[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and

entertainment 7115℃

[Source: Ping An Tianjin]

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

Mentioning the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

People’s first impression

is often a tense and busy service hall

There is a continuous flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents

and enthusiasm The policemen who receive and patiently answer questions


Behind this window of national civilization

there is also a secret front team

shouldering the heavy responsibility of cracking down on crimes that impede national (border) border management

and maintaining national security

Lu Yong is one of them

Meet the challenge and transform quickly

Lu Yong, 48 years old, is a member of the third detachment of the Exit and Entry Management Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In 2005, she was transferred from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Hexi Public Security Bureau to the Exit-Entry Management Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, where she was responsible for the handling of foreign-related cases and foreign-related security. Facing a new job, Lu Yong studied language skills carefully, understood relevant laws and regulations, and quickly mastered the work business.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

From a criminal police officer to a foreign affairs police officer, Lu Yong quickly transformed. Over the years, she has participated in the investigation of more than 400 foreign-related cases, and her work has traveled to more than 20 border crossings across the country, covering a total of more than 1.5 million kilometers.

The climate at the border ports is changeable, the mountain roads are rugged, and the journey is full of hardships and dangers. It is often necessary to get off the train and then take a long-distance bus, and staying up all night is common. Facing the harsh external environment and arduous work tasks, Lu Yong was not afraid. She chose to face the difficulties and face the challenges. In the process of investigating a foreign-related criminal case, she fought continuously for more than 20 hours and stayed on guard all night, and finally successfully captured the suspect.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

Lu Yong has participated in more than 50 foreign-related security tasks at major events such as the Summer Davos Forum, and actively preached on entry and exit policies such as 144-hour transit visa exemption and foreigners' stay and residence. With her excellent organizational coordination and communication skills, she fully demonstrated the good style of the Chinese foreign police.

Law enforcement has "strength" and "temperature"

As a foreign affairs policeman, when facing foreigners with different cultural backgrounds, Lu Yong not only adheres to legal principles, but also considers the cultural differences between different countries. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and realize the organic unity of law, reason and emotion. This way of working has enabled her to achieve outstanding results in handling foreign-related cases.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

In the winter of 2007, Lu Yong led a team to uncover several foreigners suspected of illegal residence. Among them, there was a foreign woman who remained silent, making it difficult to carry out work.

Lu Yong saw that she was shivering in her thin clothes, so he put his coat on her body. Lu Yong's kindness infected the woman, and she told Lu Yong that her name was Xiaoqiu (pseudonym) and she could speak some simple Chinese. In order to open up the other party's heart, Lu Yong chatted with her about her daily life, and Xiao Qiu gradually let down her guard. She said that she came to Tianjin because she was deceived by a fellow villager.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

During the follow-up investigation, Lu Yong learned that Xiaoqiu’s family conditions were very difficult in the local area.

Lu Yong sympathized with Xiaoqiu very much. She bought clothes and shoes for Xiaoqiu and gave her 500 yuan. On the way to send Xiaoqiu back to China, Lu Yong kept encouraging her, "You are still young, change your destiny through your own struggle..." Xiaoqiu kept nodding, and when leaving, she bowed deeply to Lu Yong.

One day five years later, Lu Yong was working in her workplace. The guard suddenly found her and said that there was a little girl waiting for her at the door.

Lu Yong rushed to the door of the unit and found that the person who came was actually Xiaoqiu.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

It turns out that Xiaoqiu began to actively learn Chinese after returning to her motherland. She has never forgotten Lu Yong's encouragement to her. Later, because of her outstanding Chinese language skills, she worked for a foreign trade company. This time she came to Tianjin as a company translator to discuss project cooperation.

Xiaoqiu took Lu Yong's hand and said, "Sister Lu, I came here specifically to thank you..." The sunshine that day shone on their faces, making them very warm.

Police Camp Couple Double Stick to

Lu Yong and her husband Gao Jun are both public security police officers. They can understand the difficulty of each other's work. Over the years, they have encouraged each other and worked together.Because she often travels on business, Lu Yong always carries a special suitcase for business trips, containing clothing, toiletries and commonly used medicines for all seasons. These are all prepared by her husband. "My family is my strong support." Lu Yong said.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

In 2017, while working, Gao Jun went to the hospital because of severe abdominal pain. After examination, he was diagnosed with gastric cancer and required 2/3 of his stomach to be removed. Lu Yong spent that difficult time with her husband, from the surgery to the follow-up treatment. She felt indescribably uncomfortable when she saw her husband gradually becoming thinner due to the pain. "It's okay. I still have 1/3 of my stomach. Eat less, lose weight and still look energetic!" Her husband Gao Jun comforted her.

While Gao Jun was recovering from surgery, a foreign-related case that Lu Yong was responsible for suddenly got clues, and she had to rush out to arrest the suspect. After knowing this situation, Gao Jun said with a smile: "Work is important. You go and do your work first. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." With reluctance and concern, Lu Yong set off overnight and finally successfully captured the suspect. .

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

There are many similar things. Although life has many difficulties, they support each other, move forward side by side, and choose the profession of police. The couple has no regrets.

[Source: Ping An Tianjin]

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

Mentioning the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

People’s first impression

is often a tense and busy service hall

There is a continuous flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents

and enthusiasm The policemen who receive and patiently answer questions


Behind this window of national civilization

there is also a secret front team

shouldering the heavy responsibility of cracking down on crimes that impede national (border) border management

and maintaining national security

Lu Yong is one of them

Meet the challenge and transform quickly

Lu Yong, 48 years old, is a member of the third detachment of the Exit and Entry Management Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In 2005, she was transferred from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Hexi Public Security Bureau to the Exit-Entry Management Team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, where she was responsible for the handling of foreign-related cases and foreign-related security. Facing a new job, Lu Yong studied language skills carefully, understood relevant laws and regulations, and quickly mastered the work business.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

From a criminal police officer to a foreign affairs police officer, Lu Yong quickly transformed. Over the years, she has participated in the investigation of more than 400 foreign-related cases, and her work has traveled to more than 20 border crossings across the country, covering a total of more than 1.5 million kilometers.

The climate at the border ports is changeable, the mountain roads are rugged, and the journey is full of hardships and dangers. It is often necessary to get off the train and then take a long-distance bus, and staying up all night is common. Facing the harsh external environment and arduous work tasks, Lu Yong was not afraid. She chose to face the difficulties and face the challenges. In the process of investigating a foreign-related criminal case, she fought continuously for more than 20 hours and stayed on guard all night, and finally successfully captured the suspect.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

Lu Yong has participated in more than 50 foreign-related security tasks at major events such as the Summer Davos Forum, and actively preached on entry and exit policies such as 144-hour transit visa exemption and foreigners' stay and residence. With her excellent organizational coordination and communication skills, she fully demonstrated the good style of the Chinese foreign police.

Law enforcement has "strength" and "temperature"

As a foreign affairs policeman, when facing foreigners with different cultural backgrounds, Lu Yong not only adheres to legal principles, but also considers the cultural differences between different countries. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and realize the organic unity of law, reason and emotion. This way of working has enabled her to achieve outstanding results in handling foreign-related cases.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

In the winter of 2007, Lu Yong led a team to uncover several foreigners suspected of illegal residence. Among them, there was a foreign woman who remained silent, making it difficult to carry out work.

Lu Yong saw that she was shivering in her thin clothes, so he put his coat on her body. Lu Yong's kindness infected the woman, and she told Lu Yong that her name was Xiaoqiu (pseudonym) and she could speak some simple Chinese. In order to open up the other party's heart, Lu Yong chatted with her about her daily life, and Xiao Qiu gradually let down her guard. She said that she came to Tianjin because she was deceived by a fellow villager.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

During the follow-up investigation, Lu Yong learned that Xiaoqiu’s family conditions were very difficult in the local area.

Lu Yong sympathized with Xiaoqiu very much. She bought clothes and shoes for Xiaoqiu and gave her 500 yuan. On the way to send Xiaoqiu back to China, Lu Yong kept encouraging her, "You are still young, change your destiny through your own struggle..." Xiaoqiu kept nodding, and when leaving, she bowed deeply to Lu Yong.

One day five years later, Lu Yong was working in her workplace. The guard suddenly found her and said that there was a little girl waiting for her at the door.

Lu Yong rushed to the door of the unit and found that the person who came was actually Xiaoqiu.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

It turns out that Xiaoqiu began to actively learn Chinese after returning to her motherland. She has never forgotten Lu Yong's encouragement to her. Later, because of her outstanding Chinese language skills, she worked for a foreign trade company. This time she came to Tianjin as a company translator to discuss project cooperation.

Xiaoqiu took Lu Yong's hand and said, "Sister Lu, I came here specifically to thank you..." The sunshine that day shone on their faces, making them very warm.

Police Camp Couple Double Stick to

Lu Yong and her husband Gao Jun are both public security police officers. They can understand the difficulty of each other's work. Over the years, they have encouraged each other and worked together.Because she often travels on business, Lu Yong always carries a special suitcase for business trips, containing clothing, toiletries and commonly used medicines for all seasons. These are all prepared by her husband. "My family is my strong support." Lu Yong said.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

In 2017, while working, Gao Jun went to the hospital because of severe abdominal pain. After examination, he was diagnosed with gastric cancer and required 2/3 of his stomach to be removed. Lu Yong spent that difficult time with her husband, from the surgery to the follow-up treatment. She felt indescribably uncomfortable when she saw her husband gradually becoming thinner due to the pain. "It's okay. I still have 1/3 of my stomach. Eat less, lose weight and still look energetic!" Her husband Gao Jun comforted her.

While Gao Jun was recovering from surgery, a foreign-related case that Lu Yong was responsible for suddenly got clues, and she had to rush out to arrest the suspect. After knowing this situation, Gao Jun said with a smile: "Work is important. You go and do your work first. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." With reluctance and concern, Lu Yong set off overnight and finally successfully captured the suspect. .

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

There are many similar things. Although life has many difficulties, they support each other, move forward side by side, and choose the profession of police. The couple has no regrets.

[Source: Safe Tianjin] When people mention the Exit and Entry Management Corps of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, their first impression is often the busy service hall with the endless flow of people applying for travel abroad and exit documents, and the warm reception and  - Lujuba

In Lu Yong

we see the power to inspire people

and also see the light that warms people

She protects the country with professionalism and enthusiasm

shows her style with warmth and enthusiasm

Warm and super sassy Foreign affairs police beauty madam Lu

likes you!

Source: Municipal Public Security Bureau Exit and Entry Management Corps

Tags: entertainment