On July 29, the "Brainwave Alignment" premiere of the movie "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" was held in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring actors Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, Song Yang, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wen Zhengrong,

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On July 29, the movie "'s safe evacuation from the 21st century " held its "Brainwave Alignment" premiere in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring Zhang Ruoyun , Zhong Chuxi , Song Yang , Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi , Wen Zhengrong , etc. all appeared together to share their thoughts on the shooting. The film will be released nationwide on August 2.

On July 29, the 'Brainwave Alignment' premiere of the movie 'Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century' was held in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring actors Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, Song Yang, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wen Zhengrong, - Lujuba

Group photo with the main creators

As the director of Douban’s high-scoring animated short films " The Adventures of Li Xianji " and " Bad Future ", Li Yang is undoubtedly an "outlier" in the industry today. After more than ten years of fame, he has become the director of "From the 21st Century" "Safe Evacuation" is his first theatrical feature film directed independently.

The film tells the story of Wang Zha and two friends on the distant planet K, who accidentally have the super power to travel back and forth in time and space for twenty years just by sneezing. But in the future world, they have not become their ideal selves. Faced with a terrifying conspiracy to destroy the world, the teenagers must take on the important responsibility of human life and death.

On July 29, the 'Brainwave Alignment' premiere of the movie 'Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century' was held in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring actors Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, Song Yang, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wen Zhengrong, - Lujuba

"Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" poster

premiere scene, talking about the inspiration for the new story setting of "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", Li Yang said that it came from the experience of childhood rhinitis, "When I sneeze, I always believe it It’s a thing that has magical side effects. “I am a person who often finds troubles and falls into emotional lows. In addition to giving me professional guidance, Teacher Wang Hongwei also has a ‘radar’ for emotional perception, which has helped me get out of trouble many times. When talking about the three "bad friends" in the film, Wang Chengyong, Wang Zha and Pao Pao, Li Yang admitted that they all have his own shadow. "When I was 18 years old, I felt separated from all my friends. I just tried to find a solution on my own, and I happened to have three shortcomings: I was full of fear of the future, and I always missed precious things in the intertwining of time. , that’s the prototype of Wang Zhao; he doesn’t ask for help from others, and takes it upon himself when encountering difficulties, which is the prototype of Wang Chengyong; and finally, he doesn’t have a clear understanding of himself, which is the prototype of Bubble. My friend, it seems that these problems with me will eventually go to the grave with me."

On July 29, the 'Brainwave Alignment' premiere of the movie 'Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century' was held in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring actors Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, Song Yang, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wen Zhengrong, - Lujuba

Director Li Yang

Actor Zhang Ruoyun, who plays Wang Zha, said that in the film, Wang Zha and Liu Lianzhi made a scene in the magazine, so that he could live with it. It’s enough to satisfy my acting addiction, “because Wang Zha’s 38-year-old body still retains the mind of an 18-year-old. He couldn’t bear to see bullying in the workplace, and bravely and enthusiastically rescued Liu Lianzhi. This was also a difficulty for me during the performance, because I had to tell the story of a teenager. It’s something we believe in, but it’s hard for us at our age to make such simple impulses. Wang Zha’s confession to Liu Lianzhi in the play is also particularly touching, “You are different from others. You came to this world to make this world change.” "I hope everyone can watch this movie to make the world a better place." Zhang Ruoyun also used Neruda's poem to describe the friendship between Wang Zha and Liu Lianzhi, "Kiss me again, love." . Polish your gun, comrade.”

On July 29, the 'Brainwave Alignment' premiere of the movie 'Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century' was held in Beijing. Producer Wang Hongwei, screenwriter and director Li Yang, and starring actors Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, Song Yang, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhu Yan Manzi, Wen Zhengrong, - Lujuba

Zhang Ruoyun

In the post-screening interactive session, director Guo Fan said that Li Yang spent 8 years completing "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", which can be said to have gone through many ups and downs. "Director Li Yang and I have known each other since 2010, when we made his short film "The Adventures of Li Xianji" into a big movie. I was responsible for the live-action part and he was responsible for the animation part. From then until today, it has been confirmed again My impression of him is that Li Yang is still the same Li Yang. He has not grown up. He is back again. I believe everyone is waiting for the Easter egg when watching the scrolling credits at the end of "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century". In fact, this movie Movies are the 'Easter Eggs' of Chinese movies."

screenwriter Chen Yu said that "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" lived up to expectations."After watching the movie, there were only two words in my mind: one word was 'Hi'. It can show such irrepressible imagination and combine the fun and comedy elements of the second dimension, which greatly enhances our adrenaline. secretion; the second word is 'brave'. In the current Chinese film market, every company and every creator is racking their brains and making every effort when making a film, but there are still directors like Li Yang and teachers like Wang Hongwei, including these A lot of actors, they dare to express the emotions and feelings they want to express on the screen. This gives the current situation where everyone is making every movie step by step. In fact, it is a new way of thinking and new ideas. "We should be bolder and use our imagination to make similar movies."

Director Shao Yihui said that "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" is very scarce in the current Chinese film market. "It reminded me of the thrill I felt when I watched "Requiem for a Dream" (2000), "Shaun of the Dead" (2004), and "Hot Fuzz" (2007). I was thinking, when will China Only a director can make such a style of film and produce so many "useless" montages. In fact, Director Li Yang has already demonstrated his talent in his two previous short films, and this feature film did not disappoint us. It’s so memorable.”

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