Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019. In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to

entertainment 1810℃

Big S’s refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.

In March of this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to the boss’s first statement on the divorce incident, she posted a screenshot of the chat. At that time, the boss pointed out that she could take her children abroad during the winter and summer vacations, but she could not return to Beijing. She said that the children were scared and emphasized that Zhang Lan cannot see the child.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei was also confused about this, accusing Big S of instilling the idea of ​​slandering the Mainland into his children, but Big S said that he was not that kind of person.

Not long ago, Wang Xiaofei took Zhang Lan, Ma Xiaomei and their two children to Okinawa, Japan for vacation. She also took her children to Japan last year, so she was scolded again.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

After Wang Xiaofei’s family was on vacation, Taiwanese media revealed that the two had had a secret settlement negotiation since May. The progress of the settlement two months later was worrying, and they had not reached consensus on two key issues.

One is the issue of raising and transporting the two children, and the other is whether the two children can return to Beijing to settle down. Taiwanese media interviewed S’s mother about this, and the latter also admitted it.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Although it has been several days since the vacation in Japan, netizens are still discussing this matter very much, which may have stimulated Wang Xiaofei.

So Wang Xiaofei suddenly went on air late at night on July 12 and talked about taking his children to Japan for vacation. With tears in his eyes and emotions, it was the first time since he and Ma Xiaomei got married that he lost control of his emotions in public.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Fortunately, Ma Xiaomei was by her side at the time, reminding him to stop talking from time to time. Zhang Lan, who was far abroad, happened to not be sleeping either, and called to stop and comfort his son.

In the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei responded to taking her children to Okinawa, Japan for vacation, saying that he did not want to go to Okinawa. He wanted to take his children to Sanya, Xi'an, Beidaihe, and wanted to take his children back to Beijing.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei's helplessness was palpable, saying that her child's surname was Wang, his family and home were all in the mainland, and she really didn't understand why the children couldn't come back.

Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei will take their children on vacation in August. The children themselves said that they want to go to Bali. Although they went there once before with Xiao S’s family, they didn’t get much fun at that time.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

But Wang Xiaofei bluntly said that there is nothing interesting to see in Bali and there is nothing interesting in Japan. Wang Xiaofei wants the children to know that they are upright Chinese.

In addition, Wang Xiaofei also imagined that if his children could return to the mainland in the future, his first stop would be to take them to the Great Wall, then to the Forbidden City, to the Summer Palace, to Xi'an, and to all the places where Ma Liuji opened stores to first see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. .

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that Wang Xiaofei also exposed an important information, and it was something that the public did not know before, that is, not only did the parents not allow their children to return to Beijing or the mainland, but even the court in Taipei also ruled this way.

Wang Xiaofei said that she has never objected to court mediation. She always travels thousands of miles to the Taipei Mediation Court, and sometimes takes late-night flights to rush for time.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

On the contrary, Big S, who lives very close to Taipei, never shows up. He is the only one talking to the judge. But even so, the court actually favors Big S.

Big S promised to go but when he didn’t arrive, the judge actually said, “How about we wait?” After confirming that Big S was not present, the judge actually said, “Let’s adjourn the court."

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

When talking about this part, Wang Xiaofei became emotional and said to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Can you not be angry? "Angrily asked the judge how to implement this matter, why the child can go anywhere in the world, but cannot return to the mainland, and said that he has appealed.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Of course, the same excited netizens in the live broadcast room also It was suggested that Wang Xiaofei should stop caring about the child and have another one with Ma Xiaomei as soon as possible, but Wang Xiaofei said no, saying that it was her own child. How could she not care about it?

Wang Xiaofei said frankly that she felt aggrieved. Regarding the judge’s decision, Wang Xiaofei expressed that she was speechless and said that she The biggest shame in his life is that his child cannot go back to Beijing.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

It is easy to get emotional late at night. Fortunately, Ma Xiaomei tried to dissuade him many times by Wang Xiaofei's side, otherwise he might have become even more emotional and might have been complained about by black fans as "crazy". In this regard, Zhang Lan also quickly came to the rescue for his son, saying that Xiaofei regards the fans in the live broadcast room as family members. I hope everyone can understand the mood of a father. He has nowhere to talk to when faced with the ruthlessness of the boss and the injustice of the court. It has been suppressed for too long.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

In fact, it is not just Wang Xiaofei who is feeling aggrieved. Zhang Lan must also be aggrieved, and she has already vented her anger before Wang Xiaofei. During her vacation in Japan, she complained about the excessive s in the form of likes and comments many times.

Zhang Lan once responded to the reply by saying that the big s still refused to let the child return to Beijing. She also accused her of not doing anything to take care of the child, even worse than two nannies. Even the new clothes Ma Xiaomei bought for the child were not allowed to be worn by the big s.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

In addition, Zhang Lan angrily expressed her approval of the way Big S loves her children, and listed her five sins in raising her children. The first is to attract wolves into the house, the second is to ignore her and not pick her up, the third is to feed her children takeaways every day, and the fourth is to give her children takeaways. The first is to send the child to a school that does not require exams and homework. The fifth is to not accompany the child and only arrange a male assistant to play with the child on the computer.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Although Zhang Lan is outspoken and unwilling to express herself tactfully, many of the things she exposed about Big S have been proven to be true.

Therefore, there is indeed something wrong with the "non-intervention" education method that Big S insists on with her children. It can even be said to be just a cover. She does not love her children that much.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

This can also be seen from the vacation in Okinawa, Japan. For example, Xiao Yue'er is not only a little hunched, but also obviously unconfident, while Xiao Linlin never leaves his tablet, and even spits at his grandma Zhang Lan.

Wang Xiaofei did not want to fight for custody rights. She just asked that the child can return to Beijing to live in winter, summer and long vacations, and that she and her grandmother Zhang Lan can see the child at any time. But the eldest s is not willing, and even the court's decision is unfair.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

Even if you only consider the child’s education, the eldest son should agree to the child returning to Beijing to settle down. It is obvious that the father Wang Xiaofei has the ability to let the child receive the best educational resources in the country, but the eldest son would rather ask for money than consider the child’s future.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to resolve household affairs. What's more, now that Wang Xiaofei has suffered an unfair verdict, while Big S has been favored, the conflict between the two parties seems difficult to resolve in the short term.

Big S's refusal to allow her children to return to Beijing has always been one of the main conflicts in the divorce drama between her and Wang Xiaofei. The two children have not returned to Beijing for five years since 2019.      In March this year, when Wang Xiaofei responded to - Lujuba

But I still hope that adults can think more about their children. After all, children are innocent. They can still have a wanton and brilliant childhood and even a lifetime, but the premise is that the parents reconcile as soon as possible, and especially pay attention to the children's education and psychological problems.

Tags: entertainment