On August 23, the movie "If I Were the One Who Loved You Most in the World" was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner mate

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htmlOn August 23, the movie "If, I Am the One Who Loves You Most in the World" was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner maternal love and desire for life...

On August 23, the movie 'If I Were the One Who Loved You Most in the World' was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner mate - Lujuba

" If, I am the person who loves you most in this world" stills.

At 14:00 on August 29, Tong Liya released a behind-the-scenes video, expressing her respect and gratitude to Chen Zifang, an "armless young man" from Badong, Hubei

The 34-year-old Chen Zifang was born without arms9 His father died suddenly of a stroke when he was just three months old. Chen Zifang, his 12-year-old brother Chen Zijie, and his frail mother depended on each other. When he was 4 years old, he began to practice using his toes to hold chopsticks to eat. Day after day, year after year, his legs and feet became as flexible as his arms. He not only learned to eat and dress, but also learned to take a bath, brush his teeth, cut vegetables, write, etc.

In 2012, his brother gave Chen Zifang a smartphone, and he learned to type with his feet. In 2015, Badong County began to promote the Internet and e-commerce. He thought of the unsalable agricultural products in the village, and came up with the idea of ​​opening an online store. While learning and exploring, he opened online stores on Taobao and Douyin, and also opened a WeChat public account. Nowadays, Chen Zifang is still selling goods on Douyin, selling mountain goods all over the country, and has also led more than 200 villagers to get rid of poverty and increase their income. He has successively won the "National Model Worker" "China Youth May Fourth Medal" "Chinese Good Person" "Hubei Honorary titles such as “Provincial Progressive Good Youth”.

"Very touching and warm."

html On August 29, Chen Zifang was interviewed by a reporter from Hubei Daily and told about his wonderful fate with Tong Liya.

"She was very sincere. She said from the beginning that she was performing a role and wanted to see how armless people live."

Chen Zifang said that Tong Liya saw his sharing of changing diapers and flushing children on the Internet. After making videos about milk powder, fishing and other daily life, I got in touch via private message and expressed my intention to come.

In July last year, Tong Liya and her assistant came to Chen Zifang’s home in Yesanguan Town, Badong County, Enshi Prefecture for the first time. Chen Zifang received her warmly and generously. For two days, Tong Liya observed up close that he used his feet to complete various challenges in life.

Chen Zixiang demonstrated to Tong Liya how to use her feet to hold a child, feed her baby and other daily tasks of taking care of the child, allowing Tong Liya to experience it, and taught her the role of each toe and how to exert strength.

"Tong Liya took notes very carefully and asked for these details repeatedly. Her eyes never left her eyes and she didn't have the airs of a star."

Chen Zifang revealed that Tong Liya's team wanted to give him some compensation at the time, but Chen Zifang declined.

"They are sincere and respect me, so we get along like friends."

Before leaving, Tong Liya bought diapers, climbing mats and other supplies for Chen Zifang's newborn child.

On August 23, the movie 'If I Were the One Who Loved You Most in the World' was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner mate - Lujuba

In September last year, Tong Liya came to Chen Zifang’s house again. This time, Tong Liya stayed at Chen Zifang's house for two days, demonstrating how to play mahjong and typing on the keyboard with both feet. Chen Zifang also taught how to complete the performance in a labor-saving way.

"In fact, not every action in life requires the use of feet. Some actions can be completed with the mouth." Chen Zifang told Tong Liya

Because he was busy practicing, Chen Zifang ordered takeout for lunch that day.

"When the dishes arrived, I found that there was no soup. Because I like fishing, I made a bowl of soup using the crucian carp I caught the day before."

On August 23, the movie 'If I Were the One Who Loved You Most in the World' was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner mate - Lujuba

At noon that day, Chen Zifang demonstrated how to make a crucian carp soup with his feet. , and received high praise from Tong Liya.

"The fish soup is all finished." Chen Zifang said happily that since then, the two parties have kept in touch on WeChat and met once in Beijing.

In July this year, Chen Zifang was diagnosed with a tumor in his stomach. After learning about Chen Zifang's condition, Tong Liya actively contacted the hospital for him and encouraged him to receive treatment. On August 1, Chen Zifang underwent surgery in Wuhan.When the movie

was released, Tong Liya invited Chen Zifang to attend the premiere. However, since he had just completed the operation and his body was still recovering, he regretted that he could not go.

On August 23, the movie 'If I Were the One Who Loved You Most in the World' was released nationwide. In the film, actress Tong Liya plays Fu Jiayi, a woman born with no arms who grew up in an orphanage. One day she accidentally picked up a baby girl, which awakened her inner mate - Lujuba

"Through her practice, I saw my former self."

Chen Zifang plans to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Wuhan for treatment next week to go to the theater to watch this movie.

Source: Hubei Daily

Tags: entertainment