Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor. After watching the TV series "Sauvignon Blanc 2", I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about

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Yi Shuao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's various flavors. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.

After watching the TV series " Sauvignon Blanc 2", I have been upset for a long time. I still want to talk about the heroine Xiaoyao, but there is no way to focus on the plot. I can only talk about the actors, persuasion and all-round character of this drama. The acting skills of the actors are all top-notch, so you can definitely follow the drama, but when talking about the plot and characters in depth, you still have to go back to the original work.

Some people say that the love stories in Tonghua's works are all between one woman and many men, and the popularity of the Internet is also strengthening this cp trend. However, such a simple label cannot really summarize the heroine in Tonghua's works.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Every time I watch Xiaoyao in " Sauvignon Blanc ", it reminds me of Ruoxi in "Step by Step". You can see that she is the same heroine, but she does not have the favor of fate and the golden finger. Floating and sinking in the torrent of fate, resisting and surrendering, this image of the heroine is more real and full.

I don’t know since when, the interpretation of the heroine began to be templated. You can get a glimpse of it by looking at the group ridicule of Xiao Yao in the play.

The heroine must fight against the world and never fall in love. She can only pursue a career but not fall in love. If she falls in love and gets hurt, she is just a love brain, and she is no longer a heroine.

I really want to say, when did the heroine start to regress?

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

We are born as humans, not machines. The complexity of human nature is that as the environment experiences things, conflicts will continue to form. If you can resolve and overcome them, you will develop stronger power. After experiencing the vicissitudes of life, you will become a better person.

A heroine is not born a heroine. Behind these three words are heavy experiences. Yi Shuo Shuo doesn't like misery. If you can live a smooth life without experiencing human suffering, that would be the ultimate happiness. You don't desire it, but don't recommend it either.

If you can live in a fairy tale all your life, and everything you see and hear is a fairy tale, that would be great.

It’s just that it’s hard to meet such a life. More people, like Xiaoyao, Ruoxi, or other women in “Sauvignon Blanc”, will encounter ups and downs and difficulties. Should they face it or escape? , whether you want to stick to your true heart or lose yourself, it all depends on one thought.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

In "Sauvignon Blanc", almost everyone has a rough experience, but the feelings, perceptions and final choices brought by the ups and downs are different for everyone.

Xiaoyao's experience brought her the greatest insight, which is that she no longer allows herself to have hope and expectations. She longs for the company of her family and is also afraid of loneliness. This is the most basic human need and is not a weakness or unbearability of human nature. The reason why

regards such needs as weakness and unbearableness is because they are afraid of being hurt and avoid facing the problem head-on.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Xiaoyao is wandering in the wilderness. She is not a woman who cannot protect herself. She can give herself a home. In Qingshui Town, she practiced medicine, treated diseases, adopted orphans, and dared to take in Lao Mu, a deserter from Xiyan, and she felt like home.

She really didn't dare to hope for love, and she didn't meet anyone who made her heart beat, or someone who was on the same page. Until she met Tu Shanjing, it was completely instinctive for her to save Tu Shanjing, which was the foundation of her kindness.

Even if my fate is unfortunate and no matter how miserable I go through, I still have kind thoughts in my heart.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Xiaoyao rescued Tushanjing, who was covered in filth and whose origin was unknown. Tushanjing was still wrapped like a rice dumpling and dying, but he still noticed the candles in the candlestick and blocked the candle oil for Xiaoyao.

Because they have beautiful hearts, they can see the beauty in each other. This is the foundation of Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing’s love.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Xiaoyao has her own resourcefulness. Many people think that Xiaoyao has been wandering in the wilderness for so many years. Why doesn’t she return to Haoling to find her father? That’s because she is not sure whether King Haoling has really abandoned her. Since she is not sure, then Just don't risk it.

For Xiaoyao herself, she does not care about the identity of Haoling Wangji, but the gears of fate turn, Tu Shanjing's identity is restored, and Xiaoyao returns to the lost relatives as Wangji.

In every moment, Xiaoyao can make a decisive decision to return to Dawangji and decide to help Xuanxuan regain what belongs to them.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

It is true that Xiaoyao is not pursuing a career for herself. She is not interested in status and power, but when she helps Xuanxuan, she sticks to her promise. She is a woman who values ​​love and justice.

Even in the face of Xuanxuan's betrayal, just like Tu Shanjing faced the injury from his elder brother again and again, all he could do was not take revenge like the other party without a bottom line.

This is the ultimate pulling pain, but pain is never an excuse to do evil and lose your true heart.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

A real heroine is one who can still be herself after enduring pain when faced with bad luck, instead of making excuses to become unrecognizable.

Another thing that was criticized in "Sauvignon Blanc" was the matter of Tu Shanjing's fiancée. The word "shuangjie" is a word that is often used in online tags.

True love is indeed about two people, but two people cannot become a cocoon of love.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Xiaoyao not only met Tu Shanjing, she also met other members of the opposite sex because of her environment and experience. Xiaoyao's distinction between emotions is very clear.

In Xiaoyao's eyes, Tu Shanjing's marriage contract already had problems. If he could solve it, there would be no problems between them. But if they got married without solving it, they would be strangers from now on.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Xiaoyao has never been sloppy in relationships, but she will also feel sad and painful about the things she cherishes in her heart, so that she can live more comfortably.

She has an ability, that is, no matter how the world changes, no matter what pain she experiences, she will make herself stand up again, maybe by finding something to do, or by listening to other people's experiences. In short, it will bring her more life. Enlightenment.

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

After reading the original work, you will know that only a great heroine like Xiaoyao can walk between heaven and earth, and she will always be Xiaoyao.

(The pictures are all from screenshots of the TV series "Sauvignon Blanc". If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete)

Yi Shuoshao, follow dramas seriously, focus on drama reviews and review life's tastes. I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without wearing armor.      After watching the TV series 'Sauvignon Blanc 2', I felt overwhelmed for a long time. I still wanted to talk about  - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment