Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was involved in the Taipei Mayor's tenure and other cases in Beijing. On the 17th, famous mouthpiece Li Zhenghao broke the news on Facebook that Ke Wenzhe had held a mysterious meeting, and a mysterious and powerful woman was present that

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Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was involved in the Taipei Mayor's office and other cases in Beijing City. On the 17th, famous mouthpiece Li Zhenghao broke the news on Facebook that Ke Wenzhe had held a mysterious meeting, and a high-ranking mysterious woman was present that day. Ke Wenzhe angrily said on the 18th, "This is bullshit. There are no mysterious meetings with high authority. All meeting minutes are recorded. It's just a lunch meeting." Huang Shanshan responded, saying that she is the general liaison, and she almost didn't have a lunch meeting with the legislators. They were all present, and everything was open and transparent. "There are no secrets at all, and there is no need to deliberately point fingers and criticize Huaihuai."

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was involved in the Taipei Mayor's tenure and other cases in Beijing. On the 17th, famous mouthpiece Li Zhenghao broke the news on Facebook that Ke Wenzhe had held a mysterious meeting, and a mysterious and powerful woman was present that  - Lujuba

Li Zhenghao said that if the Jinghua City volume dispute case meeting held in the preparation room on the 11th floor of the Taipei City Government Building on March 10, 2020, if The complete minutes of the meeting are in the hands of the prosecutor, and it is almost 100% likely that Nake will be prosecuted for profiteering. Li also revealed, "In addition to Ke Wenzhe, there was also a high-ranking woman in this meeting."

Ke Wenzhe was interviewed on the morning of the 18th and said that the meeting was a luncheon for Taipei City Kuomintang Councilor Ying Xiaowei. Is the mysterious woman Huang Shanshan? Ke Wenzhe criticized, "This is bullshit. You don't have to dance with celebrities because of your high power." Li Zhenghao responded immediately. He wanted Ke to answer, "What role does Huang Shanshan play in the whole Jinghua City case?"

In response, Huang Shanshan He said that the luncheon meeting was a routine meeting between councilors and the mayor. It was open to the public and people from various agencies would be present. There were no secret meetings.

Huang Shanshan emphasized that because she was the general liaison of the government council at the time, when 63 members went to have a lunch meeting with the mayor, as long as she had no other meetings, she would definitely be there because the general liaison was also responsible for communicating with the members. Basically, 3 The deputy mayor and heads of relevant bureaus will be on site.

Huang Shanshan emphasized that the three deputy mayors will try to attend all the council meetings of the city government. This is public information, and the entire city government will receive the meeting minutes. "There are no secrets at all, and there is no need to deliberately accuse others."

Regarding why the city government received a letter of petition from Jinghua City 7 days after the luncheon event, Huang Shanshan responded, "This is not my responsibility." She said that these tasks will be assigned to various units to handle, and the mayor will issue the order. As for the affairs of each unit, as for what will happen next, each unit must be responsible for explaining that she is responsible for managing and contacting the council members to see if the city government responds well.

Finally, Huang Shanshan once again reiterated that she was the general liaison, and the deputy chief liaison at the time was Chen Qingan. She was responsible for managing matters that council members were concerned about. The government liaison office was responsible for tracking whether the city government had responded well to council members’ requests. It would not "Who is going to do what?" The mayor makes the decision and then hands it over to the various bureaus to take responsibility at different levels.

Straits Herald Taiwan Correspondent Lin Jingxian

Tags: entertainment