According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 23:25 on August 17, the total box office (including pre-sales) for the 2024 summer season (June-August) exceeded 10 billion. The top 5 box office lists for the current period are "Catch a Baby", "Silent Kill", "T

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According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 23:25 on August 17, the total box office (including pre-sales) for the 2024 summer season (June-August) exceeded 10 billion. The top five on the box office list for the current period are " Catch a Baby ", " Silent Kill ", " There is a Canteen in the Cloud ", " Deadpool and Wolverine ", " Despicable Me 4".

According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 23:25 on August 17, the total box office (including pre-sales) for the 2024 summer season (June-August) exceeded 10 billion. The top 5 box office lists for the current period are 'Catch a Baby', 'Silent Kill', 'T - Lujuba

Beacon Professional Data Analyst Chen Jin said that this year’s summer film supply is relatively sufficient in quantity, and the subject matter types are also more diversified. According to Beacon Professional Edition data, as of August 17, 138 films have been released or scheduled for this summer's summer season, which is basically the same as the 140 films that were finally released in last summer's summer season, including 48 feature films, 25 cartoons, and documentaries. 10 films, including more than 5 comedies, action films, crime films, and romance films, which are more diverse in genres and themes and meet the needs of different audience groups. Among them, comedy films have the best performance with a box office of nearly 5 billion, which is much higher than the 2.7 billion of comedy films in the summer of 2023. It is also the highest box office of comedy films after the summer of 2018. It also continues the trend of " hot " and " Excellent performance in popular comedy films such as " Flying Life 2" and " Article 20 ". At present, the box office in 2024 has exceeded 31.6 billion, and domestic comedies occupy the top five. The screening scale of

summer film has also reached a new high. According to Beacon Professional Edition data, as of August 17, more than 33 million movies have been screened in the 2024 summer season, a year-on-year increase of 10%, setting a new high for the same period in history; there are 12,519 theaters in operation, a year-on-year increase of 5%, also refreshing the summer season The highest record in the same period; at the same time, the average ticket price remained stable at 41.0 yuan, a slight increase of 0.2 yuan compared with 40.8 yuan in the same period last year.

According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 23:25 on August 17, the total box office (including pre-sales) for the 2024 summer season (June-August) exceeded 10 billion. The top 5 box office lists for the current period are 'Catch a Baby', 'Silent Kill', 'T - Lujuba

In terms of audience composition, Chen Jin, a data analyst at Beacon Professional Edition, said that the proportion of viewers aged 24 and under during the summer season has stopped falling, and the proportion of viewers aged 40 and above has continued to grow. According to Beacon Professional Edition data, as of August 17, the proportion of young viewers under the age of 25 in the 2024 summer season reached 22.0%, slightly higher than the 21.3% in the same period last year, halting the rapid decline trend for many years. The drama film "There's a Shop in the Clouds", which is loved by young audiences, is currently ranked third at the box office during the summer season. The film's audience is 24 years old and under, accounting for 50.3% and more than half. It is also the youngest among the films that have exceeded 100 million in 2024. It is the film with the highest audience share; in addition, audiences over 40 years old who have greater demand for home viewing accounted for 16.8%, significantly higher than the 15.3% in the same period last year, and also continued the growth momentum for many years. In addition, the proportion of female viewers in this year's summer season is still relatively prominent, close to 60%. It also continues the more prominent feature of female audiences in popular seasons such as the Spring Festival and summer seasons. "Catch a Baby" and "Silent Kill" are temporarily among the top three summer seasons. ” Female viewers accounted for more than 61% in both “There’s a Canteen by the Clouds”. It is also worth mentioning that the proportion of medium-frequency viewers who watched movies 2-6 times this summer is more prominent than last year.

According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 23:25 on August 17, the total box office (including pre-sales) for the 2024 summer season (June-August) exceeded 10 billion. The top 5 box office lists for the current period are 'Catch a Baby', 'Silent Kill', 'T - Lujuba

In terms of cities, the box office share of first- and fourth-tier cities increased slightly. According to Beacon Professional Edition data, as of August 17, the box office share of first- and fourth-tier cities in the 2024 summer season was 17.68% and 19.30% respectively, a slight increase from 17.44% and 19.25% in the same period last year. Among domestic films, "", " Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" and "Retrograde Life" performed more prominently in first-tier cities, accounting for more than 20% of the box office in first-tier cities. "Kill", "White Snake" and "Catch a Baby" performed more prominently in fourth-tier cities, accounting for more than 20% of the box office in fourth-tier cities. Overall, North China and Northeast China performed more prominently this summer. The box office rankings of northern cities such as Tianjin, Hefei, Qingdao, Shenyang, and Jinan increased compared with the same period last year, while the box office share of Southwest and South China decreased slightly compared with the same period last year.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment