As a world-famous science fiction movie, the series of movies "Avatar" directed by James Cameron has always attracted the attention of movie fans. According to media reports, on the 13th, Cameron announced that the third part of "Avatar" will be named "Avatar 3: Fire and Ash." “You’re going to see more of Pandora than you’ve ever seen before,” Cameron said. “This is a crazy adventure, a visual feast, and a higher emotional investment than ever before. We It will bring all the characters you know and like into truly challenging areas.”
In addition, Cameron also said in an interview that Oscar-winning actress and Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh will also appear in "Avatar 4" and "Avatar 4". In "Avatar 5". Cameron said, "Previous media reports were misleading. Michelle Yeoh will soon play her new role, a very interesting character. I have been planning for many years. The script was written several years ago and has been written until the fifth We are currently working on the roles of the fourth part, mainly because we still have many young actors and need to finish all the scenes while everyone is still young."
Cameron revealed that he was filming Michelle Yeoh before she won the award. We have already decided to invite her to play the role of scientist Dr. Karina Mogg in the "Avatar" series: "We all love Michelle. She has always been a movie star, and in recent years she has become a great phenomenon. , we look forward to working with her."
According to the current Disney release schedule, "Avatar 3" will be released on December 19, 2025, "Avatar 4" is scheduled to be released on December 21, 2029, and "Avatar 5" will be released on December 19, 2025. " will not meet the audience until December 9, 2031.
According to public information, "Avatar" was released in North America on December 16, 2009, and in China on January 4, 2010. The film's global box office exceeded US$2.9 billion. On December 16, 2022, "Avatar: Water Path" ("Avatar 2") will be released. The film's global box office total exceeded US$2.3 billion.
(Source: Red Star News)