The spy drama "The Lost City", although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all. The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet

entertainment 5286℃

The spy drama " Alone in the Lost City ", although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all. The plot of

has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. It is reversal for the sake of reversal. It is completely the routine of the anti-Japanese drama.

This also made many viewers sigh, why is it so difficult to watch a good spy drama now.

Spy war dramas have always been a hot spot in the TV drama market. In the early years, , "Insidious", "Before Dawn", "The Conspiracy", " Kite" and other high-quality dramas have won a stable audience for spy war dramas.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

It’s just that in recent years, spy war dramas have been unable to succeed. Most of the works launched are "big thunder, small rain" and have a mediocre response.

However, the market has not given up on this "big cake", and many spy dramas are still on the way to be produced or broadcast.

Let’s take a look at these 10 upcoming spy war dramas. Which of them will be the real “spy war kings”?

no.10 "Dark Night and Dawn"

This drama has been included in the list of CCTV's key dramas as early as 2022, and is also the highlight of the spy war dramas to be broadcast.

The background of this drama is at the beginning of the founding of New China. It tells the story of young police officers and senior Communist Party agents working together to arrest Kuomintang spies.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The cast is also very exciting, especially the four veteran actors Ni Dahong, Nie Yuan, Wang Jinsong, and Wang Zhiwen. Every single one of them is full of atmosphere.

There is also the young policeman played by Chen Zheyuan, whose appearance matches the role very well. It seems to have seen the shadow of Wei Ruolai in "The Storm Chaser". Visually, it is another growth story of a young man from immaturity to maturity.

The combination of powerful traffic and experienced actors has made the quality of this drama suddenly increase several times, and the temperament of the storm is about to come out.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

Moreover, this drama is rare in that the background of the spy war is set after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The plot is closer to , " Secret Drawing ", " Yangcheng Secret Whistle " and other anti-special films.

As long as it doesn’t lag behind in terms of story logic and atmosphere of the times, I believe this will be a very interesting spy movie.

no.9 "Lone Boat"

"Lone Boat" starring Zeng Shunxi, Zhang Songwen, Wang Yuwen and others has been selected into Jiangsu Satellite TV's drama list last year.

There is no doubt that the most attractive point of "Lone Boat" is Zhang Songwen. After all, it is his first big drama after "Hurry", and he also plays a villain with full personality, Zhou Zhifei, an important member of the puppet government.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

Judging from the trailers currently exposed, the character played by Zhang Songwen this time is a smiling tiger who does not express emotions or anger. He seems to be reasonable, but in fact he is cruel and ruthless.

Zhang Songwen and the architect Gu Yizhong, played by Zeng Shunxi, have many wonderful rivalry scenes. The two people in the black and white camps compete with each other in a battle of wits and courage. The masters will definitely kill everyone in the show.

In addition, the cast includes Zhang Fengyi, Zhou Yiwei and other powerful actors we are familiar with. Each of them seems to have a hidden agenda, and the suspenseful atmosphere is very strong.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the director and screenwriter of this drama, Lin Lisheng, is also one of the screenwriters of the spy drama "Latent", which also guarantees the plot of "Lone Boat".

It is rumored that this drama will take over "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2" and will be launched on the video platform during the summer vacation. Let us wait with peace of mind.

no.8 "The Mystery Diving"

"The Mystery Diving" is co-directed by Chen Guohui and Zhao Lijun, starring Cheng Yiying and Ying Er.

The background of this drama is the early stage of the Changsha Battle of the Anti-Japanese War. The story of patriotic young man Yun Hongshen put aside his family hatred and sneaked into the Japanese camp alone, finally turning the tide of the war.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

There have been film and television dramas about the Battle of Changsha before, such as the high-scoring drama "Battle of Changsha" by Noon Sun and "The Battle of Changsha" starring Zhang Fengyi, but this drama is the first time to review this period of history from the perspective of a spy war.

"Puzzle Breaker: Deep Dive" was actually launched as early as 2019, and now it has been five years but it has not been released yet.

The two leading actors have undergone great changes in the past five years. Cheng Yi was promoted to a popular niche due to the popularity of "Liu Li", and "Lotus Tower" received numerous praises, with a significant long-tail effect.

Actor Ying'er has also lost her childishness in " Thousand Mountains Snow ". She has participated in many well-received dramas and her acting skills have steadily improved.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

Both actors are on the rise of their acting careers, so it is a good time for "Deep" to be released at this time.

no.7 "Guardians"

is another spy drama of the "Zhou Series".

There were "Pretenders", "Rebels" and "Storm Chasers" before, and now there is another "Guardians".

However, unlike the other "three", "Guardians" involves the secret front in the Anti-Japanese War: the development of cryptographic systems.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The protagonist of the story is Ding Yi, a young man from a lower-class background. He accidentally enters a secret agency of the Japanese army and fights side by side with Gu Yangshan, a junior high-ranking cadre, to jointly crack the Japanese password system and protect national security.

uses a false identity to sneak into the enemy camp. A password novice has a narrow escape. Just by reading the introduction, you can feel the thrill of this spy drama.

Especially Ding Yi’s identity as a “part-actor” adds unknown elements and drama to the story.

As for the cast, the person who plays Ding Yi is Zhang Yishan, the "Liu Xing" of " With Children ", and the heroine is a movie star of the Republic of China played by Zhang Tianai, who has a wonderful rivalry with Zhang Yishan.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

Not long ago, "Guardians" obtained a distribution license and is expected to be able to meet the audience in the near future.

no.6 "Falcon"

"Falcon" is also known as "Frozen Rose". At first glance, it sounds like an urban idol drama, but it is actually a public security spy drama with roots in Miaohong.

This drama stars Zhang Han, Zhang Li, Zhang Meng, etc. It tells the story that after the founding of New China, in order to sabotage the Kuomintang's "Frozen Rose" plan, Song Wenbo of the Ministry of Public Security sneaked into the enemy camp alone, and finally succeeded in destroying the enemy's plan.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

Song Wenbo, played by Zhang Han, is a double-faced agent who works undercover inside the enemy to deliver intelligence to our army. This is also the first time Zhang Han has challenged this type of role.

Judging from the released stills, the costumes of this drama are very fashionable and urban style. The protagonists are fashionably dressed, and coupled with various close combat scenes, the scene will be very gorgeous.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

"Falcon" was filmed in 2017. Due to various reasons, it has not been broadcast. During the period, the showrunners posted a blog to respond. They are working hard to communicate and coordinate with relevant departments. I believe there will be results soon.

no.5 "Deep Sea 1950"

"Deep Sea 1950" is another spy drama launched by CCTV after "Wind Chaser" and "Harbin 1944". It has been completed not long ago.

Compared with the previous two works, "Deep Sea 1950" has a sense of historical sedimentation.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The story of this drama is adapted from the true deeds of our country’s latent hero General Wu Shi. After the victory of the Liberation War, he followed Chiang Kai-shek to lurk in Taiwan and delivered a lot of important military intelligence to New China.

Yu Zecheng (Comrade Deep Sea) played by Sun Honglei in "Latent" is largely based on General Wu Shi. The plot is simply a sequel to "Latent".

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The team of "Deep Sea 1950" is also very reliable. The director is Yang Yazhou, who has directed classic works such as "The Empty Mirror" and " Beautiful Big Feet ". Wu Shi and another underground party Zhu Feng are Yu Hewei and Wu Yue. A powerful performer.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

In addition, the supporting cast of this drama is also quite strong. Wei Chen, Zeng Li, Yu Ailei, Yu Entai, etc. are all hot and good actors.

Especially the addition of Wei Chen, who debuted in the draft, has left a deep impression on the audience with his roles in major movies in recent years.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

This time he plays the role of an officer. The military uniform is very handsome, and the look alone has made the audience full of expectations.

Currently, "Deep Sea 1950" has entered intense post-production. I don't know if it will be broadcast this year. I really can't wait to see it soon.

no.4 " Rival·Shanhe Nameless "

In recent years, the market for national security-themed counter-espionage dramas has been booming. From "The Opponent" to last year's "Agent Mission", they have been loved and sought after by young audiences. Spy war stories with a modern background Become a new trend.

"Old Enemy: Mountains and Rivers Nameless" is also a national security counter-espionage drama. It cleverly combines suspense detective and espionage elements. It tells the story of a national security police officer who went through many hardships to pursue a theft case from the National Space Administration and finally revealed the truth. .

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The producer of this drama is sixth-generation director Diao Yinan, and the male lead is Berlin actor Liao Fan. The golden partners who won the Berlin Golden Bear together once again join forces to create this modern spy war legend.

Just the names of Diao Yinan and Liao Fan have already made the audience put this drama on the list of annual expectations.

Not to mention Zhu Zhu, Li Jian, Zhang Zhijian and many other powerful actors joining the cast, it is really highly anticipated.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

"Old Enemy: Mountains and Rivers Nameless" was officially completed at the end of last year. We are looking forward to seeing how the film team's work will turn out.

no.3 "The Front Without Gunsmoke"

"The Front Without Gunsmoke" is adapted from Ma Shitu's novel of the same name, starring Du Chun and Ying'er.

The original novel is very exciting. It tells the story of an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party who lost contact with the organization before the liberation of Sichuan. In the disputes between various forces, he insisted on his faith and waited for victory.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

There is currently no more material released for this drama, but the confrontation between this kind of faith and the harsh environment is definitely worth looking forward to.

After all, Ma Shitu’s novels have received the critical acclaim of director Jiang Wen. His short story “The Thief of Officials” was adapted into the movie “Let the Bullets Fly.”

"The Front Without Gunsmoke" was created by Ma Shitu based on the story of his friend Li Qiang. Some plots were also integrated into Ma Shitu's real experience as an underground party member.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

With the endorsement of Ma Shitu’s novel, the story quality of this drama is guaranteed to a certain extent. As long as the important plots and characters in the original work have not been magically changed, it is still worth looking forward to.


Huang Xiaoming, who has just been awarded the title of Golden Goblet Best Actor, has another spy movie to meet the audience.

Some time ago, Hunan Satellite TV officially announced the spy drama "Hidden Abyss" starring Huang Xiaoming. This time he will star in a spy drama with Zhang Jianing, "Ru Lan" in "Know or Not".

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The plot of this drama is a bit like the popular script-killing game. The male protagonist played by Huang Xiaoming lost his memory at the beginning, and then followed the clues to Shanghai but was told that he was a "lackey" of Wang's puppet government. Although

finally figured out the identity of his underground party, he received a mission and had to return to the Japanese and puppet tiger's den, hiding his identity and continuing to lurk.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The plot is reversed layer by layer, coupled with the addition of a number of golden supporting characters.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are several familiar faces who have appeared in " Celebrating More Than Years ". One is "Yan Ruohai" Li Qiang, the other is "Lin Xiang" Yu Yang, and the other plays the heavy Yu Jinwei. They are all very capable people.

But the filming of this drama has just started, and it will take some time before it is broadcast.

no.1 "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"

It is no exaggeration to say that this drama is the most anticipated spy drama of the year. The original work of the

series is the novel of the same name by writer Sun Ganlu. The original work also won the Mao Dun Literary Award. It is an annual IP jointly created by Xinli Media and Goose Factory.

Looking at the screenwriters again, Wang Juan, the screenwriter of "Celebrating More Than Years", and Jin Haishu, the screenwriter of "The Wind Rises in Longxi", have joined forces to add another layer of guarantee to the already wonderful novel.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

The story of this drama took place in Shanghai in the 1930s. In order to realize the "strategic shift of the central government", underground workers of the CCP gathered in Shanghai to discuss state affairs. However, half of the participants were arrested before the meeting began.

html Who among the 212 participants is the traitor? Chen Qianli, a member of the Communist Party who was ordered to be in danger, needed to track the traitor and complete another top-secret mission as the enemy pressed harder and harder.

The whole story sounds addictive, and I am even more curious about the cast.

It is said that the male lead will be played by Xiao Zhan, Zhang Wanyi, and Zhang Ruoyun, but some platforms show that the male lead has already been chosen by Zhang Wanyi, and the second male lead will be played by Wei Daxun.

The spy drama 'The Lost City', although it has the double king buff of Huang Jingyu + Xin Zhilei, it still doesn't work after all.      The plot has caused many netizens to complain. The logic cannot withstand scrutiny. The plot is reversed for the sake of reversal. It is complet - Lujuba

In the spy war routine that has become aesthetically tired, such a work with a thousand twists and turns and rich and three-dimensional characters will surely rekindle the audience's interest in spy wars.

I believe that under the operation of the two gold medal screenwriters Wang Juan and Jin Haishu, "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" will definitely break the "dead silence" of spy war dramas and bring the audience a different group spy war shock.

Whether it can reach the level of masterpieces such as "Kite" and "Insidious" remains to be considered.

Judging from these ten upcoming spy dramas, the market for spy dramas is still hot. Whether it is the production team or the cast, there is no shortage of big productions and hits.

But let us wait and see which one will be a big hit and become a symbol of the return of spy dramas to their peak. (Written by Pipi Xia)

Tags: entertainment