Text | Digital Force Field, Author | She Zongming In places where the word "Juan" is popular, Manner has always been abundant, and it is rare for fat people to come from the East. Manner made Pang Donglai look like a paradise on earth, and Pang Donglai made Manner look like a swe

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Text | Digital Force Field, Author | She Zongming

In places where the word "juan" is popular, manners have always been abundant, and fat people rarely come from the East. Manner makes Pang Donglai look like a paradise on earth, and Pang Donglai makes manner look like a sweatshop. The distance between

manner and Fat Donglai embodies the frustration and hope of too many migrant workers.

We all know that the service industry has always been a place where disputes are frequent, but it is also a hot search due to conflicts between store employees and customers. The hot search entries of Fat Donglai and manner have very different styles -

Fat Donglai is an "8-page report" Investigate disputes between customers and employees", "Set up grievance awards for employees: bonuses range from 500 yuan to 5,000 yuan", "Yu Donglai: (blindly) pleasing customers is unethical"...

manner is "manner coffee exposed two times a day "There are conflicts between shop assistants and customers", "Some employees said that they produced 500 cups of coffee in 8 hours", "Many old employees compare themselves to cows and horses"...

said these, not to praise Fat Donglai and disparage Manner. , both of them have their own industry situations, I just want to discuss, why can't manners live like fat donlai?


In the past two days, the Internet celebrity coffee brand manner has been on the hot search list because of two conflicts between store employees and customers - a female store employee angrily threw coffee powder at a female customer, and a male employee slapped a female customer.

appeared in the same city (Shanghai) and on the same day (June 17). It was also related to reminders and complaints, so the two cases can essentially be reduced to the same thing.

After the conflict, public opinion was as divided as ever: those who sympathized with customers criticized the store clerks for "why do they want to be in the service industry if they can't stand the grievances", while those who sympathized with the store clerks criticized the customers for saying "don't think I am justified in paying for it."

In reality, most people are both consumers and workers: watching customers being splashed with coffee powder and being slapped in the face may remind them of the unkind treatment they encountered as consumers; watching employees being rushed Being photographed or threatened may remind you of the time when you were a wage earner and was forced to collapse by your boss and Party A.

At present, most of the shop assistants are sympathetic: these days, the hardship of working as a worker is much harder than the hardship of cappuccino. When you buy a cappuccino, you often receive "Sir/Madam, please hold your coffee", while at work you often receive "If you can't do it well, don't do it."

From the perspective of the client, empathy based on role substitution obviously cannot distort the judgment based on basic facts.

People who empathize with customers should not think that complaining when you disagree or slapping someone in the face if you are unhappy is "legitimate protection of rights" - it is an illusion to misunderstand "not being unreasonable and not forgiving" as arguing for reason.

People who sympathize with shop assistants should not think that throwing coffee powder at customers and calling customers "old women" is a "happy grudge" - the output of violence also exceeds the scope of "appropriate".

But I watched the female clerk being scolded by the customer, "Why are you making noise? You didn't eat breakfast." Then she yelled, "I didn't eat this morning! I didn't eat!" and I watched the male clerk being photographed by the customer. You can hardly blame them for losing control of their emotions when you face the situation so that they can call the police and not slap their faces, just like you can't blame yourself for crying uncontrollably after being scolded by your boss and being rejected by Party A for the eighth time.

Adults always collapse in an instant. As long as they splash coffee powder instead of hot pot soup, and as long as they take a slap instead of a kitchen knife, people will always sympathize with their collapse instead of condemning their loss of control.

There is no way, everyone can always see their own shadow in such a sudden collapse.


If empathy for workers only extends to taking sides after a conflict occurs and cannot be translated into changes in one's own concepts, then this type of empathy is destined to be superficial.

thinks that "customers are God" while saying "the clerks are very pitiful", just like scolding capitalists for their evil deeds and lamenting that it is difficult to find a job. After all, it is a split.

In my opinion, "Customers are God" is indeed an important thing to say three hundred times in the 1990s when state-owned units were still teaching employees not to beat or scold customers. However, when a customer gives a negative review, the courier delivery service will be ignored. The fact that I worked in vain for a week no longer applies today.

Consumers and service providers are both human beings and should have human dignity. There is only a "purchasing service-providing service" relationship based on two-way equal respect, and there is no master-slave relationship.

But "the customer is God" implies a top-down perspective, distorting the relationship between the two into a master-servant structure, which can easily give consumers the illusion of superiority.

It is originally the duty of a delivery person to deliver food to the orderer, and it is a duty of love to help take out the garbage. However, under the thinking of "the customer is God", some people regard the duty of love as their duty: Won't you help me throw out the rubbish? I will complain to you.

That’s not to say that customers can’t ask store clerks to provide better services. It’s no problem if you want the store clerk’s service to be comparable to Haidilao, as long as you pay enough.

Haidilao’s nanny-style service is ultimately supported by high customer unit prices. It would be too much to ask for five-star western restaurant service when eating Salia.

In the two conflicts this time, the two customers who kept pushing for orders, one had to catch a flight and the other was afraid of being late for work, were most likely beating the workers. Although the appeal of "beating workers, why make it difficult to beat workers" is a moral issue of rights and obligations. change, but more empathy is not a bad thing.

Instead of complaining and slapping the clerk when he sees him unhappy, he lets all his thoughts stop in his heart and the two villains practice "-What are you looking at? -What do you think of you? -Look at you again? -Just give it a try" Fighting scenes may be a better approach - after all, as Sanbiao said: What if the female clerk splashed hot pot base instead of coffee powder?


Under the background that the public easily sympathizes with the nanny "Wang Ma" in the show, but dislikes the Internet celebrity Wang Ma who "oppresses and beats workers", Manner's dehumanized management will inevitably come under scrutiny.

Regarding this matter, it is hardly fair to say that manner instigated "the masses (customers) against the masses (clerks)", but it is not a problem at all to say that manner's unreasonable management model caused the conflict to be transferred to the end clerks and customers. . What is the biggest management problem of


The answer is: manner baristas often have to take on all the tasks of tallying, making coffee, ordering, and cleaning at the same time. This is equivalent to asking the chef to do the front desk, serving dishes, packaging, checkout, dishwashing and other tasks.

Many manner stores are "one member, one store". A manner barista revealed to the media, "Now manner will allocate manpower according to store performance. If the daily turnover is less than 5,000 yuan, only one person will be assigned to each store, and if the daily turnover is 6,000 yuan or more, two people will be assigned."

Text | Digital Force Field, Author | She Zongming In places where the word 'Juan' is popular, Manner has always been abundant, and it is rare for fat people to come from the East. Manner made Pang Donglai look like a paradise on earth, and Pang Donglai made Manner look like a swe - Lujuba

▲ Many manner baristas reported that they didn’t even have time to eat and had to run to the toilet.

As Mr. Furuhara said, there is an inherent conflict between clerks doing two different jobs at the same time - barista and waiter. The barista is responsible for making products according to the process and needs to be meticulous; the waiter is responsible for patiently communicating with customers, which requires enthusiasm, gentleness, empathy, patience and good communication skills.

In this way, the role of the clerk will inevitably be overloaded, and it is inevitable that he will be unable to do his job well.

What's more, compared with Ruixing's fully automatic machine, manner insists on using a semi-automatic coffee machine. The clerk has to make latte art by hand, which requires a greater workload.

Therefore, it has become normal for manner clerks to operate at full power and overload: According to media reports, manner’s working hours for baristas are usually from 7:00 in the morning to 22:00 in the evening. On social platforms, many manner baristas complained about the intensity of work If it is too large, "1,000 yuan from the perfect attendance bonus will be deducted from the market price if you are late", "I produce 500 cups of coffee within 8 hours", "many old employees compare themselves to cows and horses"...

Henry Ford said: "I want It’s a pair of hands. Why is there a whole person and a head?” Manner may also want “a pair of hands” instead of “a person”.


manner The two "troublesome" shop assistants at Manner Coffee seemed to have poor emotional management, but in fact they launched an invisible "life is precious" movement in a way that lost control of their emotions.

throwing coffee powder at customers and smashing their fists are just roundabout expressions of their cry: employees' lives matter.

But if you use this to lament that "the clerk is trapped in the system", summoning common "anti-capital" sentiments, and wishing to hang Manner's boss on a street lamp, this is another deviation in attribution.

can live a good life without scrolling, and manner may not need employees to work so hard.

But the reality is that you can’t live without fighting. With Luckin and Cudi forcing Starbucks into a corner and taking China's coffee industry to the sky, Manner didn't have much choice but to speed up and run forward.

Just as the takeout industry faces the "Impossible Triangle" of merchants who want to serve more orders, users who want to pick up meals early, and riders who want to have enough time to deliver their meals, the coffee industry also faces stores who want to serve more meals and save costs, and customers who want The impossible triangle of cost-effective and fast food delivery, the waiter wanting to get more money and being able to breathe. The more

the industry becomes, the more stores (platforms) will be inclined to protect and improve the rights and interests of customers (consumers).

Some manner baristas revealed to the media that the headquarters’ handling of customer complaints puts employees under pressure. “It will not speak for its partners (i.e. employees), but will blame them and will not find reasons for the customers, so there are In other words, as long as you keep complaining, you will always have free manner to drink. "

This is equivalent to "refund only" in the coffee industry, but the dilemma of manner is that it cannot combine "stationary consumption" like Pinduoduo. The concept of "controller" is based on allowing the overall revenue of the merchant to cover a small amount of losses caused by accidental injuries, and always makes employees pay the bill without compensation.

I quite agree with that sentence: Behind the injustice of the manner clerk is that many customers "take advantage". To paraphrase a popular sentence: How can you buy a cup of latte art coffee for 20 yuan? It’s just a shop assistant carrying the burden for customers. Of course the store also takes advantage, but customers taking advantage is a prerequisite for it to take advantage.

In the "impossible triangle", manner chose to sacrifice the weakest corner - employee rights and interests. Anyway, when the supply and demand situation in the labor market supports the situation of "fluid employees and iron-clad managers", there are always people applying for jobs, right?


manner's response strategy in a highly competitive landscape cannot be summarized by a simple "capital bloodlust".

But this does not mean that manner has no room for improvement in management.

manner Since he has chosen to minimize manpower for cost control reasons, he should not demand that store employees become "supermen", but should lower customers' expectations for meal delivery efficiency. The method given by

teacher Gu Yuan is to accurately prompt customers with the previous order number and waiting time, and allow customers to cancel orders at any time on their mobile phones. Even if

manner wants to "favor fans (customers)", it cannot deal with store employees indiscriminately whenever customers complain. Instead, it should establish a reasonable error screening mechanism and negative review appeal mechanism.

Over the years, the food delivery industry has also been criticized a lot for its strict fines for complaints. However, the food delivery platform has improved its response strategy by using a set of "estimated arrival time" algorithm rules, negative review exemptions and point deduction mechanisms.

is more worthy of reference from Fat Donglai: Since June last year, Fat Donglai has become popular for using an 8-page report to investigate the ins and outs of the incident after a conflict between customers and employees, and directly rewarding employees with 5,000 yuan after they were wronged. Search.

makes it clear that customers who suffer damage to their rights and interests can report through complaint channels, but cannot shout and accuse employees on the spot. It also uses reasonable rules to strike a balance between "extreme service" and "treating employees well."

What Yu Donglai said is respectable: "Forcing employees to please customers excessively is unethical", "Business is not just to serve customers, we like it ourselves, then create quality, and then present it to the society." .

Fat Donglai has indeed not expanded everywhere. The "3+3+3" profit distribution model (30% of the annual profit is used for social donations, 30% is used for the advance costs of the next year, and 30% is distributed to all according to level) employees) may not be copied by more companies. However, with employee salaries that are 2-3 times those of its peers and almost the best welfare benefits, Pandonglai has successfully completed the cycle of "strong cohesion - high service quality - good reputation - good business".

When many companies are pursuing faster, faster, faster, it seems that they can get some inspiration from Fat Donglai's situation of running business links while balancing respect for customers and store employees as much as possible.

At least manner had two conflicts between store employees and customers in one day, which sounded the alarm: unlimited pressure on employees may not be sustainable.


It is difficult to go up, but you may be able to "unroll". It is easy to go down, but you will often "roll deeper as you roll".

Fat East came up, maybe he didn’t run that fast, but he became the domestic “God of Supermarkets”.

manner went down, and the scale expanded very quickly, but it twisted the employees into a mess.

requires manner to become Fat Donglai, which may be demanding, but providing suitable soil for manner to move closer to Fat Donglai is something that society can do: this requires manner officials to treat their employees better, and it also requires customers to form a "good service need" "High price" cognitive chassis.

Many times, money is the fundamental issue. If you are willing to pay more, employees will suffer less injustice. There is an implicit relationship between the two.

At present, the situation we are facing is: the ideal is very fat, but the reality is very manly.

To shorten the distance between reality and ideals, in the short term it depends on the conscious awareness of the managers, and in the long term it depends on a more mature consumer environment and business ecology.

Otherwise, in terms of work atmosphere, we would only be worthy of being surrounded by manners, not more fat people.

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