On July 25, the Qingyuan City Volunteers Foundation and the Fogang County Volunteers Association held a condolence symposium to commend and reward Zhu Mingshu, Zhu Mingyong, Li Yijun and Zeng Guocheng for their bravery. At the symposium, four brave people shared their specific st

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On July 25, Qingyuan City’s Brave Volunteers Foundation and Fogang County’s Brave Volunteers Association held a condolence symposium to commend and reward four brave volunteers, Zhu Mingshu, Zhu Mingyong, Li Yijun and Zeng Guocheng.

On July 25, the Qingyuan City Volunteers Foundation and the Fogang County Volunteers Association held a condolence symposium to commend and reward Zhu Mingshu, Zhu Mingyong, Li Yijun and Zeng Guocheng for their bravery. At the symposium, four brave people shared their specific st - Lujuba

At the symposium, four people who acted bravely shared their specific stories of rescuing people at that time.

It is understood that on the afternoon of June 5, a 3-year-old girl in Fogang County had her head stuck on the security window on the second floor and her body was half hanging out of the window. The situation was urgent. At the critical moment, Zhu Mingshu, Zhu Mingyong, and Li Yijun stepped forward to lift the girl in a relay to gain time for rescue. In the end, the girl was successfully rescued.

Another touching story happened on May 3. When Zeng Guocheng, a member of the public, was passing by the Liaojiang River section of Shijiao Town, he saw a woman struggling in the river. The situation was very critical. Zeng Guocheng and the police who came after hearing the news worked together to rescue the woman and successfully pulled the woman back to the shore.

The relevant person in charge of the City's Courage for a Righteousness Foundation and the County's Courage for a Righteousness Association expressed high praise for the four courageous people who acted for a just cause, believing that they used practical actions to demonstrate the righteousness of the times and conveyed the positive social energy of helping others and being courageous for a just cause.

Text and pictures | Reporter Liang Huisen Correspondent Cheng Minghui

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