Image source: Visual China On the evening of July 1st, Li Yongxin, chairman of China Public Education (002607.SZ), made his first appearance in China Public Education’s strictly selected Douyin live broadcast room. He responded to issues such as refunds, as well as issues of conc

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Image source: Visual China On the evening of July 1st, Li Yongxin, chairman of China Public Education (002607.SZ), made his first appearance in China Public Education’s strictly selected Douyin live broadcast room. He responded to issues such as refunds, as well as issues of conc - Lujuba

Image source: Visual China

html On the evening of July 1st, Li Yongxin, chairman of China Public Education (, made his first appearance in the public broadcast room of Douyin. He responded to issues such as refunds, as well as college entrance examination application forms, civil service examination preparation and other issues that students are concerned about. question. During Li Yongxin's one-hour live broadcast, more than 9,000 people were online at the same time, with 1.22 million likes, breaking into the top 50 of the overall popularity list.

According to relevant sources from China Public Security Bureau, China Public Security Yanxuan live broadcast room has been mainly selling agricultural products since its establishment in February this year. This time, with Li Yongxin appearing in person, it was also the first time that Zhonggong Yanxuan tried to teach live. According to this person, it is not ruled out that the boss may become a personal IP in the future and become a famous teacher anchor, because he was a famous teacher in his early years and built up the business bit by bit.

Tianyancha information shows that Beijing Zhonggong Yanxuan Technology Co., Ltd. was established on January 16, 2024, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The business scope includes food sales, alcohol business, performance brokerage, tourism business, Internet sales, etc. In terms of ownership structure, Zhonggong Yanxuan is wholly-owned by Beijing Zhonggong Education Technology Co., Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhonggong Education.

However, in this live broadcast, Li Yongxin did not seem to be very willing to bring goods. He has been asking the broadcaster to give away millet, books, corn, etc. for free. The display window of Zhonggong's carefully selected products shows that there are currently 252 products, covering snacks and specialties, grains and oils, seasonings, brewed drinks, fresh food, books and magazines, etc. As of press time, Zhonggong has 11,000 carefully selected fans.

In the more than one hour live broadcast, Li Yongxin spent more time sharing his personal experience and company operating conditions than delivering goods. Li Yongxin said that although he personally does not want to be in the limelight and become an Internet celebrity, as long as it can make the development of CCCP Education good, "I am willing to do things even if I have never done it. I dare to do things that I did not dare to do before."

In the context of the new media era, live broadcasts by entrepreneurs in person have become a craze. In order to comply with this trend, China Public Education is also exploring this new communication path. As the founder of Offcn Education, Li Yongxin has stepped from behind the scenes to the stage and appeared in the Douyin live broadcast room of Offcn for the first time to shorten the distance with consumers, enhance the brand image, and use his own influence to endorse the brand.

When talking about refunds, Li Yongxin said he was deeply sorry that refund issues had arisen due to his own decisions and external environmental factors, such as industry policy adjustments and the epidemic. He said in the live broadcast that he would not avoid problems and actively solve them. "Give us some time and we will pay back every penny we owe students."

At the same time, Li Yongxin said that as a listed company, China Public Education has also done a solid job In business operations, we carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions of shareholders and investors, and rigorously study various measures. The management team is full of confidence in the future development of the company.

data shows that China Public Education’s latest performance has improved. It has reduced its net loss from 209 million yuan last year, a year-on-year loss of 80.98%, to a net profit of 82 million yuan in the first quarter of this year, a year-on-year increase of 240%. The amount of cash flow generated from operating activities was 145 million yuan, compared with -494 million yuan in the same period last year.

Li Yongxin also revealed in the live broadcast that it is now during the summer closed class period, and the branches in various places are currently in a very busy state, which is exactly the opposite of external rumors. China Public Education also revealed in a recent announcement that judging from the situation in April and May this year, the company's operations are in the process of steady improvement.

When asked about school selection advice for current college entrance examination graduates, Li Yongxin mentioned that first of all, they must have a clear understanding of themselves and have the courage to make decisions for their future. Personal active choices often influence the trajectory of life more than external factors.

When making a choice, Li Yongxin believes that in the long run, the cultural atmosphere and opportunities of the city may be more critical than the reputation of the school or the specific major. The city can provide a broader perspective and more opportunities, while the school affects your social network and resources. Although major is important, it is not a decisive factor.

Talking about the company's positioning, Li Yongxin said that China Public Education currently mainly serves the national strategy, that is, employment, so he especially hopes to make China Public Education an employment service organization.

He also mentioned that although the current employment situation is grim, it should be regarded as an opportunity rather than an obstacle.You need to have the courage to enter the workplace and even start a business. Extraordinary times require extraordinary courage, and whether you follow an unconventional path or go beyond conventional expectations, there may be a path to success. In addition, you must adjust your expectations, delay gratification, focus on personal growth and skill improvement, maintain a good attitude, enrich yourself, continue to make progress, and lay a solid foundation for the future.

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