CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia

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CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, there are many foreign friends working and living here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes?

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjiang, he filmed a film about a Xibe girl and her family. This year, Pedro Nissi returned to Xinjiang again to create another film, allowing more people to understand the real Xinjiang and feel the charm of Xinjiang.

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

Brazilian young director Pedro Nissi: "Xinjiang is a very unique place with a lot of diversity, many different cultures, showing very different charms. When I first came to Xinjiang, I saw different People of different nationalities, with different faces, different cultures, different foods. Even though I don’t speak Chinese or other languages, I come from another country and another culture, but I feel that there are no borders between us, only bridges. "

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

In 2014, Osama Mohammed came to the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to conduct academic research through the "Outstanding Young Scientists Work Program in China". The similar climate environment of Xinjiang and Egypt, as well as the scientific research environment here, provide Osama Muhammad with research convenience. In order to commemorate his relationship with China, he specially gave himself the Chinese name "Jinshan", which was taken from the pyramids of Egypt and the Tianshan Mountains of China.

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

Osama Mohammed, a microbiologist at the Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences: "You know, Xinjiang is a beautiful place, and we all love Xinjiang. It is full of many beautiful things, such as landscapes, mountains, oases, deserts, Delicious food, Xinjiang is a unique place, I like Xinjiang very much. The people here are very friendly and happy to work with us. I feel very comfortable living with people here. ”

Basarkin Yuri Genner. Dievich is from Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia. He came to China eight years ago to engage in deep processing of agricultural products. From flour processing to oilseed production, his business is getting better and better. During his several years in China, he has witnessed the new opportunities brought to China and Russia by the “One Belt and One Road” initiative, and has also witnessed China’s rapid development and is full of confidence in the future.

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba

Russian businessman Basarkin Yuri Gennadyevich: "I have also seen a lot of changes in China. I think the cooperation between China and Russia will be great in the future. Because there is a lot of good cooperation now. But I think we can still be (bigger)”

CCTV News: As the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt, many foreign friends work and live here. What does contemporary Xinjiang look like in their eyes? Pedro Nisi is a young director from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Eight years ago, when he first came to Xinjia - Lujuba


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