Last week, "Sifangguan" premiered amidst much anticipation. "Sifangguan" perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder

entertainment 4557℃

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Last week, "Sifangguan" was launched to great anticipation. "Sifangguan" perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonderful story with deep foreshadowing. .

The drama has been very popular since it was launched. Tan Jianci one-man resistance drama has created a lot of popularity.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

1. Rich elements and constant jokes

A small Sifangguan is as unpredictable as a large workplace. The Sifang Pavilion is divided into the East Pavilion and the West Pavilion, just like the different departments of the company now. The boss of the East Building is An Xiuyi (played by Zhang Shulun), whose family is rich and powerful, and arrogant; the boss of the West Building is Wang Kunwu (played by Du Chun), who was transferred from the army and wants to rectify the workplace. . The competition between the two halls is becoming increasingly fierce.

Yu Deshui (played by Wei Zixin) is the curator, the leader and leader of everyone. He is versatile, good at handling interpersonal relationships, and good at flattering. He just wants to live a stable life and retire smoothly. And Yuan Mo (played by Tan Jianci) is the newcomer, with the lowest level. He only loves making money and hates going to work on time every day. I believe everyone can resonate with this character.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

If you look at this show from a modern perspective, you will find it both funny and sad. Aren’t the people in the show ourselves? Seeing Yuan Mo carrying a backpack to "Dian Mao" (checking in), seeing two museums competing for projects, and seeing three big leaders talking and laughing at the dinner table to get things done, I really felt like I was in the workplace!

Although it reminds people of the modern workplace, this is a costume drama after all, so the audience will feel a sense of security when watching it. I just feel funny, not anxious. On the contrary, you will feel relieved! Seeing others being exploited makes me feel more balanced!

Coupled with the high energy of "Sifang Pavilion" that kept popping up jokes throughout the whole process, this funny atmosphere also blew away a lot of the "class flavor". The contrast between modern thinking and the ancient workplace creates the unique comedy effect of this drama.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Sifangguan did exist in history. As the name suggests, it is mainly responsible for matters such as visits to various countries and business exchanges. The play focuses on "solving the case". It is suspenseful and fascinating, and can capture the hearts of many young viewers.

"Sifangguan" has a fast pace. Only 8 episodes have been broadcast, and two murder cases have been told. At the same time, various backgrounds, character relationships, establishing character images, and creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere need to be explained! The production team undoubtedly put a lot of thought into the plot setting.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the foreshadowing of the play is very clever. The seemingly independent cases are actually closely related. Considering the theme of "Sifang Pavilion", the final major case may be related to the two imperial courts, with far-reaching consequences, involving the fate of the entire Dayong and even the fate of eternal generations! This kind of suspense attracts the audience to follow episode after episode.

2. Group portraits and rich characters

The protagonist Yuan Mo is the kind of guy who looks like he is just messing around, but acquaintances know that he is actually the kind of guy with a wide range of knowledge and a very smart mind. He does everything quickly, meticulously and meticulously, and solves cases with ease.

Although Yuan Mo is laughing and joking all day long, there is actually a lot of pain buried deep in his heart. His father used to be a diplomat, but unfortunately he died young. When he was a child, he grew up eating waste oil and picking up rags. He was a lonely child with no one to rely on. His attitude towards Sifangguan is actually that he cannot accept the similarities between himself and his father's past. As the plot progresses, Yuan Mo also continues to grow, from a dawdling young man to a heroic diplomat, standing up for his family and country!

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Not only Yuan Mo, but other characters also have their own growth experiences.

Wang Kunwu was originally in the Wuzhou army and was demoted to Sifangguan. He felt that he was out of place here and only wanted to avenge the blood of his dead brothers. After being prompted by Shilang Tan, he understood that Sifang Pavilion could learn more information, so he paid attention to clues and looked for opportunities for revenge.He and Yuan Mo formed a literary and military partnership, doubling their work efficiency.

Yuchihua’s family has money and status, which is sometimes a burden. She hopes to make her father proud. Although she is a girl, she can also contribute to the country. She is carefree and often makes jokes, but she is also simple and passionate and can contribute to the case.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Ah Shu, a mysterious girl from the Western Regions, is good at using poisons and hidden weapons, and is a close enemy of Yuan Mo. She was quirky and bickered with Yuan Mo every day, causing constant jokes. But she is actually the princess of Yanle Kingdom. She may have been framed by bad guys and lived in Dayong. She has been looking for opportunities to take revenge.

These characters all have their own backgrounds and conspiracies, and the story has always been able to switch between funny and serious. There are both jokes and work, making people unable to stop watching.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Last week, "Sifangguan" was launched to great anticipation. "Sifangguan" perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonderful story with deep foreshadowing. .

The drama has been very popular since it was launched. Tan Jianci one-man resistance drama has created a lot of popularity.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

1. Rich elements and constant jokes

A small Sifangguan is as unpredictable as a large workplace. The Sifang Pavilion is divided into the East Pavilion and the West Pavilion, just like the different departments of the company now. The boss of the East Building is An Xiuyi (played by Zhang Shulun), whose family is rich and powerful, and arrogant; the boss of the West Building is Wang Kunwu (played by Du Chun), who was transferred from the army and wants to rectify the workplace. . The competition between the two halls is becoming increasingly fierce.

Yu Deshui (played by Wei Zixin) is the curator, the leader and leader of everyone. He is versatile, good at handling interpersonal relationships, and good at flattering. He just wants to live a stable life and retire smoothly. And Yuan Mo (played by Tan Jianci) is the newcomer, with the lowest level. He only loves making money and hates going to work on time every day. I believe everyone can resonate with this character.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

If you look at this show from a modern perspective, you will find it both funny and sad. Aren’t the people in the show ourselves? Seeing Yuan Mo carrying a backpack to "Dian Mao" (checking in), seeing two museums competing for projects, and seeing three big leaders talking and laughing at the dinner table to get things done, I really felt like I was in the workplace!

Although it reminds people of the modern workplace, this is a costume drama after all, so the audience will feel a sense of security when watching it. I just feel funny, not anxious. On the contrary, you will feel relieved! Seeing others being exploited makes me feel more balanced!

Coupled with the high energy of "Sifang Pavilion" that kept popping up jokes throughout the whole process, this funny atmosphere also blew away a lot of the "class flavor". The contrast between modern thinking and the ancient workplace creates the unique comedy effect of this drama.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Sifangguan did exist in history. As the name suggests, it is mainly responsible for matters such as visits to various countries and business exchanges. The play focuses on "solving the case". It is suspenseful and fascinating, and can capture the hearts of many young viewers.

"Sifangguan" has a fast pace. Only 8 episodes have been broadcast, and two murder cases have been told. At the same time, various backgrounds, character relationships, establishing character images, and creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere need to be explained! The production team undoubtedly put a lot of thought into the plot setting.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the foreshadowing of the play is very clever. The seemingly independent cases are actually closely related. Considering the theme of "Sifang Pavilion", the final major case may be related to the two imperial courts, with far-reaching consequences, involving the fate of the entire Dayong and even the fate of eternal generations! This kind of suspense attracts the audience to follow episode after episode.

2. Group portraits and rich characters

The protagonist Yuan Mo is the kind of guy who looks like he is just messing around, but acquaintances know that he is actually the kind of guy with a wide range of knowledge and a very smart mind. He does everything quickly, meticulously and meticulously, and solves cases with ease.

Although Yuan Mo is laughing and joking all day long, there is actually a lot of pain buried deep in his heart. His father used to be a diplomat, but unfortunately he died young. When he was a child, he grew up eating waste oil and picking up rags. He was a lonely child with no one to rely on. His attitude towards Sifangguan is actually that he cannot accept the similarities between himself and his father's past. As the plot progresses, Yuan Mo also continues to grow, from a dawdling young man to a heroic diplomat, standing up for his family and country!

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Not only Yuan Mo, but other characters also have their own growth experiences.

Wang Kunwu was originally in the Wuzhou army and was demoted to Sifangguan. He felt that he was out of place here and only wanted to avenge the blood of his dead brothers. After being prompted by Shilang Tan, he understood that Sifang Pavilion could learn more information, so he paid attention to clues and looked for opportunities for revenge.He and Yuan Mo formed a literary and military partnership, doubling their work efficiency.

Yuchihua’s family has money and status, which is sometimes a burden. She hopes to make her father proud. Although she is a girl, she can also contribute to the country. She is carefree and often makes jokes, but she is also simple and passionate and can contribute to the case.

Last week, 'Sifangguan' premiered amidst much anticipation. 'Sifangguan' perfectly combines costume dramas and workplace dramas, and also integrates various elements such as detective work, suspense, and light comedy, presenting the audience with a smooth, interlocking and wonder - Lujuba

Ah Shu, a mysterious girl from the Western Regions, is good at using poisons and hidden weapons, and is a close enemy of Yuan Mo. She was quirky and bickered with Yuan Mo every day, causing constant jokes. But she is actually the princess of Yanle Kingdom. She may have been framed by bad guys and lived in Dayong. She has been looking for opportunities to take revenge.

These characters all have their own backgrounds and conspiracies, and the story has always been able to switch between funny and serious. There are both jokes and work, making people unable to stop watching.

Tags: entertainment