Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng "The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts" gave me hope for domestic dramas. It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have. I dare say, no

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Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Copywriter | Buxian

Editor | Nan Feng

"The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts" gave me hope for domestic dramas.

It is not as heavy as a serious drama or costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should be.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

I dare say that this is the style that many directors of criminal investigation and prosecution-themed works imagine.

The script completely restores the focus of society. The cast is not large, but it fits the character very well.

From primary school students writing blackmail letters, to sitting in front of supermarkets to smoke, to going to bars to be princesses, and not daring to call the police after being raped, etc. The main case of

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

revolves around many minor juvenile crimes, and at the same time, the interaction between adults is full of joy.

Laughter and excitement coexist, and the plot is so ups and downs that the audience still wants to watch it.

There is no doubt that Zhang Yi has contributed another trump card this time.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

This time, let’s make a list of several actors in the play to see where your favorite one ranks -

07 Zou Yuanqing

As the second generation star, Zou Yuanqing appears in film and television dramas every time. Almost all are accompanied by great controversy.

What I have to say is that in "The Prosecutor of Nine Parts", Zou Yuanqing's acting skills have improved a lot visibly.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

does not have exaggerated expressions and body language. He is much more low-key, and many small movements have also been changed. It seems that a lot of effort has been put into it.

At the same time, the characters of Zou Yuanqing and Liu Liu, a top law student, are also relatively consistent. They are energetic and energetic, and they take pictures every day with their mobile phones.

When the atmosphere is not quite right, no matter what, he bows his head and admits his mistake first. It does not require much acting skills, and there are not many shots. It has no merit and no sense of violation. It is considered good.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

06Qin Lan

Qin Lan being able to team up with Zhang Yi for CP was unexpected by the audience, but it actually makes sense when you think about it.

The age and strength match. The most important thing is that Qin Lan's appearance is indeed delicious.

Qin Lan didn't have many scenes in the first few episodes, but her momentum coincided with the image of an experienced and conscientious deputy director.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

She has a lot of energy, she will do anything for her work, and she can handle every case in an orderly manner.

Qin Lan's "class flavor" and her attitude towards colleagues and work are very real.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

It’s just that in my opinion, Qin Lan’s face is a bit slumped.

After all, she is 45 years old, and a few wrinkles are relatively normal, but not only are there no wrinkles on her face, she can even smile a little. The contrast between

and others should not be too strong.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

05Wang Zhener

Wang Zhener’s performance also surprised me.

I thought that Xu Dali’s role was just a useless supporting role, but I didn’t expect that the more I saw it, the more I was impressed by its charm.

With her immense strength and forthright personality, Wang Zhener seems to have no trouble portraying Dali's "frankness". Her raising her eyes is in sharp contrast to Zhang Yi's "cowardly" appearance.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Although it is only the fourth episode, I feel that Wang Zhener’s performance is even more outstanding than that of the heroine Qin Lan, and she and Zhang Yi also have some indescribable sense of CP.

Their performances always make me feel that they have a special tacit understanding. There is a bit of humiliation in the dislike, and they obviously have different personalities but they can only make do with each other and work together.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Wang Zhener’s more extroverted performance also added a lot of color to the whole drama, and this performance is indeed more eye-catching.

04Jia Xiaohan

She is the youngest among the protagonists, and she is also the actor who surprised the audience the most in the first few episodes.

As a young adult, she played the role of a young girl perfectly. Whether it was the suffocation of growing up in her native family, or the domineering response after being bullied in school, her performance was both touching and stubborn.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Faced with an aggressive mother and a father who dared not even say a thing, she was helpless and wanted to explode.

is always wandering in struggles and contradictions, and being raped is like a big stone, weighing on her chest and making it hard for her to breathe.

The girl wanted to call the police, but before pressing the call button, the humiliation and unbearable feeling in her heart instantly surged into her heart, tears burst into her eyes, and her trembling hands finally let go.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

The part where he confessed to the male protagonist that he was raped made me feel so aggrieved.

She had already mustered up the courage to stand in front of the male protagonist. The girl curled up and did not dare to raise her head, her voice was trembling and helpless.

She spoke tentatively, and scenes of the past came to mind again, but the simple words seemed to take all the energy. Seeing this, I already burst into tears.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

performed really well.

03 Zhang Yi

still interprets a brand new character with the same expression and tone.

"Prosecutor of the Nine Departments" would really not work without Zhang Yi. The setting of one man and four women in this department, although it gives the male protagonist an unlimited halo, it is also easy to be disgusted by others.

And Zhang Yi's acting skills are completely smooth, and the "You are silent" that pops up from time to time makes the audience burst into laughter frequently.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Facing the minor who revealed his heart, the shock and unconcealable distress revealed in his eyes were completely displayed in front of the audience for a second.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

In the entire domestic entertainment industry, there are only a few actors whose celebrity status, traffic and own strength are equal, and Zhang Yi is one of them. Web dramas like

do not put any pressure on Zhang Yi, and the performance style is also visibly more relaxed.

However, this form of performance may be able to cope with various themes, but I think it is still easy to blame "An Xin". Is it time for the stylist to do some work?

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

02Li Hongtao

He can always use one shot to express the core characteristics of the characters.

Chen Tingyi didn't have many scenes in the first few episodes, but just two scenes were enough for the audience to appreciate the character's personality.

One is smoothness. When

announced his job title to the heroine, he was temporarily informed that a director would be assigned to him. He was originally sad that this position was occupied, but he made it right after he said it in a few words.

Airborne paratroopers have to be called "saviors".

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

Second, double-dealing.

After the male protagonist led his staff to destroy an Internet cafe and a bar, he was scolded by Chen Tingyi at the entrance of the procuratorate.

is obviously inconsistent with the previous attitude. I feel that this statement is "every wall has ears".

And he obviously did good deeds and achieved merit, but his tone was so serious that I couldn't hold it in at first sight.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

You have a glib manner, and you still have to publicize your family scandal outside. Brother, the real "paratrooper" is not you, right?

01Xu Fan

has to be a double actress. As soon as Xu Fan appeared, the whole style of the drama instantly became particularly warm.

Yang Tian has sufficient work experience and always treats people harmoniously and kindly.

In the whole drama, her duel with Zhang Yi is the best.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

It is actually difficult for a veteran female actor to act in such a down-to-earth role in a group drama that is full of fireworks, but Xu Fan did it.

She really has no baggage at all. She has a gray face and wears the simplest clothes. Her every frown and smile even make me see the shadow of the people around me.

Compared to family dramas, Xu Fan is still more suitable for light comedy style works.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba


The plot is still going on, and the actors will have more room to play, and the rankings may change later.

However, being able to give a more intense color to the supporting roles without overpowering the main role is indeed a skill only experienced by veteran actors.

Zhang Yi is one of the most powerful actors in the Mesozoic era, with excellent national and professional standards. He still appears in online dramas, presumably because of the angle of the script and the level of the production team.

But Lei Xu was not so lucky.

Copywriter | Bu Xian Editor | Nan Feng 'The Prosecutor of the Nine Parts' gave me hope for domestic dramas.      It's not a serious drama or a costume drama, but what contemporary young people really like to watch, and the level that urban scripts should have.      I dare say, no - Lujuba

originally made a mistake and was "demoted", but this time he lost the girl again.

How on earth is he going to get the girl back? If he can successfully file a case without evidence, how can he get through the difficulties of her native family?

Questions come one after another, and only the next plot can be revealed for everyone.

I don’t know whose performance impressed you the most?


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