Recently, the animated film "City God" produced by Fosun Pictures, directed by Huang Jiakang, with Shu Huan serving as script producer, and co-produced by Huaguoshan Animation and Quark Media, released its first pilot poster. The magnificent painting style is high-energy, and it

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Recently, the animated film "City God" produced by Fosun Pictures, directed by Huang Jiakang, with Shu Huan as the script producer, and co-produced by Huaguoshan Animation and Quark Media, released its first pilot poster. The magnificent painting style and high energy are coming, and it is very Oriental aesthetic charm and imagination.

Recently, the animated film 'City God' produced by Fosun Pictures, directed by Huang Jiakang, with Shu Huan serving as script producer, and co-produced by Huaguoshan Animation and Quark Media, released its first pilot poster. The magnificent painting style is high-energy, and it  - Lujuba

A slight firefly ignites a scorching light, and the touching emotions inspire the power of hope.

The animated film "City God" tells the story of a god who has been forgotten by mortals, and meets a little girl who has lost her family. The two face many difficulties together, relying on each other. , in the end, in the process of getting along, they gradually understand the true meaning of love and protection, and achieve self-growth while achieving others.

The slogan at the top of the poster shows the spiritual core that the film wants to convey - "move forward, don't look back", do not indulge in past regrets, do not miss past glory, accept yourself, face separation, and have the courage to move forward. At present, the future is unknown, but there is always hope.

The pilot poster released this time is full of details. In the picture, a paper boat carrying a girl is churning among the waves of the sea of ​​clouds. When it seems that her life is hanging by a thread, a lantern is in front of her to guide the girl's direction. The lanterns were dimly lit, but they lit up the clouds and water all over the sky. Wherever the light reaches, it seems to be the heavenly palace in the divine realm where the City God serves, or the Yu Garden on earth where the City God's Temple is located. This sense of coexistence of "gods in the world" is exactly the theme setting for "City God" to start the IP series "The Will of Gods on Earth".

Fosun Pictures launches the "Human Gods" series The director of the "White Snake" series focuses on "human-tasting little gods"

"City God", as the first domestic original animated film with the theme of City God culture, has received praise from both the industry and outside since its preparation. It has received widespread attention. In addition to its unique subject matter and content, the film has also assembled a strong creative team to protect the quality of the film. Director Huang Jiakang has directed many well-known hit works such as " White Snake: The Origin of " and " White Snake 2: Green Snake Robbery ". He is currently the animation film director best at integrating traditional culture from a modern perspective. Huaguoshan Animation, as a well-known animation team in the industry, its studio has participated in the production of many film projects such as "White Snake 2 Green Snake Rises" and " Deep Sea ". Script producer Shu Huan, screenwriter's representative works include " Love Call Transfer ", "Thailand", "Hong Kong embarrassment", " Pancake Man " and many other popular classics. The strong alliance will definitely bring greater surprises to the audience. .

Fosun Pictures, as the film and television label of Fosun Film and Television Culture Group, is affiliated to Fosun Group. It has participated in the production of "Hello, Li Huanying", " Wins the Championship ", " Heroes of Fire ", " China Machine" "Long ", " Me and My Motherland ", " Taking Dad to Study Abroad ", "Holiday Warm Ocean", and many other high-quality and influential film and television works, Fosun Pictures has concentrated on the animation track , to launch a full industry chain operation of high-quality content + innovative technology + consumption scenarios around animated film IP, integrate the industry's top artist team, and create a new IP asset matrix while integrating oriental aesthetic elements.

As Fosun Pictures' first animated film with major investment and control, "City God" is the first film in the "Devils on Earth" series of films. Different from traditional animated films adapted from myths, "The Legend of the Gods" does not talk about the earth-shaking "legends of great gods" or the earth-shattering battles between humans and gods. Instead, it focuses on the "little gods" around us, and these have The little gods of human fireworks have been with us from generation to generation, which makes the story more resonant, more emotional, and more "human".

It is reported that in addition to the opening chapter "City God", the "The Chronicles of the Human Gods" series also includes "The Chronicles of the Human Gods: The Stove King", "The Chronicles of the Human Gods: The Medicine King", "The Chronicles of the Human Gods: The Dragon King", "The Chronicles of the Human Gods: The Kitchen King" High-quality animated films such as "Fu Lu Shou Xi" are under development and production and will be released to the audience one after another.

Traditional culture, innovative expression, building embankments with love and protecting with life, we look forward to the animated film "City God" meeting the audience as soon as possible!

Tags: entertainment