weather in autumn has finally arrived. Why is everyone covering themselves tightly on such a cool day?

"I saw a neighbor in the community a few days ago. Only one pair of eyes was exposed on her face, and a large mask almost covered her entire face. She greeted me, but I didn't recognize her." Mr. Wang asked her why. Why do I cover my house so tightly? My neighbor said that he is allergic and feels very uncomfortable every autumn. He can only use this method to reduce his contact with allergens.

As a result, within a few days, Mr. Wang also developed sneezing and runny nose. A few days later, not only did the symptoms not slow down, but his eyes became itchy, red, and watery again. Mr. Wang went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor asked him to go to the allergy department. Here, Mr. Wang saw dozens of patients wearing masks. After a brief inquiry, he found that their symptoms were almost exactly the same. After examination, the doctor told Mr. Wang that he had autumn allergies. Further examination of allergens confirmed that Mr. Wang had pollen allergy and therefore developed symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis.

"There are quite a few such situations. In recent days, I have discovered that many people are wearing masks on the streets of the city. Some passers-by sneeze and wipe their noses from time to time. They are all similar to me. They should all have autumn allergies. I hope everyone Pay more attention, because the symptoms after allergies are too uncomfortable and really painful," Mr. Wang said with emotion.

Spring and autumn are the peaks of pollen allergy, and autumn is relatively more serious.

On the morning of September 10, the reporter came to the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University. In the waiting area of ​​the outpatient clinic, more than a dozen patients are waiting in line. Director Li Xiaoluan of the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, who has been engaged in clinical medicine and scientific research for more than 30 years, said that allergic reactions may occur throughout the year, but spring and autumn are the periods of highest incidence of allergies. Pollen allergies are more severe in autumn than in spring. “Pollen in spring is mostly tree pollen, with larger particles. After falling to the ground, it is blown up by the wind and inhaled by people. In autumn, allergenic pollen is mainly herbaceous plants. These pollen particles are small and easy to float in the air, making it easy for people to breathe. People are hard to guard against," Li Xiaoluan said.

Li Xiaoluan said that spring and autumn are also the seasons with the highest concentration of pollen. Pollen allergies can cause allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic asthma and other diseases. Allergic rhinitis mainly manifests as episodic sneezing, runny nose, nasal itching, and nasal congestion. In severe cases, more than a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of sneezes may occur every day, with severe itching of the nose and eyes, and constant flow of nasal discharge and tears. . In addition to rhinitis symptoms, some patients may also experience an acute attack of asthma, such as repeated coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. The symptoms will worsen at night. In severe cases, they will be awakened during sleep and cannot lie down, and need to sit upright to breathe.

The spring pollen season is mainly in March and April, and the symptoms last for about 4 weeks. But the fall pollen season is caused primarily by weed and crop pollen. In North China, wormwood pollen and humulus pollen are the most allergenic. Their vitality is extremely strong, and they can be found everywhere in the wilderness, in the fields, in front of and behind the house.

Li Xiaoluan said that in the autumn in Shijiazhuang, pollen allergens are mainly Artemisia plants, such as Artemisia annua, Artemisia capsinum, Artemisia large seeds, mugwort, etc. The corresponding flowering period will last from the beginning of autumn to the National Day. In addition, there are Chenopodiaceae plants, including Chenopodiaceae, Kochia, etc. Chenopodiaceae plants are closely related to human life. For example, spinach is a Chenopodiaceae plant that people often eat. The pollen of Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae are similar, and they are relatively close in taxonomy. The flowering period is generally from July to September. "There is also Humulus humulus, also known as Lala rice seedling. This is a plant with more pollen in Shijiazhuang in autumn. The flowering period of Humulus humulus will also last until the National Day."

"The symptoms of pollen allergy last longer in autumn than in spring. "Many patients will have symptoms at the beginning of autumn, but in late August, the symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis will continue to worsen, and severe allergic symptoms will last until around the National Day," Li Xiaoluan said.

For the doctors in the Allergy Department of the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, their daily work is not only to treat patients, but also to conduct scientific research and surveys, monitor the daily pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang, and collect pollen plant specimens on the streets.

The reporter noticed that the Allergy and Allergy Department of the hospital has a WeChat public account. In the months of March, April, May, August, and September every year, doctors in the department will monitor the pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang every day and monitor the pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang. The data will be released on the same day to popularize science to the general public and remind relevant patient groups to pay attention.

The reporter saw that the daily pollen concentration data in Shijiazhuang released by the hospital in recent days showed that the pollen concentration was divided into six levels. Values ​​below 50 were described as very low, 101-300 as high, and 301- The concentration value of 500 is marked as high, while the value range of 501-800 is very high. When the monitored value reaches or exceeds 801, it is marked as extremely high pollen concentration, which is also the highest level, level six.

"Look, this is the airborne pollen broadcast data we have monitored in the Shijiazhuang area in recent days. The values ​​on September 8 and September 9 reached 888 and 840 respectively. The lowest pollen concentration in Shijiazhuang recently was also 400. Above all, such pollen concentration outdoors will be very uncomfortable for those with allergic symptoms," Li Xiaoluan said.

Pay attention to allergy symptoms and seek medical treatment promptly

During the interview, Li Xiaoluan talked about a case that impressed her deeply: "It was a child of a relative who was a doctor in the same hospital. He came to our department for diagnosis and treatment. Later, the parents said However, the child did not come for the past two months. Later, I met the doctor in the same hospital and asked about the child. I heard the bad news that the child died due to an allergy to plant pollen when he went back to his hometown to play with his family. It can be rescued.”

Li Xiaoluan reminded the general public that they must pay attention to allergic symptoms and treat them as soon as possible, otherwise it may cause serious consequences. "The proportion of pollen allergies in autumn is getting higher and higher. It accounted for about 20% of patients more than ten years ago, and now it has reached more than one-third. Moreover, many patients suddenly become ill on the street, and some patients are even picked up by strangers. Passers-by sent to the hospital for treatment may suffer from anaphylactic shock," Li Xiaoluan said.

Li Xiaoluan said that pollen is a common allergen in northern areas. Their flowering period is long and lasts for 1-2 months at most. The pollen is light and large in amount. It can fly hundreds of kilometers with the wind and is spread by the wind. Wind-pollinated flowers. People with allergies develop allergic symptoms when exposed to pollen floating in the air. In addition, dust mites can also cause allergies, and are more likely to cause allergies than pollen. "I often say, what disease is the scariest? Some people say it is tumors. In fact, allergies are the most dangerous. The previous attack may be mild, but the next time it may be serious. Allergies often occur suddenly without any preparation. If If not treated in time, it is likely to be life-threatening. Unlike other diseases, it has a progression process and often comes at once, catching people off guard."

So, how should we prevent pollen allergies in autumn? Li Xiaoluan said that 10 am to 5 pm is the time when pollen concentration is high. Patients with a history of pollen allergies should try to avoid going to grass, gardens and other places in the near future. If they must go out, It is recommended to wear a mask or goggles, wash your face, hands, and change clothes immediately after returning home. In addition, you can perform nasal rinses if necessary. In addition, proper exercise and exercise can also help to avoid the onset of pollen allergies. If you have symptoms of pollen allergy, you must seek medical treatment promptly to control the symptoms and avoid more serious complications.(Text/picture reporter Nan Kaiyu)

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