Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed. Pr

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Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but get angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Taiwanese media previously broke the news that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Da S failed. The two failed to reach an agreement on the issue of picking up, transporting and settling their children. Judging from Wang Xiaofei's live broadcast, this is not an agreement. This is because Big S has no room for negotiation at all.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei complained in the live broadcast that why the court notified him of the hearing. He flew from Beijing to Taipei every time, sometimes taking late-night flights, just to catch up with the court session the next day.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

After he arrived, Big S didn’t go, and he never went. She didn't arrive, and the judge said to wait for her, making it seem like Wang Xiaofei was not going to the court for a hearing, but like going to a restaurant to eat. She had to wait until everyone came. He also didn't say that one of the parties was not present and arranged for someone to rush her. .

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

However, Big S was not blamed for her refusal to appear in court for mediation, contempt for the law, and disrespect for the judge. On the contrary, when the judge saw that she did not come, he directly told Wang Xiaofei, "The other party did not come, so let's adjourn the court."

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Big s this time was not only contemptuous of the law, but also a waste of judicial resources. After all, her absence not only delayed Wang Xiaofei's time, but also the judge's time, and wasted various processes and procedures for the court session.

Wang Xiaofei said why he came all the way and the judge didn't care if the other party didn't appear in court, but adjourned the case? He wanted to mediate, but the other party refused to come. How could he not be angry? Wang Xiaofei also directly asked during the live broadcast, "How do they handle the case? How do they carry out these things?"

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

then mentioned the recent arrangements. Although they are newlyweds, Wang Xiaofei is not very free and will accompany Ma Xiaomei in a few days. After a trip to Europe, I will be busy opening a new store when I come back. Then it was time to spend time with the children again. This time the children wanted to go to Bali.

It may be a barrage. Some people asked why they always go abroad. Wang Xiaofei couldn't bear it anymore. She got angry on the spot and asked the judge in charge of the case in Taiwan Province. Why can the child go anywhere in the world but cannot return to mainland China?

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei said that he also wanted to take his children back to the mainland and go to Beijing and Sanya to see the great mountains and rivers, but he was not allowed to do so. Wang Xiaofei also broke the news that he had also appealed again, just to ask why his children were not allowed to return to mainland China.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

What Big S said before was high-sounding. A few years ago, he said that the children should be a little older, but now that the younger brother is 8 years old, isn't this still unrequited?

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

was not allowed to return to the mainland, but Wang Xiaofei was allowed to spend money to take her children abroad. In just two months of summer vacation, the children almost went abroad with Wang Xiaofei twice, once to Japan, and once to Bali. Where has Big S taken his children to in recent years? One of the few people I went to Bali with my little S family was. The child also said that he didn’t have much fun last time, so he asked his father Wang Xiaofei to take him there again this time.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Some netizens said that it was because Wang Xiaofei cared so much about her children that she was caught by the big S. If Wang Xiaofei was indifferent to her children, then she would become a big S who was afraid and anxious, but Wang Xiaofei would probably be hard-pressed to be cruel to her children.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

But it is actually because the elder S has problems taking care of the children. Zhang Lan pointed out before that the elder S does not care about the children at all. She used to have a nanny to take care of her all day, but now she has fired the nanny. The child eats takeout and plays with electronic products every day. Wang Xiaofei is anxious about her child's growth and education, so she hopes to take her back to Beijing, but Big S blocks her in every possible way.

Zhang Lan also revealed that the child has become myopic at a young age. This is obviously because the parents did not take good care of him. At the same time, she also hopes that everyone will understand the feelings of a father. The child also misses his father, but Wang Xiaofei has no place to talk to these situations in the Taiwan Provincial Court. She has been depressed for too long and can only complain to her fans.

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help but got angry again during the live broadcast. He angrily cursed the judge for not letting the child return to the mainland, saying that he would appeal again. This also shows that the reconciliation between Wang Xiaofei and Big S really failed.      Pr - Lujuba

I can only say that I hope Wang Xiaofei can get the desired result by appealing again. I also hope that the big S can respect the law, have a serious talk with Wang Xiaofei, consider clearly what is the best education for the child, respect the child’s ideas, and don’t Trying to manipulate the child to manipulate Wang Xiaofei.

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