On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. "I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos

entertainment 9762℃

On July 6,

rapper capper

talked about his comeback in a variety show.

said that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis.

"I did a lot of stage installations at last year's last music festival.

I had respiratory alkalosis in an instant when I walked out of the smoke machine."

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie heard this and said

She had also Got through respiratory alkalosis!

has been taking medication, and

hasn’t stopped taking medication yet!

Morning News

, Like 5

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

As soon as this news came out, it triggered a lot of heated discussions among netizens.

The topic "capper Shang Wenjie has respiratory alkalosis"

immediately became a hot search topic!

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

Netizens commented

Some netizens expressed their distress

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

Some netizens said that

was the first to hear about respiratory alkalosis

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

Many celebrities have this symptom

According to previous reports,

Farming boy Chen Shaoxi was filming a movie,

Respiratory alkalosis due to heat stroke.

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

New little girl He Lan Dou

revealed in a variety show that

when she is emotionally excited,

it is easy to induce respiratory alkalosis.

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

He Lan joked that he suddenly developed respiratory alkalosis during the performance.

As a result, in the second half of the performance,

his hands became like chicken claws, and his whole body was numb and unable to move.

He Landou also said that he had encountered a similar situation when he was acting in a drama that focused on emotions.

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

On July 6, rapper Capper talked about his comeback in a variety show, saying that he had been ill and suffered from respiratory alkalosis. 'I made a lot of stage installations for the last music festival last year. When I walked out of the smoke machine, I had respiratory alkalos - Lujuba

What is respiratory alkalosis?

When people feel angry, anxious and nervous, their heart rate and blood pressure will rise, and their breathing will speed up involuntarily. Therefore, when breathing too fast or hyperventilating, the production rate of carbon dioxide is lower than the rate of discharge, and the rate of carbon dioxide discharge is slower. If it is too much, the carbon dioxide content in the body will decrease, and the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood will decrease accordingly. Once there is insufficient carbon dioxide and the acid-base balance is broken, respiratory alkalosis will occur, also known as hyperventilation syndrome, respiratory nerve syndrome, and hyperventilation syndrome.

For normally healthy people, respiratory alkalosis may occur if they yell or sing for a long time. In children or infants, prolonged crying can also cause respiratory alkalosis. Other conditions such as psychogenic hyperventilation, hyperthyroidism, plateau hypoxia, central nervous system disease, salicylic acid poisoning, etc. may lead to respiratory alkalosis.

Common symptoms of respiratory alkalosis

Hyperventilation symptoms: Breathing deepens and accelerates.

Excitability manifestations of nerves and muscles: Numbness of the lips, hands and feet. In further development, twitching of the face and limbs, syncope, and convulsions may occur.

primary disease manifestations: corresponding symptoms of primary disease. Patients with pulmonary embolism, central tumors, brain trauma, septic shock, etc. are prone to hyperventilation due to the primary disease, and then respiratory alkalosis. Generally, these patients need effective control of the primary disease before respiratory alkalosis can be fundamentally treated.

First aid methods for patients with respiratory alkalosis

Once symptoms of respiratory alkalosis appear first help the patient calm down, and then use a paper bag or plastic bag to cover the patient's mouth to allow the exhaled carbon dioxide to be breathed back into the body. Increase the inhalation of carbon dioxide. If you don't have a paper bag, you can use a piece of newspaper, roll it up into a trumpet shape, put the big head in your mouth, and breathe back the small head outward, that is, try to breathe back the breath you exhale into your body.

In addition, you can also use abdominal breathing (when inhaling, expand the abdomen to the maximum extent and keep the chest still; when exhaling, contract the abdomen to the maximum inward, keeping the chest still, and the cycle continues), slow breathing , slow down the respiratory rate and reduce or eliminate the tendency to hyperventilate.

If the poisoning is too deep, it is best to go to the hospital.

Non-pathological respiratory alkalosis generally does not cause death and can be relieved by itself. For acute illnesses that cannot be relieved, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment. For example: fingers suddenly become abnormally stiff, occasionally shaped like "chicken claws", lips are numb, unable to speak; disorder of consciousness, convulsions, syncope; cardiac arrhythmia, respiratory arrest, etc.

Source | Morning News Li Hongli synthesized from Sina Weibo, Youth Movie Reverse Douyin, Nanfang Daily, netizen comments, etc.

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Tags: entertainment