Movies continue to be released in the summer, theaters around the country are becoming more popular, and young people are "traveling to a city for a concert"... Since the summer, cultural activities across the country have been splendid, and the fields of film, performance and ot

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Movies continue to be released in the summer, theaters around the country are becoming more popular, and young people are 'traveling to a city for a concert'... Since the summer, cultural activities across the country have been splendid, and the fields of film, performance and ot - Lujuba

Movies continue to be released in the summer, theaters in various places are becoming more popular, and young people are "traveling to a city for a concert"... Since the summer, cultural activities across the country have been splendid, and the fields of film, performance and other fields are full of vitality, and cultural activities have been continuously released. Travel consumption potential.

The movie market is full of new ideas

html Starting at 19:15 on August 7, the reporter and nearly 30 viewers watched the domestic film " decrypted " at the Ciyun Temple store of Jackie Chan Cinema in Beijing. During the viewing process, the audience was attracted by the legendary story of the male protagonist repeatedly breaking the enemy's code, and was even more moved by the characters' feelings for their family and country. Data from the Beacon Professional Edition shows that the film’s box office exceeded 200 million yuan in 3 days and 11 hours after its release. Wang Jun, a senior movie fan, told reporters that "Decryption", a domestic film that combines visual effects and psychological suspense elements to create a heroic character, is relatively rare in the mainland film market.

Lighthouse Professional Edition data analyst Chen Jin said that as of 17:00 on August 13, the total box office (including pre-sales) of this summer's summer season exceeded 9.4 billion yuan. As of 18:00 on August 13, 135 films have been released or scheduled for this summer's summer season, including 47 feature films, 23 cartoons, 10 documentaries, and several comedy, action, romance and other genre films. Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Society, said: "There are many films released this summer, with rich and diverse themes, types, styles and styles, which can meet the viewing needs of different audiences."

Wang Jun's overall feeling about this summer's films is "New": "The content and form give people a sense of freshness, and many movies adopt new technologies and new creative concepts. For example, " Under the Stranger" is a comic-book movie with a full sense of game; " Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" "" uses extremely fast editing rhythm and unrestrained plot settings to tell stories; "Under the Stranger" and " legend " both used AI technology in the filming process. "

There is another "new thing" in this summer's release: There are many new directors emerging. For example, Li Yang, the director of "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", Chen Jianxi and Li Jiakai, the directors of "White Snake·Floating Life", Shen Jie, the director of " Umbrella Girl ", etc. "They bring surprises to the industry and outside, and also bring continuous vitality and motivation to the high-quality development of the film industry." Rao Shuguang said.

The performance stage is exciting

In early July, the first outdoor immersive drama "A Midsummer Night's Dream" produced by the National Center for the Performing Arts was unveiled at the Beijing Art Center Open Air Theater, bringing the audience a relaxing and romantic theatrical experience. "It's my first time to watch a play in an open-air theater. There are green trees, starry skies, and interactions. It feels very magical." Audience Liu Ying said. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and Shakespeare's famous play "Hamlet " performed that day jointly opened the 2024 National Center for the Performing Arts International Drama Season. Throughout the summer, many excellent works such as the drama "Camel Xiangzi " and the Peking opera "Cinnabar Mole" were performed.

html Since July, original dance dramas such as "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Li Bai", " Only This Green" have been staged across the country. Among them, the national dance drama "A Dream of Red Mansions" was performed in Chongqing for the first time. The ticket opening only took 5 minutes, and more than 5,500 tickets were sold for 4 performances. On the evening of August 4th, the original English musical "The Phantom of the Opera" ushered in its final show in Shenzhen. So far, "Phantom of the Opera" Shenzhen Station has performed 40 performances in 5 weeks, with a box office of more than 45 million yuan, nearly 50,000 viewers, and an average attendance rate of nearly 90%.

Concerts, music festivals and other large-scale performance markets are also ushering in the summer peak. Jiangxi's "2024 Lushan City Camping Music Festival", Hebei's "2024 Zhangbei Grassland Music Season", Ningxia's "2024 Yinchuan Xixia Beer Starry Sky Music Festival" and other exciting appearances. The five performances of the "2024 Zhangbei Prairie Music Season" attracted more than 500,000 music fans, with a comprehensive income of approximately 620 million yuan.

data shows that the total box office of summer performances from July 1 to August 12 on major ticketing platforms across the country reached 3.496 billion yuan, with 28,000 performances and more than 6.27 million viewers.

Xiong Haifeng, associate professor at the School of Cultural Industry Management of Communication University of China, analyzed: "The main force in the performance market is usually young people, especially the vast group of students who have plenty of time during the summer vacation. Huge market demand and abundant product supply jointly promote summer performances Market prosperity.

Cultural tourism consumption is full of vitality

This summer, culture and tourism are accelerating and "running in both directions", such as "traveling with film and television dramas", "short videos making a city popular", and "fans will follow wherever the concert is held" and so on The models are "out of the circle" one after another.

The popular TV series "My Altay" brings tourists to the grassland pastures with pleasant climate in Xinjiang to experience horseback riding and archery, check in the same scene, and start a summer vacation; a sentence from the TV series "The Story of Rose " The lines triggered the official account of Beijing Cultural Tourism and even the national cultural tourism to take advantage of the opportunity to spread, catching this "tremendous summer traffic"; the "Travel with Micro-Short Plays" creation plan related recommended works show the styles of various places, tell touching stories, and together form a A cultural tourism guide that embraces mountains and seas.

Summer is also the peak period for family travel and study tours. Tongcheng Travel data shows that traditional historical and cultural cities are still the first choice for family summer family travel, with Beijing and Xi'an being the most popular. Well-known museums in various places are hot spots for summer tourism, and it is "hard to get an appointment" such as the Palace Museum and the Shaanxi History Museum.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that during this summer vacation, more than 4,000 cultural tourism consumption events were held across the country. Activities focus on consumption hot spots such as night tours, summer vacations, parent-child tours, and study tours, and launch measures to benefit the people such as issuing consumer coupons, ticket discounts, consumption reductions, discount packages, etc., and create water sports, art festivals, concerts, and exhibitions , cultural and sports events and other colorful new scenes of cultural tourism consumption.

"Cultural tourism consumption promotes the development of local cultural tourism formats, promotes the growth of total retail sales of social consumer goods, and also enhances the power and vitality of local economic development. "Xiong Haifeng believes that with the continuous enrichment of cultural tourism product supply types and the effective improvement of supply quality, cultural tourism consumption potential will be further released, playing a greater role in driving overall consumption to rise and boosting economic development. (Lai Ruimiaochun Xu Jiawei)

(People's Daily Overseas Edition)

Tags: entertainment