According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released. The popularity of summer animat

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According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.

Summer animation movies are still very popular.

According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.      The popularity of summer animat - Lujuba

Among the newly released films, " Dragon Keeper ", the first animated film co-produced by China and Spain, is adapted from the novel of the same name by Australian children's writer Carol Wilkinson. It tells the story of how a girl grew up to become a legendary "Dragon Guardian" by helping the dragon. The film incorporates elements of traditional Chinese culture and brings the image of Yinglong from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" to the screen, allowing the audience to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture in a fantasy adventure story.

According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.      The popularity of summer animat - Lujuba

The animated film " Jinling Royal Cat " brings the well-known characters such as Bao Zheng, Royal Cat, and Golden Mouse to the big screen in the form of animation, and makes a new adaptation of the classic story of "The civet cat exchanges for the prince", integrating Suspense, action, cute pets and other elements that are popular among contemporary young audiences allow the audience to follow one person and one cat on a fantasy journey about courage, wisdom and love in the process of continuous reversal of exploration.

The documentary film uses numbers to restore the historical truth

The documentary film "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" premiered yesterday at Dongji Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, where the "Lisbon Maru" rescue incident occurred. The film tells the story of the kind-hearted Chinese fishermen who risked their lives 82 years ago. The Japanese army's heroic deeds of rescuing 384 British prisoners of war under a hail of bullets are truly restored before everyone's eyes.

The documentary film "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" shows that in 1942, the "Lisbon Maru" carrying more than 1,800 British prisoners of war was accidentally bombed and sunk by a US submarine while passing through the waters of Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China. At the critical moment, kind-hearted Chinese fishermen stepped forward He went out to sea and rescued 384 British prisoners of war despite a hail of bullets from the Japanese army.

According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.      The popularity of summer animat - Lujuba

The film interviews more than 130 descendants of British prisoners of war and parties related to the incident, and uses a large amount of data to give a comprehensive and in-depth account of the whole story of the "Lisbon Maru" shipwreck.

According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.      The popularity of summer animat - Lujuba

Director of the documentary film "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru" Fang Li: (This movie) is about rescuing history, but during the interviews, interviews, and searches, I found so many particularly touching stories. I think it would be great to make it for the big screen. The audience will be more receptive.

According to real-time data from the online platform, as of 22:45 yesterday (24th), the total box office of the 2024 summer movie (including pre-sales) exceeded 11 billion. Currently, new films of different types are continuing to be released.      The popularity of summer animat - Lujuba

Audience Song Zhuoxi: I have been to the museum (before) and read the relevant information ("Lisbon Maru"), but I did not understand that deeply. At that time, I just thought it was a historical event. It was only after watching this movie that I truly felt it.

Source: CCTV News Client

Tags: entertainment