"I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!" "Who recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It's really good!" "There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!" "Lang The wine is so powerful!” A few days have passed sinc

entertainment 2837℃

'I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!' 'Who recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It's really good!' 'There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!' 'Lang The wine is so powerful!” A few days have passed sinc - Lujuba

"I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!"

"Has anyone recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It sounds really good!"

"There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in the Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!" "

" Langjiu is really awesome! "

Chinese Valentine's Day has passed a few days ago, and there are still many Xi'an people in the Douyin comment area still saying hello to each other and discussing the "Flying Chinese Langjiu" held at the Olympic Sports Center that day. "Night" concert, sharing the surprise that Langjiu brought to me, I still have more to say.

There are also netizens in the Xinjiang region who have quietly started to "grab tickets" in the comment area. Since Langjiu officially announced the warm-up start of the second stop of "Chinese Lang's Night" in Urumqi on September 7, many Fans are already eager to try it.

'I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!' 'Who recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It's really good!' 'There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!' 'Lang The wine is so powerful!” A few days have passed sinc - Lujuba

In fact, from the warm-up of the first stop in Xi'an to now, the discussion about the China Lang Night Concert has been continuing for nearly two months from Chang'an to the city of the Western Regions.

In particular, the first concert of "The Night of the Chinese Lang" held in Xi'an has become the most "city" thing in the eyes of Xi'an people. There are more than 10,000 notes about it in Little Red Book alone. .

A concert, why is this?

'I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!' 'Who recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It's really good!' 'There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!' 'Lang The wine is so powerful!” A few days have passed sinc - Lujuba.

This is not a simple concert.

For the initiator Langjiu, this is a meeting gift to express sincerity to the 39 million old Shaanxi people, and it is a clarion call for the decisive battle in the northwest.

In order to allow more consumers to participate in the "Energetic Chinese Lang Night" concert event, as early as July 10, Langjiu held a Langjiu Thousand Businessmen Party at the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center. Mobilize. At the

conference, Wang Junlin, chairman of Langjiu, gathered with the creative team of CCTV and more than 1,100 core dealer representatives from the northwest region, and announced that they would officially launch a tasting of Million Langjiu around the "Night of Chinese Langjiu" concert. Activities such as the large-scale construction of 100,000 outlets, the large-scale gathering of thousands of merchants, and the publicity of 100 concerts and buses have made every effort to build Xi'an into a model market for Langjiu in the northwest.

It was also at this party that a series of "delicious, delicious, and fun" offline activities were decided, which set off the "Langjiu craze" in the ancient city of Xi'an.

Hundreds of themed buses departed from Xi'an on this day, carrying the beautiful invitation of "Chinese Lang's Night", shuttling through the streets and alleys inside and outside the ancient city, linking with Xianyang, Baoji, Yulin and other surrounding cities, in the land of Sanqin The above continuously attracts consumers to go to Chang'an Qixi Weiyang Night with Langjiu.

In the core business district of Xi'an, the "Chinese Langjiu Night" promotion can be seen dominating the screen everywhere, which not only allows terminal outlets to establish connections with consumers, but Xi'an consumers' brand recognition of Langjiu has soared.

Under Langjiu’s marketing offensive, dealers fully cooperated. For a whole month from July 10th to August 10th, terminal merchants mobilized their employees to work hard every day in order to win surprise prizes. Forward the concert information to your circle of friends.

Lao Shaan, who wanted to taste Langjiu, followed the guidance of the "Food Map" and went to designated tasting restaurants all over Xi'an, where he drank up all the free wine worth millions provided by Langjiu.

Young people who were eyeing concert tickets put bottles of wine on the dinner table and planted grass on the spot for their parents, relatives and friends.

As a result, Langjiu products have become indispensable fashion items at wedding banquets and college entrance banquets in Xi'an this summer. Some consumers said bluntly, "Although I don't usually drink sauce wine, Langjiu is really popular. Using it to hold a banquet is not only festive but also very face-saving."

'I cried with excitement, I saw Sandy!' 'Who recorded Lydia? I forgot to record it at the time. It's really good!' 'There are Zhang Hanyun and Han Hong in Xinjiang station! When will the tickets be opened? I want to go!' 'Lang The wine is so powerful!” A few days have passed sinc - Lujuba


and famous wines from Sichuan, Guizhou, Anhui, Jiangsu and other Compared with other major production and marketing provinces, people from the northwest, who have always had a reputation for being good drinkers, have a 50 billion liquor market, but their local liquor production is not very large, and they basically cannot go outside the province.

Take Shaanxi as an example. In addition to Xifeng Wine, whose annual revenue exceeds 5 billion yuan, the sales of Lukang, Chenggu, Qinjiu, Changan Laojiao and other brands are mostly around 100 million yuan, and their influence is very limited.

Langjiu’s high-profile attack this time, is nothing more than a dimensionality reduction blow to local brands.

In the process, "Hongyunlang, Qinghualang, Honghualang, Langpai·Heimat, Langpai Tequ·t8, Shunpinlang, Xiaolangjiu", Langjiu's seven strategic products were collectively unveiled in Xi'an. , brought a deep impression to consumers. With its multi-flavor, multi-brand, and full-price range, strives to bring a taste feast to old Shaanxi people that is no less than "Chinese Lang's Night".

html At 19:30 on August 10, with the melancholy prince Jiang Yuheng, the originator of rock and roll Zheng Jun, the heart-warming female voice Jiang Meiqi, the pioneer of campus folk songs Shuimu Nianhua, and the love song queen Lin Yilian, more than 30,000 people carned on the spot, and 10 million people Witnessed by everyone and watched by 200 million people online, the discussion about Langjiu among Xi'an people reached a climax.

In this carnival that broke through the threshold of happiness, Langjiu used its excellent quality and full sincerity to mobilize the public's enthusiasm for participation, entered the lives of Xi'an people in the shortest time, and gained recognition and belonging.

Being close to consumers is precisely Langjiu’s original intention of using music as a medium to create this auditory feast. It is Langjiu’s deep insight into consumer needs, which highlights Langjiu’s determination to get closer to consumers. As a result, its brand influence has penetrated into the broader northwest hinterland with Xi'an as the center.

An auditory feast with stars on the stage, which has led to a win-win situation for the three parties of wine companies, dealers and consumers. Langjiu has already achieved initial results in building a model market in the northwest through the "Chinese Lang's Night" concert.

html On September 7, the large-scale concert "The Night of the Spirited Chinese Man" will be moved to Urumqi. With fine wine as the guide and music as the medium, we can enjoy the beauty of Xinjiang and share the spirited Chinese man.

Different star lineups, the same national-level production, and the popular Langjiu, what kind of waves will it make in Xinjiang this time?

Tags: entertainment