Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year

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Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

By adhering to green and high-quality development, guarding the bottom line of "clean tea", adhering to scientific and technological innovation and development, and promoting "mechanization of management, intelligent processing, and digital blending" of tea gardens, Duyun Maojian brand's "circle of friends" continues to expand, and Duyun Maojian tea accelerates its "circle of friends" Go out to the mountains and go to the sea."

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

html On August 4, Marco Bertona, executive chairman of the International Slow Tea Alliance and chairman of the Italian Tea Industry and Herbal Tea Association, commented on Dudu at the "2024 Seventh China Tea Import and Export Trade Annual Conference and Duyun Maojian Tea People's Meeting" Uniform Maojian tea. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Qi Jian

The reporter learned from the "2024 Seventh China Tea Import and Export Trade Annual Conference and Duyun Maojian Tea People's Meeting" held in Duyun, Guizhou Province on the 4th that as of now, tea in Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province The annual processing capacity of processing enterprises has reached 150,000 tons, and a cumulative agricultural population of 103,700 households and 278,800 people have been engaged in the tea industry. The annual per capita income of tea farmers has increased from 2,200 yuan in 2014 to 17,500 yuan in 2023.

leads through leading enterprises, and Qiannan Prefecture drives SC certification enterprises to form a "production, supply and marketing" alliance. Gu Jingsheng, chairman of Duyun Maojian Tea Industry Development (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the state is currently accelerating the integration of advantageous single products and refined tea blending to ensure stable tea quality and accelerate the large-scale development of Duyun Maojian mid-to-high-end famous green tea, with 869 stores 147 tea companies have passed SC certification.

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

html On August 4, Alexis Kaye (second from left), Vice Chairman of the European Specialty Tea Association and Founding Chairman of the Danish Tea Association, and Marco Bei, Executive Chairman of the International Slow Tea Alliance and Chairman of the Italian Tea Industry and Herbal Tea Association Tona (second from right) inspects Duyun Maojian Tea Industry Development (Group) Co., Ltd. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Qi Jian

In the downstream of the tea processing industry, Qiannan Prefecture has introduced a number of high-quality and sophisticated products focusing on organic fertilizer processing, tea tourism integration, tea cultural and creative products, tea health products, tea food, tea beverages, tea daily chemicals, etc. Processing enterprises should improve the utilization rate of "leftover waste" such as residual tea, tea powder, and tea stems. "Tea Sea in the Cloud·Maojian Journey in the Heart" was selected into 20 quality tea country tourism routes across the country.

“From the tea garden to the tea cup, we strive to achieve quality control throughout the entire process of the tea industry.” Tan Zhongyin, Party Secretary of Yunwu Town, Guiding County, Qiannan Prefecture, said that by promoting comprehensive prevention and control technologies such as green prevention and control, biological control of tea garden pests and diseases, and physical control, Regularly carry out tea garden yield testing demonstrations and product traceability management, establish tea agricultural supplies counters in key tea areas, and create a guaranteed supply service system integrating tea-specific fertilizers, organic fertilizers, pesticides, green prevention and control materials, etc. The local area is constantly improving Three-dimensional ecological development model of tea gardens.

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

html On August 4, tea merchants tasted Duyun Maojian tea at the waterfront platform of the old Kapok Yunshang Art Village on the "Cloud Tea Sea·Heart Maojian Journey" tourist route. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Qi Jian

It is understood that the public brand value of Duyun Maojian region has increased from 1.378 billion yuan in 2010 to 5.223 billion yuan in 2024. Duyun Maojian tea has been exported to the European Union, Morocco, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan Waiting places.

Economic Reference Newspaper


Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put into operation 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.14% and 11.34% respectively. By adhering to green and high-quality development, guarding the bottom line of "clean tea", adhering to scientific and technological innovation and development, and promoting "mechanization of management, intelligent processing, and digital blending" of tea gardens, Duyun Maojian brand's "circle of friends" continues to expand, and Duyun Maojian tea accelerates its "circle of friends" Go out to the mountains and go to the sea."

reporters learned from the "2024 Seventh China Tea Import and Export Trade Annual Conference and Duyun Maojian Tea People's Conference" held in Duyun, Guizhou on the 4th that as of now, the annual processing capacity of tea processing enterprises in Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province has reached 150,000 tons, a total of 103,700 households and 278,800 agricultural people have been engaged in the tea industry. The annual per capita income of tea farmers has increased from 2,200 yuan in 2014 to 17,500 yuan in 2023.

leads through leading enterprises, and Qiannan Prefecture drives SC certification enterprises to form a "production, supply and marketing" alliance. Gu Jingsheng, chairman of Duyun Maojian Tea Industry Development (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the state is currently accelerating the integration of advantageous single products and refined tea blending to ensure stable tea quality and accelerate the large-scale development of Duyun Maojian mid-to-high-end famous green tea, with 869 stores 147 tea companies have passed SC certification.

In the downstream of the tea processing industry, Qiannan Prefecture has introduced a number of high-quality and deep processing enterprises focusing on organic fertilizer processing, tea tourism integration, tea cultural products, tea health care products, tea food, tea beverages, tea daily chemicals, etc. to improve residual tea. Utilization rate of "edge scraps" such as tea powder, tea stems, etc. "Tea Sea in the Cloud·Maojian Journey in the Heart" was selected into 20 quality tea country tourism routes across the country.

“From the tea garden to the tea cup, we strive to achieve quality control throughout the entire process of the tea industry.” Tan Zhongyin, Party Secretary of Yunwu Town, Guiding County, Qiannan Prefecture, said that by promoting comprehensive prevention and control technologies such as green prevention and control, biological control of tea garden pests and diseases, and physical control, Regularly carry out tea garden yield testing demonstrations and product traceability management, establish tea agricultural supplies counters in key tea areas, and create a guaranteed supply service system integrating tea-specific fertilizers, organic fertilizers, pesticides, green prevention and control materials, etc. The local area is constantly improving Three-dimensional ecological development model of tea gardens.

It is understood that the public brand value of Duyun Maojian region has increased from 1.378 billion yuan in 2010 to 5.223 billion yuan in 2024. Duyun Maojian tea has been exported to the European Union, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other places.

Economic Daily


html On August 4, the 2024 Seventh China Tea Import and Export Trade Annual Conference and the Duyun Maojian Tea People's Meeting opened at the Duyun Maojian Base (Old Kapok) of Luosike Gaozhai Reservoir, Duyun City, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province.

The theme of this conference is "Sharing and win-win, creating new opportunities for global tea trade; Duyun Maojian is fragrant all over the world, and tea brings benefits to people all over the world". It is hosted by the Tea Industry Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation and the Guizhou Tea Association. , hosted by Guizhou Duyun Maojian Tea Industry Development (Group) Co., Ltd., aims to enhance the international competitiveness of Duyun Maojian and promote the high-quality leap-forward development of Duyun Maojian, Guizhou tea industry and even the Chinese tea industry.

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

Opening ceremony scene. Photo by Economic Daily reporter Wang Xinwei

Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is located in the south-central part of Guizhou Province, with an average altitude of 997 meters, an average annual temperature of 16.2°C, an annual rainfall of 1,400 mm, and a forest coverage rate of 66%. It is a typical subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. The special geographical environment has a unique ecological environment of "low latitude, high altitude, little sunshine, cloudy fog, and no pollution". It is the main production area of ​​high-quality green tea in China and the "golden latitude" zone of green tea production in the world.

Among the green tea producing areas in China, the tea producing area in southern Guizhou has the "six best" advantages of having the highest altitude, the most uniform precipitation, the most clouds and fog, the mildest climate, the highest forest coverage in the production area, and the best ecological environment. As early as 2008, Duyun Maojian Tea broke through more than 210 EU pesticide residue testing "green barriers" with its pure natural, pollution-free green quality, successfully entered the EU market, and showed the world that green tea, ecological tea, The identity of healthy tea and safe tea. Mr. Zhuang Wanfang, a senior figure in the tea industry, once wrote a poem praising: "The aroma of snow buds is even and even, no less fragrant than Longjing Biluochun. After drinking the refreshing taste of floating flowers, you will feel relaxed and happy!"

Duyun Maojian is a century-old Chinese time-honored brand, a world intangible cultural heritage brand, and the famous tea with the longest history in Guizhou. It has won more than 100 world-class and national-level awards. In 1915, Duyun Maojian and Kweichow Moutai both won the gold medal at the Panama International Exposition. In Guizhou, it has the reputation of "Renhuai Moutai in the north and Duyun Maojian in the south". In the spring of 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong personally named it Duyun Maojian. In 1982, Duyun Maojian ranked among the “Top Ten Famous Teas in China”. In 2022, Duyun Maojian tea-making skills were selected into the list of human intangible cultural heritage as the only representative of Guizhou Province, and included in the national agricultural brand quality cultivation plan in 2022; in 2024, the brand value reached 5.223 billion yuan, ranking first in the country's green tea array , the first brand of tea in Guizhou.

In recent years, Qiannan Prefecture has thoroughly implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, fully implemented the green development concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", focused on "ecological beauty, industrial prosperity, and people's prosperity" and adhered to Following the green development path of "large-scale planting, standardized production, branded sales, and industrialization to enrich the people", the tea industry has become a model industry for our state to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and help promote rural revitalization.

At present, the existing tea garden area in Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province is 1.618 million acres, with 8 provincial-level main tea-producing counties (cities), 31 tea garden townships (towns) with more than 10,000 acres, 19 tea garden villages with more than 10,000 acres, and concentrated tea gardens. There are 108 villages with an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres. In 2023, the state's tea output will be 63,500 tons, with an output value of 11.73 billion yuan. The number of tea employees in the state will reach 426,600, and the annual per capita income of tea farmers will reach 17,500 yuan. The

conference held an unveiling ceremony for the "Guizhou Green Tea Duyun Maojian Standard Base" jointly established by the "Belt and Road" International Tea Trade Industry Science and Technology Innovation Institute, Guizhou Tea Association, and Duyun Maojian Tea Industry Development (Group) Co., Ltd.

The conference also held a production and sales signing ceremony on-site, and signed 6 production and sales agreements, with a total contract volume of 3,200 tons. Among them, the contracted project in Duyun City has 1,800 tons.

After the meeting, the guests also visited the "Duyun Maojian" famous tea tourism product production and sales docking exhibition, and visited the Duyun Maojian demonstration base and Guiding Yunwu tribute tea base for inspection.

It is understood that the 2024 China Tea Overseas Training-Guizhou Special Session will be held in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province in late August. This training is one of the important measures to support the development of Guizhou’s tea export trade. Relevant experts from various industries and fields will focus on Guizhou The challenges and opportunities faced by tea export, development trends, international market laws and regulations, foreign trade and foreign investment business knowledge, export enterprise qualification registration, foreign trade taxation and other policy content will be interpreted and guided to further enhance Guizhou tea’s competitiveness and response ability to participate in the international market. Make steady progress in the complex and ever-changing foreign trade situation and help rural revitalization.

Shanshui Qiannan

Source: Xinhua News Agency, Economic Information Daily, Economic Daily

Editor/Ji Yu Intern Wang Na Wei Lan Zhao Zhijie Reviewer/Yue Dazheng Reviewer/Li Zhengdong

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

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Lixiang Qiannan

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

Xinhua News Agency 01 In the first half of 2024, the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province put 1.2145 million acres of tea gardens into production, achieving a total tea output of 41,000 tons and a total output value of 10.63 billion yuan, a year-on-year - Lujuba

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