"You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?" "You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at

entertainment 5488℃

"You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-part fairy tales?"

"You say that you are dedicated every day. Are you so dedicated? The crew starts work at 8 o'clock every day, and you arrive at the scene at 10 o'clock every day. As soon as you arrive, you immediately say sorry, I have something to do at home, and you are absent from work every day. Why, I’m paying you to pursue your dream, right?”

“You can show off your acting skills that are visible to fans all day long. If you can ride a horse, show off; you don’t need a substitute; do you rely on fees to unlock your acting skills?”


Recently, the hot search #How many bad dramas did the screenwriter watch before he wrote the lines# made the "Three Nos" online drama "Full Capital 2" popular. This is an original short drama without any well-known stars or directors, but it was laughed at by netizens as "internal entertainment mouth substitute" because of its accurate complaints.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

The producer, producer, actors, planners, etc. of "Full Capital Group 2" are all the same person - 28-year-old Chen Tengyue. As for the title of the play, Chen Tengyue said bluntly in an interview with a reporter from Red Star News recently, "Yes, I fully invested in the production of this play. I was personally involved in planning, investment, and performance." Chen Tengyue said , this is already the third film that he has fully funded, in order to realize his dream of being an actor, "This is my self-rescue as an actor, which is quite helpless."

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Chen Tengyue

(The following self-report is based on interviews)

" "Little Broken Drama" was finally seen

"Fully Capitalized Group 2" was broadcast on July 15th. After that, I "lived" online and read netizens' comments every day. That day, I suddenly saw that our drama was trending on the Internet. Many people were discussing it. I was very excited. I felt like my own child had finally grown up. Our "little broken drama" had finally been seen. All these years of hard work had not been in vain. .

Everyone is saying that I "joined the group with full capital". The most important point for me is that this is actually an actor's self-rescue.

This is not the first time that I have "fully invested in the group". The first drama that I fully invested in was "Brother, Please Stay", which was launched at the end of 2020. Because I have a background in acting, but I have never filmed any films. In 2020, I had no films at all. I thought at that time, I might as well invest in a film and act in it myself. Later, after "Brother, Please Stay" was broadcast, many people complained, saying that our production was rough, why was this actor so ugly, and was he "bringing money into the group"? I responded on Weibo and said that I did not join the group with capital, I joined the group with full investment. At that time, this topic was also a hot search.

This drama was my first attempt. Due to lack of experience and the epidemic during filming, the drama was a loss, but it gave me an opportunity to learn how to produce a film and television drama, and I gained a lot. experience.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

The screenwriter of "Fully Capitalized Group 1" is the screenwriting teacher of "Brother, Please Stay". We had a chat at the time and asked if short dramas were very popular right now and we could look into it. At first we wanted to buy IPs to adapt, but first of all, many IPs on the market are not only expensive, but the content is also very homogeneous, such as sadomasochism, love, time-travel revenge, etc. If I continue to do this, the audience will not Feeling aesthetic fatigue? How do I make something different? Don’t copy and paste. I just want to stand out from the crowd and make something unique.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Later, I watched various short plays and short videos. After watching a lot of things, I became more determined to create a work with my own style. When chatting with the screenwriting teacher, we agreed that we would make a comedy. But it’s really hard to make the audience laugh, and it’s easy to get embarrassed after just a little bit of acting. In terms of content, I proposed that since I don’t have any filming in reality, could I play a domineering president who brings money into the group and play all the roles that I can’t play in reality in this drama? realize your dreams.

We worked hard and added a play-within-a-play, which is about the various problems that the protagonist, Mr. Gu, encountered after he joined the group entirely, such as changing the script, complaining about the acting skills, and the problems of the leading male lead. We used the protagonist’s words to write down some of the things I saw in the film and television industry as well as the audience’s complaints.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Complaining about the entertainment industry and not worrying about offending people

When the first season was aired, the feedback and evaluation from the audience were very good, and the final Douban score reached 7.1. Because we are a split-account drama, we invested our own money in the early stage and relied purely on content. The audience’s clicks and views directly determine the final revenue. In the first season, the split account reached more than 4 million. The success of the first season of

makes me more confident whether we can maintain this style. Shortly after the first season aired, I started working on the second. Many platforms heard that we were going to do it, so they came over. The second season of

still maintains the iron triangle of myself, the screenwriter, and the director. Our comedy style has not changed. The main plot is still that Mr. Gu joins the group as a wholly-owned subsidiary, and then various script changes will be introduced. There will be certain innovations in the content. , based on the audience feedback from the first season, for example, the audience liked our satire more, and it was strengthened a lot in the second season.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

"Wholly Invested in the Group 2"

Our "Wholly Invested in the Group" series is all about complaining about some phenomena in the entertainment industry. Many people asked me, are I afraid of offending people? Is the complaint too explicit? I have been forced to fully join the team to act. I have a lot of things I want to say. If I have such an opportunity, I must express it. In fact, film and television works are often a kind of expression, and this is what the audience sees.

As for whether it will offend some people, I don’t think it will. Because a play does not belong to one person and requires the participation of many people from many departments. The audience may be watching the fun, but the insiders are really involved, and they may want to complain more.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

《Full-funded entry into the group 2》

But if someone really feels hurt and unhappy because of "Full-funded entry into the group", then I think it is a problem with the structure.

may be a little more domineering in terms of creation

From the first season to the second season, the pressure for me to "join the team with full investment" was indeed quite great. It seems that the reputation of any drama will inevitably decline from the first season to the second season because the audience has expectations and comparisons. But our overall style must remain unchanged, and the series is most afraid of changing its flavor. The first and second seasons of

were only filmed for 14 days. The investment for the second season increased overall because it has a fairy tale part, and the later costs did go up. I think content always comes first, and our setting and service are actually the icing on the cake.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

"Wholly Invested 2"

From "Brother, Please Stay" to "Wholly Invested", I have starred in all three dramas, and I am also the producer, producer, planner, editor and reviewer, etc., even when they are submitted for review I go by my own. It’s very tiring behind the scenes, but actors are happier. As a producer, you have to take care of every department and aspect. Many friends are also asking me whether I will be as domineering as Mr. Gu in the series "Full Investment". The "Fully Capitalized Group" series is my own work. I may be a little domineering in my creation, but I will still listen to their opinions.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Chen Tengyue's name appears many times among the cast and crew of "Full Investment 2"

Some friends are also asking why they don't do vertical screen mini-program short plays. This is actually not in my consideration. I don't do movies to make money, it's to save myself as an actor. I hope I can act and I hope I can be seen.

Maybe it’s because I have a professional background and have some requirements in creation. Mini program micro-short dramas currently seem to be products of traffic. I personally don’t like them very much. I hope this series will go up. We are in preparation for the movie "Fully Capitalized". We have submitted the registration and are working on the script. We want to make it a comedy theater movie. Our iron triangle has not changed. The investment in making a movie will definitely be bigger, so it’s impossible to do it on a small scale. I can’t “join the group wholly-owned” by myself. Several companies are currently talking about it.

I am not the second generation of rich people

Many netizens and viewers are more interested in me personally and speculate whether I am the second generation of rich people. In fact, I am not. I was born in a very ordinary rural family in Fuyang, Anhui Province. When I was a child, my parents worked in other places. I am a left-behind child and have lived with my grandparents since I was a child.Later, my grandfather passed away and my grandmother was not in good health, so my mother came back to take care of me. At that time, she bought a small truck and hauled the scraps received from the scrap station to the processing plant, thus earning some hard-earned money.

When I was a child, I had no idea about performances. At that time, there would sometimes be a troupe performing Peking Opera in the village, so I would go and listen to it and learn to sing. Peking Opera became my inspiration, and now I like to listen to Peking Opera when I have nothing to do. Later, I watched TV shows like "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", and I really liked it. I learned to act, sewed the unnecessary cloth at home onto the sleeves, and nailed a piece of wood to the shoes. I imitated the characters in the TV show to walk, and I liked to imitate what they saw on TV. people.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Chen Tengyue starred in "Full Investment Group 2"

When I was in high school, I wanted to study music and pursue the art path. Later, my friend took me to a local training class to experience a few classes, and then I realized that acting can still be learned, and there is more to acting. class. During the college entrance examination, I was admitted to the Performance Department of the School of Arts of Beijing Union University. After taking the college entrance examination, I went to Hengdian to work as an extra, wanting to get some experience first. I didn't know about Hengdian at first, so I searched online and saw that many people were pursuing their dreams of becoming actors in Hengdian, and they probably paid dozens of yuan a day.

Later I went to Beijing to study, and I also issued a military order to my family. Studying for the art exam was quite expensive, and my family always lent me money to study. At that time, I said, you have to make money in college, so you can lend me the first Years of college tuition, and then I started working part-time to make money while studying. In addition to being an extra, I also did a lot of jobs, such as working as a waiter in a fast food restaurant, wearing doll costumes at exhibitions, etc. Later, I started working as a micro-business anchor and founded my own skin care brand. This is how I came along step by step.

I hope to be famous, I hope to be seen

Although I have my own career, I still haven’t given up on my dream of being an actor. But the reality is very cruel. We newcomers basically don’t have any chance. Even if there are filming, they will only be guest roles. For example, everyone mentioned that I participated in "The Rumored Chen Qianqian". That was invited by a sister I know. I only have a few guest appearances. The dramas I acted in were all recommended by friends I knew, and my roles were very small.

'You screenwriters oppose plagiarism everywhere every day. When you write your own plays, the plagiarism check rate is almost 90%. I pay you to come and write me eight-legged fairy tales?' 'You say you are dedicated every day, that's it. Are you dedicated? The crew starts work at - Lujuba

Chen Tengyue guest-starred as Lu Peng in "The Rumored Chen Qianqian"

So I have a strong desire for acting. This is why I film my own movies entirely. I just hope to be seen. Only by being seen can I have a chance. Filming lets everyone see that I am a good actor. My ambition is actually to be a good actor.

will definitely be questioned by many people as to whether it is hype. I'm not worried about everyone's doubts. In the entertainment industry, there is no problem in wanting to be famous, because in this industry it is true that only when you are famous can you have more choices and realize your dreams. Just like after a hot search, I did receive several scripts, including ancient costumes and modern dramas.

The actor industry is very difficult, but I will always persevere. If there is no filming, then I will create my own opportunities. Just like all this time, I have never thought about giving up. All I want to do is persevere.

Red Star News reporter Qiu Junfeng editor Zeng Qi

Tags: entertainment