The story "Bianshui Past", full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla

entertainment 6790℃

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

The plot " Bianshui Past " is full of suspense and adventure. It tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is played by Guo Qilin .

Next, there is Uncle Guai, played by Wu Zhenyu , a peacemaker who keeps moving between different forces. The most important ideological struggle faced by Shen Xing is to stay or to escape? Like the peacemaker Uncle Cai, he explores human nature in this survival adventure. On these three slopes, sufficient ideological struggle has been carried out.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

The character played by Guo Qilin in the drama lost his family and girlfriend due to an accident, and the person he can rely on later is Uncle Guai. This survival adventure contends with fate and reveals many truths. In a very complex and changing environment, we have always adhered to our beliefs.

Back in life, Guo Qilin has always been relatively low-key. His father is Guo Degang . The entire family background is relatively complicated, but the growing environment created is also very warm. Regarding emotional issues, Guo Qilin often does not talk about them directly. Just like when facing interviews related to relationships and marriage, he expressed relevant opinions.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

Guo Qilin once said that marriage is not a child's play. It requires sufficient preparation and sufficient understanding between both people. Moreover, the two people should also respect, tolerate and support each other. Only in this way can they be able to go together. Operate and maintain corresponding relationships.

However, more thoughtful passers-by are also paying attention to Guo Qilin's actions. Just like when Guo Qilin and Jiang Yiyi collaborated on the plot "The Son-in-law", they may have frequent interactions with each other, which caused a lot of passers-by. guess. Many people who eat melon are curious, are these two people already in love?

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

Now when many people are about to eat a melon, Guo Qilin and Jiang Yiyi both quickly refuted the rumors and denied the so-called relationship. One claimed that he had never drank alcohol, while the other said that he had borrowed the seat during the filming. After seeing the two parties involved making corresponding statements, the melon-eaters felt relieved.

On June 22, 2024, a passerby encountered Guo Qilin and saw Guo Qilin riding in a McLaren luxury car with a very mysterious beauty. The interaction between the two of them is particularly sweet, and more importantly, a "face-touching killing" was staged for the mysterious girl.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

is such a move, which once again triggered speculation from many passers-by. Judging from the current situation, Guo Qilin has not made a series of positive responses to this matter. So there is no way to determine whether this is a melon or not.

There are also some rumors that Guo Qilin once brought his mysterious girlfriend home. The main purpose is to meet the family, as my younger brother has a relatively high opinion of this mysterious girl. However, this statement has not been corroborated so far.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

But no matter what, Guo Qilin's attitude towards marriage and love has always been particularly transparent and sharp. Just like he said that if I marry someone, there is only one reason, and that is because I like this person. This has nothing to do with what kind of family status the other party has or how much property he has.

Guo Qilin is very concerned about independence and the resonance between two people. In his opinion, if they get married, two people will definitely have more happy time together than alone. Love doesn't seem to have much to do with dedication. The most important thing is to be able to resonate spiritually.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

At the same time, Guo Qilin also has one of his views on marriage and love, which is to refuse to change. In Guo Qilin's view, if two people like each other very much, they should not ask the other person to change more, and at the same time, there is no need for him to constantly change himself to please the other person.

In fact, what lies behind Guo Qilin's view on marriage and love is his own maturity and rationality, because marriage is a mutual choice, and what is given is the commitment of both parties. Both people need to have enough responsibility and responsibility. Marriage is never a constraint or a pressure on the other person, but the mutual growth of two people.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

The plot " Bianshui Past " is full of suspense and adventure. It tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is played by Guo Qilin .

Next, there is Uncle Guai, played by Wu Zhenyu , a peacemaker who keeps moving between different forces. The most important ideological struggle faced by Shen Xing is to stay or to escape? Like the peacemaker Uncle Cai, he explores human nature in this survival adventure. On these three slopes, sufficient ideological struggle has been carried out.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

The character played by Guo Qilin in the drama lost his family and girlfriend due to an accident, and the person he can rely on later is Uncle Guai. This survival adventure contends with fate and reveals many truths. In a very complex and changing environment, we have always adhered to our beliefs.

Back in life, Guo Qilin has always been relatively low-key. His father is Guo Degang . The entire family background is relatively complicated, but the growing environment created is also very warm. Regarding emotional issues, Guo Qilin often does not talk about them directly. Just like when facing interviews related to relationships and marriage, he expressed relevant opinions.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

Guo Qilin once said that marriage is not a child's play. It requires sufficient preparation and sufficient understanding between both people. Moreover, the two people should also respect, tolerate and support each other. Only in this way can they be able to go together. Operate and maintain corresponding relationships.

However, more thoughtful passers-by are also paying attention to Guo Qilin's actions. Just like when Guo Qilin and Jiang Yiyi collaborated on the plot "The Son-in-law", they may have frequent interactions with each other, which caused a lot of passers-by. guess. Many people who eat melon are curious, are these two people already in love?

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

Now when many people are about to eat a melon, Guo Qilin and Jiang Yiyi both quickly refuted the rumors and denied the so-called relationship. One claimed that he had never drank alcohol, while the other said that he had borrowed the seat during the filming. After seeing the two parties involved making corresponding statements, the melon-eaters felt relieved.

On June 22, 2024, a passerby encountered Guo Qilin and saw Guo Qilin riding in a McLaren luxury car with a very mysterious beauty. The interaction between the two of them is particularly sweet, and more importantly, a "face-touching killing" was staged for the mysterious girl.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

is such a move, which once again triggered speculation from many passers-by. Judging from the current situation, Guo Qilin has not made a series of positive responses to this matter. So there is no way to determine whether this is a melon or not.

There are also some rumors that Guo Qilin once brought his mysterious girlfriend home. The main purpose is to meet the family, as my younger brother has a relatively high opinion of this mysterious girl. However, this statement has not been corroborated so far.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

But no matter what, Guo Qilin's attitude towards marriage and love has always been particularly transparent and sharp. Just like he said that if I marry someone, there is only one reason, and that is because I like this person. This has nothing to do with what kind of family status the other party has or how much property he has.

Guo Qilin is very concerned about independence and the resonance between two people. In his opinion, if they get married, two people will definitely have more happy time together than alone. Love doesn't seem to have much to do with dedication. The most important thing is to be able to resonate spiritually.

The story 'Bianshui Past', full of suspense and adventure, tells a story that takes place in a small border town in the southwest. Busyness and decline coexist in this tropical area, just like Shen Xing, who came to this place to work because of an accident. This character is pla - Lujuba

At the same time, Guo Qilin also has one of his views on marriage and love, which is to refuse to change. In Guo Qilin's view, if two people like each other very much, they should not ask the other person to change more, and at the same time, there is no need for him to constantly change himself to please the other person.

In fact, what lies behind Guo Qilin's view on marriage and love is his own maturity and rationality, because marriage is a mutual choice, and what is given is the commitment of both parties. Both people need to have enough responsibility and responsibility. Marriage is never a constraint or a pressure on the other person, but the mutual growth of two people.

Tags: entertainment