On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the "2024 Online Movies

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htmlOn June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the "2024 Online Movies" was hosted by iQiyi and co-sponsored by Tencent Video and Youku Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Program" event was officially held at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. With the theme of "Youth Entrepreneurs Build Dreams, Create Art and Set sail", the event invites leading experts, organizer representatives, and film creators to discuss the high-quality development of online movies on the same stage, aiming to explore and incubate more high-quality content and cultivate new students. Strength has taken root and sprouted, accumulating new momentum for the high-quality development of the online film industry. The "2024 Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" will conduct project collection and review from June 24 to November 29, and 6 films will receive roadshow opportunities. For projects that eventually enter the road show, the platform will provide comprehensive support such as content creation, filming and production, and financial support.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Keeping integrity and innovating together for high-quality development of the industry, a new chapter

In recent years, under the policy guidance and strong support of the management department, the online film industry has insisted on keeping integrity and innovation, striving for progress while maintaining stability, focusing more on the main theme, and actively exploring new ways of high-quality development. Path has entered a new stage of "improving quality, reducing quantity, and intensive cultivation" and has become an important part of my country's "big audio-visual" industry. At the same time, the industry is also facing problems such as creative bottlenecks and narrow subject matter, lack of talent and uneven resources, and financing difficulties caused by diversion of funds and resources. In a moment full of opportunities and challenges, the "2024 Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" event came into being, adhering to the concept of "innovation, openness, cooperation, and win-win" to help more outstanding filmmakers and high-quality projects move towards a broader future. market.

Luo Yi, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, said in his welcome speech that this "Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" is a national online film venture capital event guided by the State Administration of Radio and Television. , will gather the resources and strength of the entire industry to inject fresh energy into the online film industry. The Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau will also use the "Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" as a starting point to cultivate high-quality online movies, and provide full-process tracking services such as planning guidance, script discussion, finished film review, publicity and promotion for key projects , and strive to guide the creation and broadcast of more outstanding works that are both ideological, artistic and innovative.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Luo Yi, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau

Zhang Pimin, chairman of the China Film Foundation, believes that online movies need to learn from the mature production experience and artistic expression of traditional movies, and constantly improve their own creative level and art value. On the other hand, traditional movies should also actively embrace the emerging format of online movies and use its flexible and diverse communication channels and broad audience base to expand their market space and influence. At the same time, online movies should pay close attention to the needs and changes of the audience, take the audience as the center, and create more excellent works that are in line with the spirit of the times and close to people's lives.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Zhang Pimin, Chairman of the China Film Foundation

Gao Changli, Director of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, pointed out in his speech that in the past ten years, online movies have experienced a complex development process, from extensive and barbaric growth to explosive growth of traffic to today's rapid development. Entering a new stage of improving quality, efficiency, and high-quality creation, many high-quality works have emerged. At the same time, the management regulations related to online movies are increasingly improving, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and provincial management departments are also constantly exploring support measures. The next step is to let online movies get out of their own "small circle" through open venture capital activities, give more young people a stage to show their talents, and use high-quality resources to attract high-quality talents to participate in the creation of online movies. We hope that all parties will work together to support, promote, and witness the prosperity and development of online movies.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Gao Changli, Director of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television

Wang Jiequn, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, said that as an important part of advanced socialist culture, online audiovisual has become a new front for literary and artistic creation in the new era, showing diversification and quality. A development trend of moving in the same direction and promoting each other.The future development of online movies requires joint efforts and joint efforts to create a "new engine" for online movies; self-confidence, integrity and innovation will rejuvenate the "source power" of online movies; cultivate talents, gather talents and wisdom, and jointly draw a "new engine" for online movies. blueprint". The "Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" was launched to gather industry talents, encourage creators to actively create, and cultivate development forces for the industry.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Wang Jiequn, Party Secretary and Director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau

In July 2022, iQiyi officially launched the "Youth Entrepreneurship·Film Plan", aiming to link the dual power of the platform and industry funds to support more film creators and promote more Excellent film works with potential are born. Now the "Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" has been upgraded to the "Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan", which will increase resources and financial support, and through the platform of the Venture Capital Conference, it will gather more resources and strength to provide more support for young filmmakers and help to provide audiences with more excellent online film works. Yang Xianghua, President of

iQiyi Film and Overseas Business Group, said that the successful holding of this event is of great significance, creating three "firsts" in the online film industry: for the first time, it is personally guided by the leading unit, and jointly organized by the three parent video platforms of iQiyi ; For the first time, the entire industry has used its efforts to select and support outstanding projects; for the first time, online movies have been openly exposed to the market, so that outstanding young creators can be noticed by more people, and the professional capabilities and unique charm of online movie practitioners can be demonstrated to the entire industry. "We know that only by continuously discovering and cultivating outstanding young talents and launching more innovative and artistic works can the online film industry develop healthily in the long term," he said.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Yang Xianghua, President of iQiyi Film and Overseas Business Group

Lu Yang, Senior Director of Tencent Online Video Movie Content Center, also shared that in the past three years, the entire industry has been actively exploring the "premiumization" of online movies, and the business model has also been actively explored. Pay-per-view model and promote online movies to go overseas. "We firmly believe that the core driving force for future development is still the innovation of content and the cultivation of talents. We look forward to the future of online movies to move into a more profound and broad era in terms of artistic exploration and expression of cultural values." He believes.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Lu Yang, Senior Director of Tencent Online Video Movie Content Center

Facing the current difficulties and challenges in the industry, Chen Guoqing, General Manager of Youku Movies, said frankly: "We need to return to high-quality content creation, be brave enough to break through tradition, and explore diversified genres and themes; we need to pay attention to training and support More young and outstanding creators can jointly develop high-quality works to provide fertile soil for the vigorous development of the industry; explore more possibilities for business cooperation, promote the healthy development of the industry chain, and achieve more win-win results under the guidance of the competent authorities and the three platforms. With the joint efforts of , we hope to support high-quality projects in the form of venture capital fairs and lead the industry to a new stage of vigorous development."

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Chen Guoqing, General Manager of Youku Movies

Cultivate new forces and build a bridge between creation and market

Actively guide and guide the competent authorities. Driven by the continuous innovation of video platforms and the dedicated creation of industry creators, the online film industry has continued to undergo changes and upgrades in the past ten years, with films such as "There's a Good Place in the Trees", "Blood in the Nameless River", " Super Hero Huang Jiguang" and " Defiant" emerging. ”, “Zero” and other high-quality works with multiple themes, which have achieved outstanding performance from word-of-mouth to box office. Since 2021, iQiyi has successively launched a cloud cinema model, released the "Youth Entrepreneurship Movie Plan", created the "Action Master Season" brand operation, and tested the line distribution, etc., and has taken many measures to actively explore the broader business of online movies. space.

The commercial space is fertile ground for industrial development, and good content is the foundation for industrial prosperity. It is also the common goal of film creators, industry partners, and movie audiences. At the event, iQiyi Vice President Song Jia officially introduced the relevant details of the "2024 Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan" and announced the jury lineup.Representatives of the preliminary review panel include: Zhang Qi, general manager of iQiyi Film Evaluation and R&D Center, Yao Ling, a self-made film producer of Tencent Online Video, and Hai Ning, a producer of Youku Online Film. The review panel includes: Ph.D., associate researcher, and master's degree in film creation. Mentor Yu Xiao, producer, producer, Chinese film marketing expert, chairman of Infinity Zhu Weijie, film critic, producer, documentary director Wei Junzi, producer, producer, founder and CEO of Yunshui Fangzhi Dong, Mainland Chinese director Jiang Xiaotong, iQiyi Vice President Song Jia, Tencent Online Video Movie Content Center Senior Director Lu Yang, and Youku Movie General Manager Chen Guoqing.

On June 24, under the guidance of the TV Drama Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, with the support of the China Film Foundation Online Film Special Fund and the Shanghai TV Festival, the '2024 Online Movies - Lujuba

Song Jia, vice president of iQiyi

This venture will comprehensively consider social value, drama writing ability, artistic style, commercial potential, etc., and select 12 films for re-evaluation. After screening by the re-evaluation judges, 6 films will be finally launched for the road show. . The organizing committee will provide roadshow projects with opportunities for the main creators to negotiate with judges and investors. iQiyi will also provide pre-roadshow guidance for 6 projects participating in the roadshow.

Yang Xianghua said that in this venture capital solicitation, regardless of project size and subject type, as long as it has innovation and market potential, full attention and consideration will be given to it. At the same time, projects are strictly screened and evaluated to ensure that every outstanding project can receive due recognition and support. For projects that eventually enter the road show, the platform will provide all-round support such as content creation, filming and production, and financial support to escort the project to completion, and actively seek more distribution channels to help increase the film's popularity and box office. On the day of

, four review judges participated in the forum "New Directions for Online Movies: A Two-way Road to Rebirth" and conducted in-depth discussions around topics such as the overall market dynamics of online movies, industry trends, future development directions of the industry, and the capital environment.

Talking about the future development trend of online movies, Yu Xiao, a doctor of film studies and a master's tutor at the China Film Art Research Center, said that as the scale of investment continues to increase and first-line filmmakers and actors continue to join, the quality of online movies has achieved remarkable results. In the future, I hope to see more innovative works with novel expressions, and more action, comedy, suspense and other online movie content will continue to emerge, combined with realism-themed creations to convey a deeper humanistic spirit.

Regarding the creation and diversified distribution models of online movies, Zhu Weijie, producer, producer, Chinese film marketing expert, and chairman of Infinite Freedom, believes that action movies and martial arts movies are the most popular types of Chinese-language movies among movie fans around the world. Previously, " Tianlong" Through a combination of domestic online distribution and overseas theater distribution, "Eight Parts of Qiao Feng's Legend " has received a warm response globally and has played a role in promoting Chinese martial arts culture and film culture overseas.

According to Haodong, the producer, producer, founder and CEO of Yunshui Fangzhi, online movie creators should make good judgments about the subject matter in advance. He suggested that creations should closely follow the commercial track, such as action and martial arts. In terms of genre, online movies have more advantages than theaters and dramas, but they need to be superimposed with crime, comedy, suspense and other elements for more innovative and complex expression.

Mainland Chinese director Jiang Xiaotong shared his creative experience. He said frankly that the online film industry gave him creative opportunities, and he also thanked iQiyi for its support to creators, which allowed him to adapt to the comedy genre when creating the movie "A Big Future" Make more breakthroughs and integrations. He also looks forward to seeing more venture capital projects in the future that have unique online content characteristics and achieve 20% innovation on the basis of traditional large-scale projects.

With the official launch of the "2024 Online Film Venture Capital Youth Entrepreneurship Plan", iQiyi will continue to pay attention to and cultivate new forces, let outstanding creations face the market, let high-quality projects go from the tip of the pen to the screen, and inject new vitality into the online film industry. Welcome the new year and start a new course.

Tags: entertainment