On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly released the documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN" that they are currently cooperating with. The film is a key project of the Ministry of Fo

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On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly released the documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN" that they are currently cooperating with. The film is a key project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and is expected to be broadcast in October.

On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly released the documentary 'Dialogue with ASEAN' that they are currently cooperating with. The film is a key project of the Ministry of Fo - Lujuba

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and is also the Year of China-ASEAN People-to-People Exchanges. The Shanghai Radio and Television Documentary Center was commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Administration of Radio and Television to produce the large-scale documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN". This project has been included in the China-ASEAN List of projects for the Year of People-to-People Exchange. The documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN" focuses on the fruitful results of interconnection, win-win cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning between China and ASEAN countries in five major fields: society, economy, ecology, science and technology, and humanities. Use documentary imaging techniques to echo the "China-ASEAN Community of Shared Future Initiative" and show the beautiful vision of China and ASEAN member states to work together towards a future.

According to the statistics of "China Audiovisual Big Data", among the TV programs broadcast on the Star Channel last year, after TV series and news programs, documentaries ranked third in terms of broadcast time. At the same time, more and more short documentaries have begun to become popular with the help of the Internet.

Based on the new era, how should documentaries explore the contemporary significance of traditional Chinese culture; how to present a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China; how to keep up with the development of the times, actively embrace technological innovation, and use new narratives and voices to attract more people. multiple audiences; how to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, continue to launch high-quality co-production content, promote the international dissemination of Chinese stories and exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations... Excellent Chinese and foreign documentaries, industry experts, and institutional representatives gathered together to discuss the "New Era Documentary" The theme of the discussion was "Cultural Mission and Mutual Learning of Civilizations".

On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly released the documentary 'Dialogue with ASEAN' that they are currently cooperating with. The film is a key project of the Ministry of Fo - Lujuba

Gu Feng, full-time deputy director of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School Committee, said that Shanghai Jiao Tong University is an institution with a long history and profound cultural heritage. It has always had an academic tradition of integrating science and art, and is committed to promoting academic exchanges and cultural dissemination. In order to further promote academic exchanges and industry practice in the field of Chinese documentaries and create a theoretical research institution and practical application base integrating industry, academia and research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University announced the establishment of the Documentary Center.

In the future, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University will be based on the national key disciplines of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focusing on the four major directions of documentary creation, industrial research, talent training, and international exchanges, adhering to the concepts of Chinese aesthetics, Chinese style, and international perspective, and helping to build a documentary China Discourse system to tell China’s story to the world. In the future, the center will form partnerships with major documentary-related institutions to jointly create more major national projects with influence at home and abroad. The center will also make full use of the international communication resources and platform of Shanghai Jiao Tong University to strive to promote Chinese documentaries to participate in international cultural exchanges, make positive contributions to the prosperity and development of domestic documentaries and "going out", and enhance exchanges and mutual learning with the international community.

On June 27, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station and the Documentary Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly released the documentary 'Dialogue with ASEAN' that they are currently cooperating with. The film is a key project of the Ministry of Fo - Lujuba

Chen Yuren, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Culture, Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., proposed that the annual Shanghai TV Festival Documentary Forum not only brings together outstanding documentary works from all over the world, but also sets up an exchange showcase for documentary makers to learn from each other and expand A platform for cooperation. In recent years, the Documentary Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station has accumulated a rich cultural heritage of Shanghai and the spirit of Shanghai city, focusing on recording the new era, telling the stories of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation with integrity and innovation, concentrating on conveying the Chinese spirit and cultural confidence, creating and broadcasting It has produced a large number of documentary masterpieces that have aroused strong social repercussions and won numerous industry awards at home and abroad.

It is worth mentioning that the documentary "Dialogue with ASEAN" is academically supported by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. At the same time, this is another in-depth cooperation between the Shanghai Radio and Television Documentary Center and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Previously, relying on the profound academic foundation of the Tokyo Trial Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the international production capabilities and vision of the Documentary Center, the two parties have joined forces to create two critically acclaimed series, "Tokyo Trial" and "Asia-Pacific War Trial" Documentary work. This time, the two sides complement each other's strengths and will work together to make "Dialogue with ASEAN" another masterpiece.

Author: Wang Yan

Text: Wang Yan Picture: smg Photo editor: Xuan Jing Editor: Xing Xiaofang

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