Wuhan University News Network reported on September 6 that in order to express their gratitude to their alma mater for their training, on the occasion of the 40th Teachers’ Day, Wuhan University alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei, class of 1977, from the Department of Mathematics, d

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Wuhan University News Network reported on September 6 that in order to express their gratitude to their alma mater for their training, on the occasion of the 40th Teachers’ Day, Wuhan University alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei from the Department of Mathematics, Class of 1977, donated 10 million yuan to their alma mater. , supports the development of school mathematics disciplines and talent training.

html On September 4, the donation ceremony was held in the first conference room of the administrative building. Before the donation ceremony, President Zhang Pingwen met with alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei and had cordial exchanges. He expressed his gratitude and admiration to the two alumni for their generous donations to give back to their alma mater and to the society.

Wuhan University News Network reported on September 6 that in order to express their gratitude to their alma mater for their training, on the occasion of the 40th Teachers’ Day, Wuhan University alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei, class of 1977, from the Department of Mathematics, d - Lujuba

The first from the left is Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei.

According to reports, Tang Min has served as the chief economist of the Asian Development Bank, the executive vice chairman of the Youcheng Entrepreneur Poverty Alleviation Foundation, etc., and has served as a counselor of the State Council and concurrently as Beijing Adjunct professor at the University China Economic Research Center, Wuhan University, and Jinan University. Zuo Xiaolei has successively served as chief economist of Galaxy Securities and independent director of Hubei Bank.

“Entering Wuhan University 46 years ago has changed my life a lot.” At the donation ceremony, Tang Min fondly recalled the important influence of his alma mater on him. As one of the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination, Tang Min said that like other alumni of the Class of 1977, he has encountered rare life opportunities, and like all alumni, he is proud to see his alma mater become better and stronger.

He said that Wuhan University has a group of alumni entrepreneurs who love their alma mater very much. The large donations from entrepreneurial alumni have provided important assistance to the development of the school and have also had a wide impact across the country. However, compared with foreign universities, small donations from alumni The potential of Wuhan University has not been fully exploited. "Wuhan University has hundreds of thousands of alumni. Today we are willing to take the lead in donating from working-class people. We hope that more alumni will unite and do their part for the development of our alma mater."

Zuo Xiaolei expressed her deep gratitude to her alma mater, teachers and classmates. She was grateful to her alma mater for cultivating her correct outlook on life, world view and values. She mentioned that when was studying at Wuhan University, the economic conditions of the entire country were still very backward. When the then Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee came to inspect the school, he specifically inspected the canteen and told the canteen to make sure that the proud students should eat well. . "Behind education, there is actually the support and contribution of the whole society, so we feel that as long as we have some ability and possibility, we should give back to the society and the Chinese people." She sent an affectionate message to the young students present, and hopes that the younger students will We can also not forget our original aspirations, work hard and live up to the school's training. No matter what field we are in in the future, we can use our wisdom to make our own contributions to our alma mater, the country, and society.

Li Ziyuan, Vice President of Wuhan University, said, "Entrepreneurial alumni who have donated hundreds of millions or more than one billion are great, but as a working class, it is not easy to donate 10 million yuan to support the construction of a first-class university in our alma mater. Both are equally great. " Li Ziyuan pointed out that Wuhan University has the best alumni in the world. The alumni have given great support to the development of the school in various aspects such as talent training, enrollment and employment, and infrastructure construction. This can be seen from alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei. The excellent qualities of Wuhan University students and their heartfelt love for their alma mater are very touching. He emphasized that the Alumni Association should provide good services to repay alumni around the world for their affection for their alma mater. The school must also make good use of donations from alumni Tang Min and Zuo Xiaolei to contribute to the school’s “double first-class” construction, especially the development of mathematics. Provide greater assistance.

Source: Wuhan University News Network, etc.

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