Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan "Chang Le Qu" is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting. Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this "Long Music", the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. ....

entertainment 6124℃

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

"Long Music" is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.

Deng Eun-hee has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this "Long Music", the simple style has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Ding Yuxi's Bai Wuchang style also exudes a sense of fierceness, with eyes that are ready to drag people to hell at any time, which is indeed very scary.

But the two actors who play Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf are very visual together, and they have a sense of CP. I can’t help but look forward to their next emotional rivalry scenes.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But which actor in the early plot is the most amazing? Needless to say, it must be He Saifei, who plays the role of the Empress Dowager.

stunned the audience when she appeared. This is the temperament that a costume drama empress dowager should have.

One, with a sense of majesty, He Saifei performed the powerful aura of the Empress Dowager

The first scene of this drama was given to the Empress Dowager played by He Saifei.

The emperor and the prince died of illness one after another, and the empress dowager, who had been regent for many years, naturally ascended the throne with the emperor's youngest son in her arms.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

There is no doubt that the one who truly holds the real power is the Empress Dowager.

He Saifei is wearing a gorgeous dress in the play, looking very noble. Various golden jewelry highlight the noble status of the character. Although there is an emperor with a higher status above her, as the regent and queen mother, she is naturally above ten thousand people.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Why does Saifei's rich makeup add a lot to her aura? The deep red to purple lip color and the thick and upturned black eyeliner all give off an air that is not easy to mess with.

And the Empress Dowager played by He Saifei is indeed not easy to mess with. Above the main hall, there are hundreds of civil and military officials below, and the young emperor behind him. He Saifei looks down at everyone, raising his neck slightly, with an indifferent smile on his face, which is very interesting. A sense of majesty.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Faced with the complicated matters reported by hundreds of officials, the Queen Mother was still able to remain calm and even seemed calm and calm.

When the court battle was staged in front of her, He Saifei lowered his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of a smile. He seemed not to care, but in fact he had already seen everything.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

When he cared about the newly married male protagonist, he showed a friendly and kind smile, very like an elder. But when he heard that the bride had run away and was missing, He Saifei slowly put away his smile and said nothing.

But her eyes said everything. She was just waiting to see if the male protagonist could give her a satisfactory explanation. The scrutiny in her eyes showed her scheming and fortitude.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

When everyone left, He Saifei gradually changed from sitting upright to leaning slightly, chatting in a casual manner while asking the people below for news, but with an air of indignity.

is worthy of being an actor who has won the Best Actress Award. This level of acting can be called a textbook.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

He Saifei is not only outstanding in appearance, he is also considered to be well-maintained among middle-aged and elderly actors. He does not have an obvious sense of age. But when he plays the role of the Queen Mother, which requires courage, he will not make people feel too young at all. If you don't live up to it, you'll become very old-fashioned.

The choice of her to play this role is a stroke of genius in this drama.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Second, the image does not match the performance, these three actresses are too eye-catching

Watching He Saifei play the Queen Mother, it is not too easy. A few eyes and a few body movements can firmly establish the image.

But not all actors can reach this level.

For example, these three actresses have their own weaknesses. Their appearance and temperament are not suitable for them, and it is useless no matter how good their acting skills are.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

ranked first, Siqin Gaowa .

's interpretation of the image of the Queen Mother is very familiar to Siqin Gaowa. After all, she has played many similar characters before.

But at that time, Siqin Gaowa still looked very natural. At least her face was not so stiff, so when she made big movements and expressions, it would not be too dramatic.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

However, it is very strange that Siqin Gaowa in " Xuanwumen " reprises her role as the Queen Mother.

She is obviously dressed very expensively, and she looks like a person of high status at first glance, but Siqin Gaowa's face is like a wax figure. When she speaks, except for her eyes and mouth, she can move slightly, and the muscles in other parts of her face , as if frozen.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Siqin Gaowa's energy and spirit are also very average. She always gives people the feeling that she is going to die in the next second. She is sitting on a chair with her back hunched over and her eyelids cannot be raised. She looks like she is dying. .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

originally looked very sick, but in order to restore the history, the makeup also weakened the lip color, making it more like a serious illness.

This is not playing the role of the Queen Mother, but the role of a terminally ill old man with no aura at all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

is second, Zhuzhu.

Zhao Ji, played by Zhu Zhu in " Da Qin Fu ", is a character with a lot of room for development.

Although in real history, everyone does not think highly of this character, who is lewd and dissolute, she is indeed a capable and charming woman.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Zhu Zhu’s beauty is still very convincing, but it’s a pity that the way it is presented is very distracting.

At any time, his expression is somewhat seductive, as if he wants to seduce men anytime and anywhere.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Her two pear dimples are very memorable when she smiles, and her makeup is a bit seductive. Therefore, Zhao Ji, portrayed by Zhu Zhu, is more like a woman who serves people with sex in a romantic place.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Even if she is in the same scene as Ying Zheng, played by Zhang Luyi , the way Zhu Zhu looks at him is not like a mother looking at her son, but like a concubine looking at the master, and she is also acting out every minute.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

ranks third, Tang Yixin .

In the two works "Military Alliance" and "Tiger Roars and Dragon Roar", Guo Zhao, played by Tang Yixin, also reached the position of queen. When

performed the character's youthful girlhood in the early stage, Tang Yixin's appearance was very consistent with her own temperament. She already has a childish face, and when she wears pink clothes, I am the only one in my family who has the instant sense of a girl growing up.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But after becoming the Queen Mother, Tang Yixin's makeup changed significantly. Her hair was covered with gold and silver jewelry, coupled with heavy makeup, which made Tang Yixin look ten years older.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But it just made him look older, but he didn't have the style that a queen mother should have at all. The more he looked, the more he looked like a little girl. She wore an adult's clothes and wore heavy makeup to look darker.

This face doesn’t feel out of place when playing a little girl, but it looks weird when playing an older woman.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba


Comparing these four actors, we know that the role of the Empress Dowager is not that easy to play. Even the beautiful and experienced ones will overturn.

If you want to play a character well, you must have both image and strength.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

There is no doubt that He Saifei's degree of completion is very high, which fully makes everyone feel how powerful the regent Queen Mother is, so that she can become a person in power among men who no one dares to challenge.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

"Long Music" is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.

Deng Eun-hee has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this "Long Music", the simple style has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Ding Yuxi's Bai Wuchang style also exudes a sense of fierceness, with eyes that are ready to drag people to hell at any time, which is indeed very scary.

But the two actors who play Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf are very visual together, and they have a sense of CP. I can’t help but look forward to their next emotional rivalry scenes.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But which actor in the early plot is the most amazing? Needless to say, it must be He Saifei, who plays the role of the Empress Dowager.

stunned the audience when she appeared. This is the temperament that a costume drama empress dowager should have.

One, with a sense of majesty, He Saifei performed the powerful aura of the Empress Dowager

The first scene of this drama was given to the Empress Dowager played by He Saifei.

The emperor and the prince died of illness one after another, and the empress dowager, who had been regent for many years, naturally ascended the throne with the emperor's youngest son in her arms.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

There is no doubt that the one who truly holds the real power is the Empress Dowager.

He Saifei is wearing a gorgeous dress in the play, looking very noble. Various golden jewelry highlight the noble status of the character. Although there is an emperor with a higher status above her, as the regent and queen mother, she is naturally above ten thousand people.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Why does Saifei's rich makeup add a lot to her aura? The deep red to purple lip color and the thick and upturned black eyeliner all give off an air that is not easy to mess with.

And the Empress Dowager played by He Saifei is indeed not easy to mess with. Above the main hall, there are hundreds of civil and military officials below, and the young emperor behind him. He Saifei looks down at everyone, raising his neck slightly, with an indifferent smile on his face, which is very interesting. A sense of majesty.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Faced with the complicated matters reported by hundreds of officials, the Queen Mother was still able to remain calm and even seemed calm and calm.

When the court battle was staged in front of her, He Saifei lowered his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of a smile. He seemed not to care, but in fact he had already seen everything.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

When he cared about the newly married male protagonist, he showed a friendly and kind smile, very like an elder. But when he heard that the bride had run away and was missing, He Saifei slowly put away his smile and said nothing.

But her eyes said everything. She was just waiting to see if the male protagonist could give her a satisfactory explanation. The scrutiny in her eyes showed her scheming and fortitude.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

When everyone left, He Saifei gradually changed from sitting upright to leaning slightly, chatting in a casual manner while asking the people below for news, but with an air of indignity.

is worthy of being an actor who has won the Best Actress Award. This level of acting can be called a textbook.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

He Saifei is not only outstanding in appearance, he is also considered to be well-maintained among middle-aged and elderly actors. He does not have an obvious sense of age. But when he plays the role of the Queen Mother, which requires courage, he will not make people feel too young at all. If you don't live up to it, you'll become very old-fashioned.

The choice of her to play this role is a stroke of genius in this drama.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Second, the image does not match the performance, these three actresses are too eye-catching

Watching He Saifei play the Queen Mother, it is not too easy. A few eyes and a few body movements can firmly establish the image.

But not all actors can reach this level.

For example, these three actresses have their own weaknesses. Their appearance and temperament are not suitable for them, and it is useless no matter how good their acting skills are.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

ranked first, Siqin Gaowa .

's interpretation of the image of the Queen Mother is very familiar to Siqin Gaowa. After all, she has played many similar characters before.

But at that time, Siqin Gaowa still looked very natural. At least her face was not so stiff, so when she made big movements and expressions, it would not be too dramatic.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

However, it is very strange that Siqin Gaowa in " Xuanwumen " reprises her role as the Queen Mother.

She is obviously dressed very expensively, and she looks like a person of high status at first glance, but Siqin Gaowa's face is like a wax figure. When she speaks, except for her eyes and mouth, she can move slightly, and the muscles in other parts of her face , as if frozen.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Siqin Gaowa's energy and spirit are also very average. She always gives people the feeling that she is going to die in the next second. She is sitting on a chair with her back hunched over and her eyelids cannot be raised. She looks like she is dying. .

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

originally looked very sick, but in order to restore the history, the makeup also weakened the lip color, making it more like a serious illness.

This is not playing the role of the Queen Mother, but the role of a terminally ill old man with no aura at all.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

is second, Zhuzhu.

Zhao Ji, played by Zhu Zhu in " Da Qin Fu ", is a character with a lot of room for development.

Although in real history, everyone does not think highly of this character, who is lewd and dissolute, she is indeed a capable and charming woman.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Zhu Zhu’s beauty is still very convincing, but it’s a pity that the way it is presented is very distracting.

At any time, his expression is somewhat seductive, as if he wants to seduce men anytime and anywhere.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Her two pear dimples are very memorable when she smiles, and her makeup is a bit seductive. Therefore, Zhao Ji, portrayed by Zhu Zhu, is more like a woman who serves people with sex in a romantic place.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

Even if she is in the same scene as Ying Zheng, played by Zhang Luyi , the way Zhu Zhu looks at him is not like a mother looking at her son, but like a concubine looking at the master, and she is also acting out every minute.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

ranks third, Tang Yixin .

In the two works "Military Alliance" and "Tiger Roars and Dragon Roar", Guo Zhao, played by Tang Yixin, also reached the position of queen. When

performed the character's youthful girlhood in the early stage, Tang Yixin's appearance was very consistent with her own temperament. She already has a childish face, and when she wears pink clothes, I am the only one in my family who has the instant sense of a girl growing up.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But after becoming the Queen Mother, Tang Yixin's makeup changed significantly. Her hair was covered with gold and silver jewelry, coupled with heavy makeup, which made Tang Yixin look ten years older.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

But it just made him look older, but he didn't have the style that a queen mother should have at all. The more he looked, the more he looked like a little girl. She wore an adult's clothes and wore heavy makeup to look darker.

This face doesn’t feel out of place when playing a little girl, but it looks weird when playing an older woman.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba


Comparing these four actors, we know that the role of the Empress Dowager is not that easy to play. Even the beautiful and experienced ones will overturn.

If you want to play a character well, you must have both image and strength.

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

There is no doubt that He Saifei's degree of completion is very high, which fully makes everyone feel how powerful the regent Queen Mother is, so that she can become a person in power among men who no one dares to challenge.

Actors who want to play this kind of role should first see if they can reach He Saifei's level!

Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan 'Chang Le Qu' is online, and it is quite amazing from the plot to the casting.      Deng Enxi has not acted in many costume dramas before, but in this 'Long Music', the simple appearance has a girlish feeling that overflows the screen. .... - Lujuba

What do you think of He Saifei's performance?

Tags: entertainment