On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program "Exploring New Territories" held a media premiere in Beijing. "Discovering New Territories" unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro

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htmlOn August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program "Exploring New Territories" held a media premiere in Beijing.

"Exploring New Territories" unites six Chinese discovery explorers. In 12 episodes, through real lens records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration process in six extreme places, including snow mountains, deserts, islands, and tropical rainforests, is presented to the audience. , and focuses on six themes such as being alive, the ups and downs of life, fear, and loneliness, to explore young people's topics about growth.

In six wonderful and exciting journeys, Wang Yibo and China's top survival and outdoor experts explore the ultimate natural environment and outdoor challenges: going deep into the dense tropical rainforest of Hainan, diving at night in the sea to photograph bright fluorescent corals, and in the vast expanse of Living alone in the boundless desert...

On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program 'Exploring New Territories' held a media premiere in Beijing. 'Discovering New Territories' unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro - Lujuba

Event site

Exploring new worlds and new possibilities

Premiere site, program director Wei Keran Channer shared: ""Exploring New Territories" is based on Wang Yibo's authenticity, confidence, and tenacity. This documentary series inspired by curiosity will inspire viewers to embark on a journey to explore China’s unknown mountains and rivers, and will inspire the younger generation to view life with optimism and the many challenges they face in life through exploration and outdoor exploration. , is a great way to connect with the unknown 'new realm' within you. In this era of uncertainty and anxiety, the energy, mood and emotion of this documentary program can inspire young people and even help them find their 'spiritual truth'. gps'."

Wei Keran recalled the creation process of "Exploring New Territories": At the end of 2022, as the initiator of this project, Wang Yibo communicated the idea of ​​filming such a documentary with the Discovery Channel, and both parties were very excited. , discovery communicated with the Tencent Video team about this project, and in the past two years, everyone completed the dream journey of "exploring new territories" together.

On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program 'Exploring New Territories' held a media premiere in Beijing. 'Discovering New Territories' unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro - Lujuba

Stills from "Discovering New Territories"

"Wang Yibo's innate confidence and curiosity also coincide with Discovery Channel's pursuit of the 'Exploring New Territories' documentary series. Through emotional, intuitive and vivid, fact-based Using the language of the camera and the documentary entertainment techniques that Discovery Channel is good at, we will present the experiences of young Chinese artists in the documentary series "Discovering New Horizons" to Chinese and overseas audiences," said Wei Keran.

Qiu Huang, Vice President of Warner Bros. Discovery Group and General Manager of Greater China and Southeast Asia, said that as the producer of the program, Discovery Channel has been committed to providing documentary entertainment content that is both entertaining, engaging and enlightening to global audiences, " We call it real-life-entertainment, which is different from traditional documentaries and variety shows. This kind of content inspires generations of audiences to become curious and explore the real world," Qiu Huang said when talking about the production concept of Discovery Channel. . "Exploring New Territories" uses real records to explore new worlds and new possibilities with the younger generation, including Wang Yibo.

Han Zhijie, Vice President of Tencent Online Video, mentioned in his sharing that he hopes to use Yibo’s perspective to provide strength and encouragement to young people by cooperating with the Discovery Channel production team. "Exploring New Territories" launched by Tencent Video and Discovery Channel is also an international attempt at outdoor exploration documentary programming.

On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program 'Exploring New Territories' held a media premiere in Beijing. 'Discovering New Territories' unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro - Lujuba

Stills from "Exploring New Territories"

"Wang Yibo has the spirit of an explorer"

In the snow mountain exploration episode played live, Wang Yibo started from 3,700 meters and climbed to a height of 5,005 meters in four days. Wang Yibo was presented in the program The ultimate physical and psychological challenge of overcoming altitude sickness and finally reaching the summit. Du Hua, founder of

Lehua Entertainment, talked about his first experience watching the feature film of the program, "My mood was ups and downs while watching it. If it were me, I might have given up when I got a headache for the first time. But Wang Yibo completed this thing, which really shocked me." Du Hua believes that this is an outdoor exploration documentary program suitable for all ages.

In preparation for this journey, Wang Yibo received rigorous training from China's top survival and outdoor experts.From physical fitness to psychology, from skills to knowledge, every aspect has not been ignored. In the six episodes of the program, Wang Yibo explored the limits of nature, unlocked the unknown beauty, and demonstrated outdoor skills such as rock climbing, mountaineering, and diving. At the meeting, discovery Chinese explorers Zhou Fang, Zhou Peng, Xing Enxue, Wang Hao, and Wu Xinlei shared their exploration process with Wang Yibo , the learning talent and sense of skill he displayed.

Zhou Peng said that he became a "fan" of Wang Yibo through cooperation and watching the finished episode of "Snow Mountain". On his first try, Wang Yibo's athletic ability surprised him as he completed the 40-meter rock climbing challenge in twenty minutes. "Talent itself is not worthy of praise. What should be commended is that he worked very hard in the past to have such good physical conditions."

On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program 'Exploring New Territories' held a media premiere in Beijing. 'Discovering New Territories' unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro - Lujuba

Wang Yibo

Island explorer Zhou Fang said that island exploration will face many uncontrollable factors from the environment. Challenge, "What surprises me is not only Wang Yibo's athletic talent and super learning ability, but more importantly his professionalism. One thing I learned from him is to never give up."

Live, Wang Yibo also shared with everyone his essential equipment for outdoor exploration, and demonstrated practical outdoor skills such as coiled rope knotting, one-handed knotting, and fancy knotting with discovery Chinese explorers.

Talking about the recording process of "Exploring New Territories", Wang Yibo said: "As the recording time becomes longer and longer, and the shooting time becomes longer and longer, it seems that more and more things will happen, just like the weather will add to our... Drama, sometimes in some difficult processes, you are actually already having a hard time, but God seems to think it is not difficult enough and adds a little more drama to you, and a lot of interesting things like this will happen."

About Regarding the changes that have taken place in his body, Wang Yibo said: "I think the biggest change is that I have become a lot darker. I have never been so dark before. I used to feel that I could never tan, but I found that I had never really tanned. Then I learned He has acquired many new skills, such as rock climbing, diving, various rope skills, etc. "

"Exploring New Realms" shows Wang Yibo's exploration of new possibilities in extreme environments, and also shows the candid dialogue between young people born in 1995 and their own state of mind. Talking about how the program helps his own growth, Wang Yibo said: "As time goes by, I will feel that doing these things is more and more meaningful, and I can see more and experience more. I will feel, You only have one life, and I want to live it more interestingly and wonderfully”

On August 28, Wang Yibo's outdoor exploration documentary program 'Exploring New Territories' held a media premiere in Beijing. 'Discovering New Territories' unites six Discovery Chinese explorers. In 12 episodes, through real camera records, Wang Yibo's thrilling exploration pro - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment