The movie "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Beautiful Marriage" directed by Hu Mei is currently being screened in theaters across the country. Recently, the film studio released a special episode of "Jade Wedding", which allowed us to see director Hu Mei's understanding of the four wor

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The movie "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Good Marriage" directed by Hu Mei is currently being screened in theaters across the country.

Recently, the film crew released a special episode of "Jade Wedding", which allowed us to see director Hu Mei's understanding of the four words "a good marriage" and the young actors' seriousness and persistence in their roles. The director used this big scene to intuitively show the audience how marriage under feudal ethics can destroy the love and hope of young people, and used the language of the camera to show the charm of words.

When it comes to the most disappointing endings in Chinese classical culture, the "Wood and Stone Alliance" in "A Dream of Red Mansions" is definitely among the best, and has made readers burst into tears for more than 200 years. Due to the lack of the last forty chapters, we have no way of knowing how Lin Daiyu died in tears in Cao Xueqin's novel. Except for the 1987 version, which controversially adopted the lost results of some Red Mansologists, most of the film and television adaptations of "Dream of Red Mansions" in various versions adopted the "subscription trick" plot in the sequel. In this regard, director Hu Mei believes: "Gao E's writing style is absolutely incomparable to Cao Xueqin, but the drama of this section is enough, so we chose to respect the existing text."

The movie 'A Dream of Red Mansions: A Beautiful Marriage' directed by Hu Mei is currently being screened in theaters across the country. Recently, the film studio released a special episode of 'Jade Wedding', which allowed us to see director Hu Mei's understanding of the four wor - Lujuba

This section of the movie "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Beautiful Marriage" Jiarong Huang, who plays Xue Baochai in the drama, sighed: "The wedding scene with Baoyu allowed me to enter Baochai's deepest inner world. She never received even a little love from Baoyu from the beginning to the end." Although in the original work, After the "Golden Orchid Agreement", Baochai had no grudge against Daiyu for a long time. However, under the feudal ethics, Baochai had no choice but to marry Baoyu, so Huang Jiarong could only marry her when she took off the hijab. In an instant, Baochai shed a tear and became Baochai's only resistance.

Bian Cheng, who plays Baoyu, also got deeply into the role. He said: "As soon as I entered that scene, it brought me a very bad emotion. I had been suppressing it before, but I really reached that point. , I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I was holding on to the doorframe and crying!”

This is also the reason why the director introduced the four words “Golden Marriage” into the title of the film. Director Hu Mei believes: “The movie is ironic, and Golden Marriage is actually wrong. It should be criticized. It was the feudal family's belief in the good relationship that caused the love tragedy of Bao Daichai and the others. "

Many viewers went into the theater and watched the whole movie, and finally understood the director's good intentions. Some viewers said: "If the former alliance between Mu and Shi is the love of two people, then the golden marriage is the tragedy of three people!" Some people opened the original work again and used the sentences in the fifth chapter to support the director: "Everyone is Jin Yuliang" Marriage, I only think about the alliance between wood and stone... Even if they raise a case with eyebrows, it will be difficult to reconcile - the original work has already written very clearly that the result of a good marriage is difficult to reconcile, so these four words are used as the title of the film, compared to The former alliance of wood and stone is thicker and more poignant."

The movie "A Dream of Red Mansions" is one of the most culturally distinctive movies this summer. The director believes: "As long as someone comes back to the desk and rereads "A Dream of Red Mansions" because of my movie, my 18 years have not been in vain. ! "

(Source: Chao News Author: Lu Fang)

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